Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "drugs".
500 matches:
- 420clit - 420 Clit
- 4days - The Words of Hate
- _dare - DARE... to think for yourself
- _everything_ - The World
- _fucked - im SO fucked
- _ljexposed_ - livejournal: exposed
- a_girls_freedom - We like those drugs, Girls, & Boys
- abfab - AbFab
- addictsoflj - The Addicted Community
- addmealso - make more LJ friends!
- adelaidpubcrawl - Drunken Sailor
- advice4teens - Advice 4 Teens Community
- advice_chic - Does Your Life Suck?
- advocatechoice - Free to Choose
- after_party - The After
- agitprop - society's whores
- alanon - Families/Friends of Addicts
- alief_tx - alief, tx
- all_nite_diner - Modest Mouse
- aloha_dough - conspicuous consumers united
- alternateen - impishness
- always_intense - Intensity Central
- amygdala_inc - Culture of Fear
- ana_babies - Ana_Babies- For those who suffer with an ED
- anarchybitch - The Glitter Slut
- and_a_twist - ...and so it didn't go quite as planned
- andrea_marr - Girl
- angstrevolution - The Angst Revolution
- anthropologist - Anthropologist's Community
- anti_label - DNT PUT LABELS ON US
- anti_manson - Anti Marilyn Manson
- anti_quiz - freedomx
- antichrist_coma - Antichrist_Coma
- anyotherworld - Bleed away your problems
- apessimisticpil - a means of an end
- aquitter - quitters like us
- arda_nut_house - Insane Asylum of Arda
- argh - i have something to say!
- arthousers - Arthouser
- artificialjoy - I want a new reason to live
- artordata - art or data
- askdrbilliam - Dr. Bill Williams
- atheists - non-believer
- aussie_doofers - Aussie Doofers
- badmoviegirl - My Random Articles
- baltimore_raves - Baltimore Raves
- band_aids - Band Aids
- band_promo - Band Promotion
- batemen - batemanbabies
- beautyschool - Beauty School Drop Outs
- bergencounty - cool bergen county people unite
- bipolar_bitches - bipolar bitches
- bleeding_fae - Broken Facade
- bloodandtears - drowning in sorrow
- blunt_razors - Ex Cutters
- boldandbeautifu - Bold and the Beautiful fans unite and discuss!!!
- boring_people - Anybody & Me
- bowdown_to_kevn - kevn worship
- boxheads - Boxy Brilliance
- brave - brisbane ravers
- brgovrtrubldwtr - Bridge Over Troubled Water
- brokensouls - sunshine, flowers and everything that sucks
- browlessbitches - Browless_Bitches
- brutal_honesty - tell me your secrets
- bruthaz - the Bruthaz
- burningfield - The Burning Fields
- burnt_spoons - An American Junkie
- c18h25no - Plateau Sigma
- calavenus - Micronation For The Mad
- camdencollege - The Rules of Attraction Community
- candydancer - candydancer kids
- cannibal_is_me - Aspiring serial killers/cannibals
- casadecesspool - Casa De Cesspool
- chapterfiftyone - Self-Destruction Blues
- chelsea_girls - The Femme Fatale's
- chemicalwhores - chemical whores
- chocolate_penis - Krissy
- christianef - Christiane
- cielo_drive - Roman, Sharon, Charlie & The Supernatural Collide
- claim_an_item - Claim An Item
- clean_n_sober - Clean and Sober
- colac_gossip - The Colac Community
- coldarmy - COLD ARMY/HEATHER
- courtneyandhole - Courtney Love and Hole
- crackhaussanta - Sucking For Jesus
- crazyangels - CrazyAngels
- crazytown - "We live within the Friction of Life"
- criminalmind - Criminal Minds // Serial Killers & Mass Murders!
- crooked_edge - cSe
- croomies - Crooms People
- cuts_of_pain - Cut
- cyberpunkrpg - Liverpool2050
- cynicalbastards - Cynical Bastards
- d12_fans - D12 Fans
- d_o_c - Drug_Of_Choice
- dalnetpunk - filipe is too emo for me (just playin dogg, wordy
- damngirl - The Damn Girl
- dancesafe - DanceSafe Lackies
- dark_freaks - Dark Freaks Mag
- daysdream - daydreamer
- dead_in_fred - Dead In Fred
- deadby28 - The Official LiveJournal of Dead by 28
- deadwhore_cult - Kill Yourself
- deardlish - Advice for the forlorn, confused, and open-minded
- dearly_departed - Mourning For Loved Ones Lost
- denisleary - Doctor Denis Leary's Lesion of Assholes
- depravity - Stories of Wild Depravity
- depression - Livejournal Depression
- depressionsux - Help 4 You
- die_jo_die - The I hate Jo club
- dirtyhippie420 - {diRty HipPie// v1.0}
- dirtyrockstars - Dirty RockStars
- discord_society - The Society for Constructive Discordianism
- dope_show - speedin' demons
- drug_experience - Are You Experienced?
