Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "computers".
421 matches:
- 133t_freaks - L33T FREAKS: Lord of Mulitplayer Boards
- 149457 - The Affiliation
- 31337geek - This is Your Computer
- 3d_gaming - HardCore Gaming
- 411_y0u12_b453 - What You Say?!!
- 6xxxlooserxxx6 - I'm a dork, how about you?
- _egoist_ - Клуб истинных эгоистов
- _machina_ - [Industrial] [Nation]
- _paparoach_ - Papa Roach
- a_game_of_you - Dream Country
- absenttalk - No School Chat community!!!
- acadtech - Academic Technology
- ackeraddicts - Fred
- add_me - meet a new friend
- addicts - LiveJournal Addicts
- advice_center - The Neopian Hair Salons' Advice Center
- alicia1987 - AliciA
- alienism - Spacegirls and Spaceboys
- all_avatars - all_avatars
- aloha_dough - conspicuous consumers united
- altparent - The Alternative Parenting Community
- amishchicken - AmishRubber Chicken
- amused_amigos - ? Amused Amigos ?
- angelfemme81 - Angelikà K
- angelicrealm - The Realm of Angels
- animecity - Anime City Community
- ansiblemoo - AnsibleMOO Players
- aol_im - AOL Instant Messenger
- applescript - applescript
- appleworld - A Macintosh Planet in the LiveJournal Galaxy
- arbys - Arby's
- argh - i have something to say!
- articulatedorks - Articulate Dorks
- artordata - art or data
- ask_manda - The Illustrious Advice Guru
- assgrabbers - Assgrabbers of The World
- athenshs - Athens High School
- avalon_readers - Avalon: The Webcomic Readers' Community
- b0red - Are you b0red? We are too, so join us! =P
- babiesrus2001 - MamaBear
- ballstate - BSU kids
- band_promo - Band Promotion
- bangalore - Bangalore LiveJournal Community
- beautyawards - charmer
- bellevue_people - Residents of East King County
- benews - BeNews
- beosirc - The #BeOS IRC Community
- bfbc - B.F.B.C.
- biker_garage - Bikez
- billsbdayharem - Bill's Birthday!
- bingers - SUNY Bing kids
- blackangelx - The Fat Lady Sang
- blackfolk - Blackfolk
- blingage - Blingage
- blueribbon - Blue Ribbon Campaign
- blumchen - The Lyrical Jesus
- boob_art - hooray for art and boobies
- bootsandbraces - Another Community About Everything!
- boredpeople - Bored People
- borntobe - Born to be a fan of __
- boymagician - Boy Magician
- breaksjunkies - Breaks for your Face
- broken_mind - Life never did come with a guarantee
- brokensouls - sunshine, flowers and everything that sucks
- burn_maryjane - serenitys angel
- burningfield - The Burning Fields
- cafedoom - "It's Always the End of the World"
- cambium - pretending to be artists is so liberating
- candiceandclare - Candice and Clare rock our socks!
- cartoondollz - Cartoon Dollz
- casemod - Case Modification Community
- certification - Roger Levelle's Certification Community
- channel_8 - a raver can retire, but you're always a netgeek
- chaoticmux - Chaotic MUX
- chatterboxes - Chat All Day, Chat All Night
- chickland - Chick Land
- chobitsu - Chobits
- circlejerk - Circle Jerk
- city_of_forever - City of Forever
- coders_haven - 01101001
- coffee_and_art - Coffee and Art
- coffeegroup - Eta Beta Pi
- coffeekids - coffeekids
- cogsci - Cognitive Science
- comango_memos - comango
- commentwhores - Comment Whores
- compgeekz - Computer Geekz
- computerauction - A Commodore Computer Auction
- computerfetish - computer fetishists
- computergeeks - Computer Geeks
- computerjunkies - Computer Junkies
- computertalk - Computer Talk
- con_central - Fantasy/Sci-Fi Convention Central
- cpp - The C++ Community
- crafty_spice - LiveJournal ''Crafts''
- crazboutcha - Crazy bout Iconz
- crazy_trip - Johnny & Michelle
