Thursday, July 30, 2009

Freemont Lake

Here's to another year at Freemont Lake. I can't believe I have gone for six years now with Adam's family. What a fun time we have. There's always new adventures. This year surfing was the big hit. I think just about everyone tried surfing and succeeded, even the grandma's! Brody loves being outside so he was a happy little boy the whole time and he had so much fun playing with the big kids of which also took such good care of him. It was quite a challenge having two kids this year but I'm so grateful to Adam that we are a team and are so willing to work together. We each took turns playing on the boats so we could both have our own turns. I participated in tube wars. There were two tubes and a water weenie involved and 11 people, those that got knocked off or fell off were picked up by Grandpa Ron. We had a blast! It's so nice camping with Adam's family because each family takes a turn cooking for one whole day. So I cook one day out of eight and the rest of the days I have no worries about cooking. Everyone does such yummy food. What a fun year we had, I can't believe it's already over. Time flies when you're having fun!

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Lava Hot Springs

My dad's side of the family came down to visit from Washington so we decided to head on up to Lava Hot Springs to do a little camping. We had a great time and it was nice to catch up, we don't see them very often since everyone now has kids and their own busy lives so it was lots of fun to see them. We went to the hot pools, river rafting (which Brody went with Adam on the tube and he loved it), and to the big swimming pool. Here's just a few pictures of our trip.

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