- drugpolicy - Drug Policy Reform
- drugusers - People Who Use Drugs
- drugwar - the Drug War Discussion community
- drugwarhysteria - Drug War Hysteria
- dysinformation - dysinformation
- eastvan - The East Vancouver Commune
- editorials - Writer
- electric_bitch - Electric Bitch Inc
- emergency - ER
- ensuing_chaos - ensuing chaos
- envision - minds & the alternatives of Rx
- erase_stigma - For Erasing the Stigma of Mental Illness
- espionagemud - Espionage MUD
- euphorik - Easily and Elegantly Tear my World Apart
- evil_hoez_unite - we so evil
- explo_film - Exploitation Films
- eyeswidestoned - Safe Haven
- fadetoblackslj - Mikey's forgotten children
- fake_ideez - All things Fake ID related 4 Playaz Bitches 'n Hos
- fetishconfess - Welcome To Your Fetish Confession
- fiar - The Fuck It All Revolution
- fishmongers - Mongarar of Fish
- fofa - Fucked-Over Fuck-ups Annonymus
- fooligans - motherfucker
- freak_power - hunter s. thompson for president
- freakette_land - FreaKette LanD
- freakyfatchicks - Freaky Fat Chicks
- free_talk - Talk About Anything
- freedomfighters - Freedom Fighters
- freestate - Free State Project
- fuck_california - California Sucks!
- funky_stories - the funky faery
- funn4u - FuNN 4 U
- fyg - The NeoBitches Forum
- gang_wars - Gang-Wars
- geeks_r_us - GEEKS-R-US
- generation - Generation Magazine
- german_cutter - Deutsche Cutter
- ggskids - GG's Kids
- giacarangifans - Gia Carangi Fans
- glamalicious - glamFUCKINrock
- glassishalffool - glassishalffool
- glitterwhores - *G*L*I*T*T*E*R*W*H*O*R*E*S*
- gnomethief - gnome thief
- godbuymeabenz - Janis Joplin
- gothicgeek - gothicgeek
- gothicgrrrls - Gothic Grrrls
- gothichippie - Peace and Darkness on Earth
- gotterdammerung - Götterdämmerung
- group_marriage - Purple Jesus
- grownups - Grownup
- grrlsroom - Grrls Room!
- grubbin - <<<Drug Stories>>>
- guerillanews - Guerilla News Group
- gurlirawk - The Devils Little Messangers
- hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
- happybudz - HappyBudz
- hayfield - Hayfield Secondary School
- healing_hearts - Hearts and Minds that are healing
- helpmesaveme - Mr. Helper
- heroinrehab - rehab is supercool
- highlandertales - Highlander Tales
- hippies4u - Free spirits
- hippiethreads - hippie threads.
- hobart_people - ?h? b???d p??pl? ?? h?b???
- homeless_jim - Jim
- hoon_lovers - Shannon Rocks Our Socks
- horror_claims - claim a horror film/horror film character
- hotternewbs - The Parry Hotter Newbie
- howdoi - How do I ...?
- humoursection - the humour(tm) section
- hypochondriacs - hypochondriacs
- iconoclasmatic - we give good data
- ilovememri4ever - Worship Memri
- in_a_dream - In A Dream
- in_da_club - 50 Cent
- infinityproject - The Infinity Project (A Species' Compendium)
- insub - sup. hi. sup. sup. sup. hi. sup.
- its_so_big - big hair. bigger ego.
- ivenever - I've Never...
- j_r_a - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Community
- janisjoplin - Janis Joplin Fans
- jbh - Jack's Broken Heart
- jim_morrison - Jim Morrison
- jimspartyhouse - Jim's Party House
- jordice - Jordice
- juicebyyou - Requiem for a Dream
- kandeee - i want to eat your cancer
- katytrip - Adam and Katy's Minnesota Trip
- killmedarling - its not the end
- kingpin_cadenas - Kingpin on NBC
- kiss_n_diss - behindtheglam
- kissmysugarlips - Danger Kids!
- kmk_fans - Kings and Queens who are down with the krown!
- ktown - Kenora
- ladiesoflorien - The Galadriels
- lain_fans - experience the wired.