- creative_genius - Creative Genius
- creative_minds - [Creative Minds]
- crinos_pit - Big Crinos
- cyberlounge - cyber lounge
- d0rk5 - d0rk, n3rd, 10s3r
- d0rkgirl - D 0 R K G i R L
- da_cult_of_fox - The Cult of Fox McCloud
- dalnetpunk - filipe is too emo for me (just playin dogg, wordy
- dealerkids - Dealerkids
- deedlebug - Deedlebug
- delegatepants - The Delegation of Pants
- digital_tears - anemic&sweet
- digitalblue - Blue Online Support Group
- divx - DivX Community
- doll_makers - LJ Doll Makers
- dolladdiction - *computer doll addiction club*
- dorks_united - King Dork
- douglass - Douglass Hall
- dragoncon - DragonCon
- dramadorks - Drama Dorks
- dramafreedykes - Drama Free Dykes
- dreamforme - Dare To Dream
- dumpsterdiving - dumpster diving
- eastvan - The East Vancouver Commune
- ebmusic - Electric Body Music
- edgewoodfriends - Edgewood Friends
- edoolittle - / / chocolates: for me to eat \ \
- electronicparts - showing your electric bits
- electronics - Roger Levelle's Electronics Community
- emersoncollege - Emerson College
- emo101 - emo101
- emo_sob_stories - emo_sob_stories
- enterthetomato - Edward & Ein Fan Community
- epinions - Epinions
- esoterotica - esoterotica
- evil_techs - Bastard Operator From Hell
- evilbastards - evil bastards
- evilgeniuses - Evil Geniuses
- evilwickedsilly - EvilWickedSilly
- faceblind - Face-Blindness (Prosopagnosia)
- fakers - Fake Usernames
- fanart - Fan Art
- fansof24 - A 24 fan journal
- fantasm - Fantasm
- fantasy_lives - Fantasy_Lives
- fantasy_scifi - Fantasy and Sci Fi Art
- farkers -
- fathom - Community
- firmware_3l337 - embedded geeks
- fla - Clan Furry Little Animals
- flraves - fl-ravers unite
- fofa - Fucked-Over Fuck-ups Annonymus
- fom - friends of macheïde
- fortheboys - for the boys
- foxxiscommunity - The Foxxis
- friendcommunity - Melli
- fuelcan_diaries - Dementia in the key of F minor
- fuelcoffee - Fuel
- fullsail - Full Sail
- g0ssip - let's talk turkey
- ga_group - Blood Dolls news journal
- gagang - GothicAuctions GANG
- gamedog00 - gamedog00
- gamers - LiveJournal Gamers
- gamersanon - Gamers Anonymous
- gaming_pleasure - Video Game Community
- gardenofwhores - I think to Much
- garfield_hs - Garfield High School
- garnettbeard - Garnett Beard
- gayandstraight - Gay And Straight Community For All
- gaygeeks - Gay Geeks of the World Unite!
- gaysubstance - Gay Substance
- geekadelaide - Geek Adelaide
- geekchiks - Geek Chiks
- geekclique - i'm not a loser, i just don't like you.
- geekgirlz - We the She Geeks
- geeklets - Geeklets
- geeks - Geeks
- geekscience - Science Fiction Come to Life
- geeksunite - geeks unite!
- geekyboys - geek chic
- geezers - Geezers
- genevacollege - We can dance if we want to!
- girlgeeks - Girl Geeks Rule!
- girlskickass - All American Gurl
- glowingscreens - People who spend too much time with their computer
- godddessofdeath - Megan Riffey
- goggles - goggles
- googlewhack - The Googlewhacker's Community
- gothcafe - #gothcafe
- gothic_lansing - gothic_lansing
- gothicfarmers - Gothic Farmers
- gothictrance - Social Outcast's
- gotroot - curiosity in motion
- gpf_web_comic - General Protection Fault Fans
- graphic_whores - Image Whores
- graphix - Graphix
- greggys_ass - it all comes down to greggy
- grrlskissgrrls - grrlz <3 grrlz <3 grrlz
- guide - Guide
- hayfield - Hayfield Secondary School
- helpmesaveme - Mr. Helper
- herbquete - herbquete
- horatioc - Horatio and the Cunning Linguists
- hose_heads - Hose Heads
- house_of_clocks - House of Clocks
- howdoi - How do I ...?
- html - HTML
- htmlhelp - HTML Help
- huntinourbeach - HB Crew
- i_think - Synapse
- ibscrewed - IB Screwed
- icecream_lunch - Ice Cream for Lunch
- iconoclasmatic - we give good data
- idiotsatwork - IdiotsAtWork
- iheartmygeek - <3 Geek <3
- ilovetechno - i love techno
- indoorwhore - Indoor exhibitionists
- inkrowd - InKrowd
- its_all_gravy - x. its all gravy .x
- iwearblack - I wear black
- iwish - I Wish
- java_dev - Java developers
- jerikavslance - jerika vs lance
- joeshouse - Joe's House
- jonfans - people who love jon and are also evil
- journals_ltd - The live journal reviewers commitee
- just_connected - The Connected Community
- karl_rock - The Karl
- keeg - geek
- kellyism - For those who worship Lly
- knobgeeks - Knob Geeks
- koalachic01 - Lex
- kult_members - Kommunity: Kult
- lain_fans - experience the wired.
- lanwar - lanwar
- larp_dot_com - LARP.COM - A hosting service for anyone...
- lee_county - The People of Lee County, Virginia
- leeches - Axis of Somewhat Evil
- lesbiangeeks - Lesbians can be geeks too!!
- letsplaypretend - RPG world
- lhs - Lomira High School
- lillieanna16 - Lillie
- link_o_rama - CLICK THOSE DAMN LINKS!
- lj2600 - Live Journal 2600 Collective
- ljchicago - Chicago LJ'ers
- ljev - LJ #ev
- ljgeeks - The Geeks and Freaks of LJ
- ljrandomness - A community about random stuff
- lonegunmen - Lone Gunmen Addicts
- los_angeles - Los Angeles Social Club
- lunacon - Lunacon
- macintosh - Mac Users
- macosx - Mac OS X
- mad_scientist - Mad_Scientist
- majestic_gamers - Majestic Gamers
- majesticjournal - cyantist
- making_friends - making_friends
- malewebcamguys - Cam Guys
- mariemapleton - Marie Mapleton
- marlton_nj - Marlton, NJ, USA
- matchmaker - Live Journal's Matchmaker
- maxheadroom - maxheadroom
- megahalspeaks - MegaHal SPEAKS!
- memphisbbs - Memphis BBS Community
- microjunk - Microjunk
- midnightlounge - The Midnight Lounge
- migoth - Michigan Goths
- mikes_basement - Mike's Basement
- mikhavencom -
- mix_n_snix - mr snickers and mixi
- monchat - The Lovers
- moocanada - Moo Canada
- mooo - MOO
- morganfans - Morgan Fans
- mr_shwanky - The Undeniably Suave Mr. Shwanky
- mrtinkertoys - MrTinkertoys Web Design Forum
- msoe - MSOE
- mtu - Michigan Technological University
- mushy - Mushy
- myisolatedstars - GrOmit
- mypanda - bear
- n_e_r_d - Nerd Lovers
- nc_freaks - The North Carolina Freaks
- neopagan - Neopagan
- nerdcorecrew - NerdCoreCrew
- nerdsrule - Nerds
- netgirlz - I'm so the Net Girl
- newcollege - New College
- noodlejesus - Noodle Jesus
- nverendingstory - Story Amung Friends
- oddballs - oddballs
- ohdear - ?*~Jenny~*?
- oldschoolers - Oldschoolers
- only_the_best - only the best
- opalstyles - OpalCat
- osxhardware - Mac osX Hardware Support
- ourpromise - .joshua.and.mya.
- outcastpix - punk, goth, freak, nerds, dorks, pic hoes
- outernet - The Outernet
- outerringsweb - Outer Rings Web Community
- over40 - Users Over 40
- overstimx - Overstim
- partyhardy - LJ PARTAY
- pcgeeks - pcgeeks
- pdx_jobs - pdx_jobs
- pdx_wireless - Portland Wireless
- peopleinmakeup - Makeup Appreciatives
- pesit - The PESIT Brigade
- phenomenalwomen - Phenomenal Women
- phreaking - Phreaking Community
- phucked - so very phucked up
- pig_n_moo - Nikki and Chris
- pinkponydiaries - Teh Pink Pony Pirates
- pinkstarbursts - are y0u my friend?
- pkbw - Puppy Kicking for a Better World
- poopyheads - Poopy Heads
- pound_seattle - #seattle
- prayers_for_all - Prayers For All
- pro_insomnia - Pro Insomnia
- programmers - Programmer's
- promotions_ltd - Promotions_ltd
- punkersunite - punkersunite
- random_crap - insanity is practically a prerequisite . . .
- random_things - Random Things
- randombutuseful - Random But Useful
- randomnotes - Random Notes
- realfreaks - : freaky :
- rebels_yell - Rebel
- retro_gaming - The games that time forgot
- ricemaster - The Rice Chronicles
- riot_nrrrd - nerds fighting back
- rmta_lj - RMTA LiveJournallers
- rockonmark - mark
- ru_kino - ru_kino
- ruinists - the Ruinist Community
- sacramento - Sacramento Journallers
- scaryminds - Scary Minds
- scifi_freaks - SF&FF
- scorpio_forum - Scorpio_Forum
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- sdmb - SDMB Community
- serialain - Serial Experiments Lain
- sfcybergoth - SF cyber borg contingency
- sfranonymous - the sexy people of #sf-raves
- shadowrun - Shadowrun
- shattered_stars - Shattered Stars
- showyourroom - Look at this mess
- simisucks - The Simian
- small_blue_gurl - ~Small_blue_gurls~
- smarterdebate - Smarter Debate
- snoodists - Snood Enthusiasts
- socialenemies - social enemies
- souless_village - Area 51
- soundadvice - Sound Advice
- spacedragon - SpaceDragon Readers
- spastichampster - the Hampshire College geek crowd
- still_alive - The Figurehead is ||[ s t i l l ( a ) l i v e ]||
- stlleslife - St. Louis Lesbian Life
- strange_earth - strange_earth
- super_friends - our exciting internet society
- superdeformer - Alice
- swtmzmee - swtmzmee
- synth_musicians - synthesizer musicians
- tech_support - Tech_support
- techgirls - Females in Computing
- techsupport - Technical Support Representatives
- teenagewaste - Jewel
- teens - *~* *~*
- tempest_00 - azura
- temujin - NYCKitty
- test_time - Test Time
- texasinstrument - texas instruments is too long for the user name
- thatsmygeek - That's My Geek!
- the_collective - The Collective
- the_different - For people that feel different from the majority
- the_escapists - away from here
- the_strange - the strange
- theblackmarket - The Black Market
- theboredboard - Anybody Who Is Bored
- thecirclebook - The Quote Book
- theclovenpine - The Cloven Pine
- thefew - The others...
- thegahmovement - The Gah-Movement
- theroyalty - The Royalty
- tokani - Sakeolay
- tokidoki_icons - TokiDoki Icons
- torontogoth - Toronto-Goth
- tpp - The Potter Prophet Staff
- trackers - trackers
- traders - traders
- tragicchaos - Where the world falls apart, and doesn't get back
- true_dreamers - __dream
- tsb - The Student Body
- tspurgatory - Tech Support Purgatory
- tunapride - tuna sistahs
- txgoth - [ texas goths ]
- ubergeeklings - ubergeeklings
- ucsc - ucsc
- ucsc_chatter - UCSC-chatter
- umd - College Park
- under_the_rose - Make A Scene
- unsayer - Unsayer
- urbanprincesses - ::...Urban Princesses....::
- useless_photos - Photos Everywhere
- virtualives - Virtual Live Journal
- vitriola - everything is stupid
- volkswagging - Anti-Beet Extract Crusaders
- webgravy - Web Gravy
- websiteoftheday - Web Site of the Day
- weirdisgood - Weird Is Good
- weirdness - WeiRD PeoPLe
- welovegeeks - Girls who like geeks
- welovemelanie - Melanie's Fans
- welovesergezine - We Love Serge
- whquestion - WHquestion @ LiveJournal
- winxp - Windows XP Discussion
- wiu - Western Illinois University
- wtl - WayTruthLife: Digtal Devotionals
- yoursougly - Brat
- yucat - Young-ish Unruley & Crankey Artistic Types
- yurisrvngefans - Romanov
- zootycoons - Zoo Tycoons
Interested users
The following users are interested in computers. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
483 matches: