Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Who runs out of gas!

That would be us, yep that's right we ran out of gas coming home from Lava Hot Springs. Brody was sleeping and we wanted to make it to Brigham City before stopping and getting gas so we wouldn't wake him up. Well little did we know we didn't judge quite well and we ran out of gas way sooner than we had expected. But we made an adventure out of it. It was nice to have our trailer so we could eat lunch, color and play inside. My parents stopped for lunch so they were about a half hour behind us. We'd like to think of it as being watched over because the next gas station wasn't for 10 more miles. We were grateful to them for saving the day by bringing us some gas. While we were waiting for them a truck pulled over with a trailer and they had a flat so that was a little entertainment.

As we continued our way home traffic slowed down and we could see flames up ahead on the shoulder of the freeway. A car was on fire and the firefighters were putting it out. But because of how windy it was the fire spread to the shoulder and was continuing down the freeway for about a mile or so. It was way neat to see but a little scary because it was so close by. We could feel the heat as we drove by. What an adventure. We love adventure. I'm so grateful that neither Adam or I look at those kind of situations and get upset, instead we embrace the adventure that comes out of it.
Well Lava was lots of fun, we try and go either once or every other year. We went down the river which was flowing incredibly fast. Many of us got a few bumps, bruises and scrapes but who cares that's not going to stop us. Brody went on the tube with Adam but until a part came that he and Adam almost tipped it scared him so he got off and I took him back to camp with Nanny and the other kids. Then we continued for some more rides down the river. We went to the big pool and played for awhile until we had to go home. We also went to the hot pots, love that place it's so relaxing. Despite the very hot pools the kids loved it. All four of the kids were sick at one time which was kind of a bummer but we made it through and none of the adults got sick.

Poppy getting the fishing poles ready to go fishing with Taya and Brody. Brody was so excited to go fishing it didn't stop talking about it the whole time.


Our friends Ryan and Melissa invited our family to go to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving point with them. Makenna couldn't stop running around she was so excited to see everything, funny girl. My boys were also loving every minute of it as well. Cooper especially loved the sand to play in and dig for bones. We had a great time and are grateful they invited us.