- lara_is_pretty - lara lover
- lasciviolent - :llusion
- lasvegas - Las Vegas Community
- lazy_punk - Lazy punk - A community for anyone with an opinion
- lesbianation - lesbianation
- lesser_circle - A bunch of losers
- liberal_minds - Liberal_minds
- lipstickparty - lipstickparty
- ljconfessional2 - fucking shut up and die you fucking lame scumfucks
- ljdreams - lj nightmares and dreamscapes
- ljprayerteam - Prayer for LJ Members
- lordoftheragu - One Sauce to Rule them All
- lost_loved_ones - To help deal with the pain of being left behind
- lost_souls_play - Lost Souls
- lostkidz - life support
- lunacon - Lunacon
- lyricollective - VPL - visible poetic licence
- maiar - The Maiar
- marlasingers - marla singer and other crazy wimmin
- megahalspeaks - MegaHal SPEAKS!
- melancholy_rose - Brian+Michael Shippers
- mescaline - the doors of perception
- micarulez - CrAZYBAbY
- midnite_faeries - ::star lust::
- mindcrimers - Nicky and Mary
- mindexpansion - Mind Expansion
- miserystitches - everyone
- monkeyhaus - MonkeyHaus
- morbid_michigan - Outsiders
- mugshots - Mugshots
- munkalites - Munky Fans
- naturalliving - Natural Living
- nc_ravers - ~North Carolina Ravers~
- nederland - nederland on lj!
- netherlands - The Netherlands
- never_land - We Are Societies Black Sheep
- newdeity - experimentalism as a medium for change
- newpaltzjunkies - We Love New Paltz!!!
- newyorkdolls - Life in New York
- nickvalensi - The Official Nick Valensi Fan Club
- ninchat - #en.nin
- noodlejesus - Noodle Jesus
- notimpressed - I am NOT impressed
- notveryedge - i am NOT sXe
- nyc_alternative - NYC's Alternative Hangout
- nyc_ravers - ..East..Coast..Ravers..
- oa515 - Oasis Lives Forever!
- occult_uk - UK Occultism
- om_bodhi - Consciousness, Awakening, Rebirth
- one_or_ten - see you auntie
- onlyinmyhead - Only In My Head
- onthebus - are you on the bus?
- opiate_use - papaver somniferum
- osamabendrinkin - a Community Where Nothing Is Safe From Our Humor
- painfulsecrets - Creative Self Injurers
- paintbynumbers - pAInt yOUr sElf EstEEm by nUmbErs
- pale_reflection - Pale Reflection
- parryhotter - The Twisted Harry Potter Fan
- party_train - The Party Train
- patdunn - We love Pat Dunn
- pcj - Pop Culture Junkie
- pdm - Paradigm
- pdxtwentiesonly - Portland Twenty-Somethings
- peopleofthesun - People.Of.The.Sun
- perfumed_garden - The Perfumed Garden
- phreakers - The Phucking Phreaking Community
- phreaking - Phreaking Community
- picturepeople - Nothing Clever Is Coming Out Right Now. Sorry.
- pill_landfill - the happypill landfill.
- pink_as_sin - Jackie Susann
- pinkolives - pink olives
- pissjacket - PissJacket
- pkbw - Puppy Kicking for a Better World
- poetry_orgy - Poetry Orgy
- poisongurrls - Midnight Beauty
- politicalmusic - music to change the world
- popsluts - Pop Sluts
- porcelain_child - sunt lacrimae rerum
- pornstarposers - Pornstars
- postit420 - This, that and the other
- pot_heads - Mary Jane
- pound_seattle - #seattle
- pplwitprobs - Vent Problems Here
- prescriptions - Prescription Drugs Info
- pretty_days - Just for those pretty days
- pro_smack - A Society For Those Who Are Pro-Junkie
- prodeath - Choose Death
- prostitutes - You have to pay to play.....
- prozac_nation - Prozac Nation : Young and Depressed in America
- psychonaut - psychonaut community
- punker_thanthou - punkass bitches
- punks_of_co - Punx Of CO
- punksters - RaViNg PuNks
- pure_addiction - fetish.factory
- queerasfolkfans - Queer as Folk Fans: LJ's 1st QaF Fan Club
- random_lunacy - The Random Lunatic's Society
- rantrave - Constructive Discussion
- rave_wonderland - come trade VINYL, CLOTHES, TABLES, ANYTHING!
- razordoll - Symbiotica
- razorpunks - razor punks
- razortag - *Your pain is our pain*
- reading2003 - Reading Festival 2003
- rebels_yell - Rebel
- recursion - recursion
- rentboys - The Rent Boys
- ricemaster - The Rice Chronicles
- rivet_grrl - Rivet Grrl International
- rockbottom - It always can get worse. Just look at these people
- rocknrollanimal - the lou reed community
- rockstarpoints - You Win!
