Monday, August 31, 2009


I inherited a new file at 5:00 Friday afternoon. It's never a good thing when a problem file hits your desk that late in the day right before the weekend. It's especially bad when this happens because there are depositions coming up in the case and about 3000 pages of discovery you'll have to go through between now and then.

The legal issues involved are ones that I've never encountered. And it's very clear that the attorney who was working this file hasn't done a damn thing he should have been doing. So they call in me to be the clean up crew.

No problem! I don't have my own files to work or anything...

This other attorney - the incompetent one - is supposed to prep the deps for me. Let me tell you how this works in my office. A week in advance of the deposition, I present the person taking the dep with a redwell. In it are all of the exhibits he needs for the deposition - pre-marked, copied and organized into seperate folders. He is also presented with a memo summarizing the case, who the witness is, and an outline of all the areas of questioning that should be covered at the deposition.

Know what I'm going to get from this guy to prepare me for the deposition that he's too incompetent to handle? Nothing. He's going to screw this up and screw me over in the process.

I guess I'm back to my beginning of the week bitching. Happy Monday everyone.


Mike said...

Monday is a great day to bitch, it is just like a hand and glove!!!!!

Brian Miller said...

oh this one sounds like it is starting really fun...hope it turns around for ya...

California Girl said...

I worked my ass off in my thirties. I was very career driven. After I had my children (late thirties) I had to slow down, no choice, not enough energy. In my fifties I've found a balance between work and R&R. It's an uneasy balance,for sure. I still feel a self-imposed pressure to outperform everyone else. But I value my worth and my free time now.

Candie said...

Why do people don't do the job they are supposed to do?Why they always put everything on someone else's shoulder?Crap way to start the week indeed.

Stacy Uncorked said...

That is not a good way to start off the week...or the weekend, for that matter! Sounds like the law office you work in is very similar to the one I used to work in years ago...I don't miss it! :) Hope your week gets better...((HUGZ!))

Baino said...

Why is it so difficult for people to give credit where credit's due. I just don't get it. Trust me, it's almost Tuesday . . the weekend is eeking closer. Actually I think Cali and I have reached the same place. I love work but I have no problem leaving it behind when I get home. Balance takes so bloody long to master.

Beth said...

Someday when I'm balancing kids and a career, I'm coming straight to you for advice on how to enjoy any of it.

Jormengrund said...


Look at this. I complained on Friday, and it seems like someone else needs a good pat on the back as well.

Hopefully you'll be able to figuratively kick the incompetent's ass at some point, making you feel that much better, while simultaneously taking care of the case, making yourself look that much better!

I know you can do it Jaime. You're the bestest!

Auri said...

Amen otin... I've been bitchin a lot today... then again, I've been with ms. salti a lot so that explains things

Liz Mays said...

So can you pull this together? You are that good, aren't you?

Matty said...

Sounds like you do a thorough and competent job. It sounds like you have an eye for detail and have pride in your efforts.

A shame the others don't.

Ms. Salti said...

You want me to come out there and kick his ass? I'm on it! What an effing idiot!

Meg said...

Isn't that just the way? If only there really was satisfaction in a job well done... but I'd rather have recognition and a raise!

Hit 40 said...

Co workers are the best!! I have to team teach with one this year. Just sucks. I am doing my best to stay calm and outta her way. She likes to call her self great?? And, talks about herself in the first person. Not good. I can do it....

35 more weeks until summer 2010.