Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vampire Series Part 4: The Shadow

He watched them from the darkness. He was oddly touched by the couple's farewell. Overwhelmed by the love in her eyes and the way she had pressed the man's hand to her cheek.

The man now traveled up the walk, straining under the effort of carrying his bags. She stood by the large picture window, tears running down her face, sobs racking her body. The heartbreak made her even more appealing.

For his entire existence, he had always been searching. First as a human and then for centuries as a vampire, he always felt something was missing. He traveled the world, immersing himself in the different cultures, languages and people. He studied and had amassed degrees in more subjects than he cared to remember. Over the years, he'd had countless lovers and companions, generated considerable wealth and possessions.

But he always longed for...something. He could never quite put his finger on it. All he knew was that when he found it, he would be complete.

His travels eventually took him to Tuscany. One cool autumn evening, he sat alone at a table outside the market. Though he had a glass of wine in front of him and a book in his hands, his eyes never left the constant stream of people milling through the center of town.

Then it happened. Her eyes locked on his from across the busy street and when she smiled, he felt himself melt. In that instant, he knew she was what he had always been waiting for. A human. A petite little thing, with hair like black silk and eyes that penetrated deep into his soul (if he still had one). He was transfixed by the way she moved, the lilt of her voice, the charming way she bit her lip in thought. Without realizing it, he stood and began following her as she made her way down cobbled streets. He followed her to the tiny cottage and felt like finally coming home.

Though he'd had centuries of charming women, this one was different, special. He knew 15 languages, had advanced degrees in writing, and yet he could not find the words to approach this human. Instead, he lurked in the shadows, observing her every movement.

That first night was months ago. He had still yet to approach her, continued to watch over her like her own personal vampiric guardian angel. So he was there the night that her lover left for his apprenticeship. He watched as another man's child grew large and strong inside her. He was outside her window the night she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. He silently witnessed the lover's homecoming, his proposal and their marriage which followed soon after.

Some nights, he would sneak into their cottage just to be a little closer to her, to watch her as she slept peacefully. Just before dawn he would leave her side determined that tomorrow would be the day he would break his silence and finally reveal himself.

Missed parts 1, 2 or 3? Or maybe you want to see what else is lurking in the shadows...


Mike said...

I see a vampire novel lurking in the shadows! Great stuff! People, read the whole series!!!!!!!

Hit 40 said...

Very fun to see how Otin, Brian and yourself all took the topic different directions. I am impressed by all 3 of you!!

Ms. Salti said...

Ooh, I love it! You know me... say vampire and I'm hooked. You seriously are an excellent writer. Keep it up!

Kris McCracken said...

I was expecting zombies...

Baino said...

I love visiting here on Thursdays. But am not enjoying the suspense . .well maybe . .just a liddle bit.

Alan Burnett said...

I,m getting hooked on this. Great post.

Candie said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!I love it!This is so romantic,in the spooky sense of it,still,just love it!Impossible love story?Yeah I have a thing for love stories like that!Well written!:)

Not For Jellyfish said...

Interesting. You definitely have a way with intrigue that makes me sad the series part has ended.

Anonymous said...

Jaime this just keeps getting better and better! Kudos :)

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Loving the ride. -Jayne

Kat Mortensen said...

I used to be a big vampire fan. The movie "The Hunger" is one of my all-time favourites.
Your story is reawakening an old love.


The Author said...

If you aren't writing a novel, you should be. Great story.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Nice. I like the writing flow. I read it without distraction; you've no idea how little I do that...

Liz Mays said...

I have to say that I normally don't like vampire related stories but I really enjoyed this!

Brian Miller said...

oh, this is a delicious series...cant wait for next week!

Betsy Brock said...

I was expecting him to eat her unborn baby. Whew! Glad that didn't happen. Ah, the suspense....

Wings1295 said...

Never know what's in the shadows...

New Yorker wannabes said...

I love this series!!! Thanks :)


Dot-Com said...

Exciting! This must continue now :-) Oh, and while you wrote about wampires, the word verification today is eptopyre. I bet that's a wampire kid!

Auri said...


My husband called me a vampire the other day.

I stayed up til 6 catching up on True Blood season 1.

Ms. Salti has ruined me=)

Now you're trying to dig my grave!! And I'm not complaining at all...