- rockstarsonly - Rockstars only
- romper_room - Dylan's House of Joy
- rrsupprtgroup - Robby's Support Group
- ru_dj - DJ's and music
- ru_drugs - Изменение сознания
- rustywrists - *~heroine~*
- sads - 21st Century NIGHTMARE
- salon - Salon
- sataniclesbians - The Satanic Lesbians of America (and the rest of t
- scar_myself - scar_myself
- schizosrus - schizo
- screw_you - ~We hate groupies~
- scumberland - The filth known as Cumberland County, NJ
- sdeepthoughts - SDeepThoughts
- seattle420 - Seattle_420
- sept11truth - Cutting through the propaganda...
- serialain - Serial Experiments Lain
- severed_stars - Blame the Stars
- sex_chemistry - sex is on the mind ....
- sexanddrugs - Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n Roll
- sf420 - San Francisco 420
- sfl_art - South Florida Art
- shattered_stars - Shattered Stars
- shatteredminds - Shattered minds
- sickly_star - // sickly_star
- sid__vicious - Sid Vicious Community
- silent_torture - Becasue you suffer...
- silver_soph - sophie
- slaytanic - slaytanic wermacht
- so_cal420 - Avid Smokers
- soapbotx - Soapbox
- sobriety - Sobriety
- societysucks - society sucks
- sourasthetouch - //~ sOuR aS the tOuCh ~\\
- south_fl_ravers - South FL Ravers
- southasians - LJ's Official South Asian Community
- spiralpauper - Poor and Mentally Ill
- spiritoflife - Children of the New Sun Enclave and Collective
- stabmyback - Fucked Up Thoughts
- starf_ckers_inc - Starfuckers Incorporated
- startingarvists - A Collective Individuality
- stigmata - room of the blue light
- stoners - Stoner-outlet
- stopain - stop pain
- straight__edge - Drugs are good
- straightedgesux - Straight Edge Sux
- stranded_in_mo - The *Interesting* Missouri Community
- suicide_support - Suicidal support
- suicidesupport - Suicide Support
- superpunx - superpunx
- sxdrgsrocknroll - Nunya Business
- takemetoheaven - Brian & Justin Shippers
- talkwaytoomuch - We Talk Way Too Much
- tellitall - Tell It All
- tempest_00 - azura
- temple_u_goth - Temple University Goth
- tenn_crew - Millington Boys REPRESENT
- the_advicebitch - The Advice Bitch- Helping People Since 2002
- the_gtos - miss pamela and her wacky gto's
- the_institution - A Refuge For The Mentally ILL
- the_living - suicide underground
- the_muse - The_Muse
- the_opinionated - Insert rants, opinions, essays, and poems, here!
- the_photos - ♥
- the_scars - The Scars
- the_white_scarf - The White Scarf
- thebeatles - John, Paul, George, and Ringo
- thebroken - Broken and Bleeding
- thebus - Forever Grateful
- thefactory - the factory {art as religion. revolution.}
- thegoldfarbs - requiem for a dream
- thelostgirls - The Lost Girls
- theoxbow - trouble that will trouble the world
- theprozacnation - Lit'l Miss Moderator
- thesiters - TheSite
- thetragic - The Tragic
- thingswehate - Things we hate
- think4yourself - Think For Yourself
- thorntonetc - All The Thornton/NOVA Freakshows
- thugz_life - Many Thugz Journey
- top5lists - Top Fives
- totallyfucked - Totally Fucked
- toxicpsychiatry - toxic psychiatry
- trainspotters - Trainspotting
- transpauper - Poor and Transgender or Genderqueer
- trip_hop - land of trip hop
- tripbook - the oatmeal man
- trippers - trippers
- tripreport - Trip Report Writers Community
- tripshanachie - CassiereDelleStoria
- true_insomniacs - True Insomniacs
- underinfluencez - life under influencez :: LUI ::
- unemo - the dead genre obituary
- unsentemails - I Bet *you* never knew this Email was for you.
- unsober_posts - Fuckered Up
- urbrainondrugs - Drunk on Drugs, Drugged on Drunk
- va_ravers - *party k i d s
- vegas_core - la vega bay bee
- views - Your Views
- violentdolls - Homicidal Tendencies?
- violentintrigue - Violent Intrigues
- vulgaria - Vulgaria
- waco - Waco LiveJournal Community
- wearehated - High Tech for Low Lives
- whatisthis - don't get mad at me
- wheres_osama - Where's Osama Bin Laden???
- whiteriot - The Clash Community
- whorage - Whats your whorage??
- wild_kingdom - Wild Kingdom
- writers_in_dark - the creative-depression community
- yellow_toilets - Slimelight Yellow Toilets
- yourdarkhalf - Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
- yoursougly - Brat
- yourstory - 2KnowMe
Interested users
The following users are interested in drugs. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: