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Below is information about the "officesupplyfetish" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:officesupplies (1263854)  
Office supply fetish
Must be organized!
About:Do you cruise the aisles at Office Depot, reveling in the orderly serenity of the racks of pens, binders and staplers? Do you find yourself buying pens that you will never use, just because you must have them? Do you think about sticky notes with deep affection?

If so, this is probably a community for you.
Interests:22: binders, erasers, felt-tip pens, files, files cabinets, glue, highlighters, markers, office supplies, organizers, paper clips, pencils, pens, post-its, rulers, school supplies, sheet protectors, staplers, sticky notes, tape dispensers, three-ring notebooks, wastebaskets. [Modify yours]
Members:92: aimeeem, alone_and_hated, alpharyoko, americnjewl, anazc, apokalypse, arcuri, artymiss, ash_grey_sky, ashley_y, babylynnz, bleuecommevous, bobamster, bookish_girl_, bovlb, butter_cup_, camfangrrl, catsaurus, chianagirl, daigor0, elgoose, empire74, firedoor, gadget_girl, gement, happy_spinster, hawklaw, haystings, headsetplus, indieheroism, instantpleasure, ithiliana, its_just_me_x, javagoth, jazzyjupiter, jevechan, jmuchick2004, joopy, karmelbrown, kat850121, kicksnchicks, lady_lovegood, lalalaini, laurens10, lillithj, lishypo, little_, lobelia321, lothie, marusja, melisa, misfitina, mmyrtle, mottimjoi, moxafoot, mrsbonko, mskala, nekrosys, niftygrrrl, officemaxrat, okokdomodomo, originalenid, paperchasers, photosofme, popecrunch, popularopinion, pullmytrigger, puppyunknown, raidingsporkger, reezon, riotdorrrk, sandypar, savageseraph, secret_agent, see_more_glass, silent_lucidity, sine, sirriamnis, skip_, superdus, suzyq1015, sweetasssweet, thesadwitch, tigrrlily, trollopfop, tytoalba, verbmynoun, wendynat, whenimdead, whysogreen, wildcherry66, worn
Watched by:73: aimeeem, anazc, apokalypse, arcuri, artymiss, ash_grey_sky, beautifultoxin, bleuecommevous, bobamster, bovlb, camfangrrl, catsaurus, daigor0, discord26, elgoose, empire74, hawklaw, haystings, inne, instantpleasure, ithiliana, its_just_me_x, jazzyjupiter, jevechan, jmuchick2004, karmelbrown, kat850121, lady_lovegood, lalalaini, lillithj, lishypo, lobelia321, lothie, marusja, mehen, mmyrtle, moxafoot, mrsbonko, mskala, nekrosys, officebtchninja, officemaxrat, originalenid, paperchasers, photosofme, popecrunch, popularopinion, pullmytrigger, puppyunknown, raidingsporkger, riotdorrrk, samidha, sandypar, savageseraph, silent_lucidity, sine, singingsmile, sirriamnis, skip_, spongemike, superdus, suzyq1015, sweetasssweet, thesadwitch, tigrrlily, trollopfop, tytoalba, verbmynoun, wendynat, wengeue, whenimdead, whysogreen, wildcherry66
Account type:Free Account

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