Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Wednesday 4 May 2016

School Folk & Art Songs Singing Competition 校园民瑶歌唱比赛

After many sessions of practicing, my girl is very happy that her class has proved to be the best in 2016 group A inter class folk & art songs singing competition because they are the Champion.  They are the only Junior One class entered into the final and against all odds, they became the champion in Group A Junior 1 & 2 category held in the school hall on 30th April 2016.

Bravo to the champion session with their form teacher on stage.

I have also recorded the performances of the other classes for your listening pleasure.  But I did not manage to record those of the senior classes because my view has been blocked by those seated in front.

Friday 8 April 2016

School Sports Day 2016

After 30 long years. besides joining the cross country run in Feb 2016, I also went back to my secondary school for their sports day last week.  I met a lot of my school mates on that day but haven't got the chance to chat much. 
It's the final day of the 3 days annual sports meet, everything is pretty much the same as yesteryears except they have much bigger and stronger cheer leading team for every houses.  The students have put a lot of efforts into this event which has turned out to be the highlight of the annual sports meet.

I only managed to upload the performance by yellow house cheer leading team so far, mascot is Simba of the Lion King :

the mascot for Red House is McQueen

The champion cheer leading team for 2016 is the Green House, Their mascot is Peter Pan of Neverland

Blue team, mascot is Rio

The school served refreshment to the VIPs
The kuih is filled with peanuts too sweet for me

Free 100 plus and Oishi drinks as well..

Saturday 21 November 2015

Teacher Appreciation Party 谢师宴 2015

As a gesture of appreciation to their teachers for their guidance and teaching for the whole 6 long years, the primary 6 students hold a party for their teachers in school before the school term came to an end, the party was celebrated with over flowing of food and performances from each class.

Each student brought along one type of food for the potluck.  My girl chose to bring jelly or pudding. We supposed to make the jellies for her to bring to school, however, she requested that the texture of the jellies must be similar to the store bought ones that she likes, I have no confidence in meeting her we opted for the store bought ones to avoid disappointment.

This was what happened the night before the party.  Sisters joined hands opening up the jelly puddings and arranged nicely into the food containers.
The texture of these jelly pudding is very nice, soft and bouncy, not too sweet, 4 assorted colours and flavours.  Very presentable for parties.  Best serve chilled. 
We couldn't resist to pop a few into our mouths, luckily we bought extra or else it wouldn't be enough to bring to school..:DDD  

Sunday 9 December 2012

Extremely Fast Essay Service

Anyone who have attended college and university would understand the pressure of meeting the deadline in submitting their course works, not just one but many of the essays in their chosen subjects during the whole course.  

The heaviest pressure lies on the last project paper at the end of the course because it usually determines the grading of the overall course achievement.

I have gone through this part of the sleepless nights during my college days.  I don't think I want to go through this again if I were to take up any university course in the future, I would seek professional help with my essays.

For those who are working and pursuing their studies at the same time, it would be a nightmare when come to meeting deadline in submitting their course assignments.  As working students or matured students, they have got more real life working experiences than other fresh from college students when come to completing their essays, however, more often than not, they do not have the time in completing the assignments, the best way is to hire someone to help out with the essays.  The charges are reasonable, their service include doing the research and write up of the essays in an extremely fast and professional manner.   Try out their service to ease out the headache of writing up your essays.

Thursday 13 November 2008

New Pair of Shoes

It's the end of school term tomorrow. Students of Malaysia will be having a long school holiday till the beginning of January 2009. We were told by the teacher that Pearl will have performance on stage during the closing of school term ceremony tommorrow morning that requires her to wear white shoes and socks. For that Cletus bought her a pair of white shoes yesterday since she never had white ones, but they were to big for her little legs. At last he got to change another pair from the same merchant which I find they are very nice and cute on her.

Pearl and her new pair of white sport shoes. She was wearing them for the whole evening till she gone to sleep.
Side view. The shoes strings are a bit too long

She posed for me to take the rear view of her new shoes

Of course the front view. They are very little and cute.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Tuesday Toot - Ready to school

Baby Pearl has been going to playschool for the third day today. She was a bit reluctant to be left alone in the beginning but we left her with teacher any how so that she could get use to the teacher as well as the environment and the activities in the school. She did indicate to me that she wanted me to stay with her by saying "I want to follow you". She basically followed the full session in school today without much fuss. I must give her a little Toot that she deserves for her strong adaptability to this new environment considering her young age of only 2 years 9 months old. After so much excitements in school she usually takes a long afternoon nap which is good for her. Toot again for my little baby Pearl.

Friday 20 June 2008

On trial at playschool

Probably Pearl is too excited knowing that she will be going to school today that she woke her daddy up at 5am and me at around 6am this morning. She was in tears when we passed her school without sending her there after sending Crystal to school, simply because we were thinking of getting some breakfast first so that I can join her in school without having to starve myself for three hours there. So I ended up taking a small piece of swiss roll in packet which I brought in my bag. She had a very fun and enjoyable time at the school's playground this morning. Playground is the place that she has been nagging us to bring her to all this while; she also joined in some of the activities rather than clinging on me all the time at the very new place. She loves school so much that she refused to go, she was crying when I put her in the car and have to promise her that we will send her to school again..:D Was planned to take some photos of her in school but I forgot to take the camera from Clet's bag. I am always that forgetful!! :(

Friday 7 March 2008


Today is a holiday for students whose schools are selected to become polling centres for tomorrow’s 12th national general election . These schools have to make way for the authority to enable them to have sufficient time to turn them into polling centres. Most of the parents either have to take leave or seek others’ help to take care of their children for the day. Crystal’s kindergarten is one of the selected schools for that purpose. she has to follow us to work today and she seems to enjoy it. She felt asleep in the car after lunch because she is so used to the routine of having a nap in school every day.
People that I met today have been asking me which party I support, I was a bit reserved at first, much to my surprise that majority of them are very open to disclose which party they will vote for this time. Since they are so open, I tell them who I will vote for too lah..

Friday 29 February 2008


It's the time of the year when parents are busy choosing a primary school for their kids. Registration is now opened for children born in the year 2003 (children of the sheep year) to Primary 1 two years later, i.e. 2010. I am one of those parents this year. I am planning to register Crystal to Shan Tao primary school where I studied before. It is near to where we live too. It was advertised in the newspaper that the school only accept the max of 300 students due to limitation of classrooms, that's really makes me worry whether I will be able to secure a place for my little girl. James & Jenny will be registering Joshua to the same school too.. Guess we have to be there as early as 6am to queue up for the form.
There have been many cases that children are sent to primary schools that are far away from their residing address, that cause a lot of troubles and stresses to the parents. We wouldn't want to be at that kind of situation later.
For those whose children were borned in 2003, please get ready and bring along the neccessary documents to the school for registration. The documents are: birth certificate of your child (both original and duplicate), IC of both the parents (Original & duplicate). Some school even ask for a copy of the electricity or water bill to show the actual resident's address.

Wednesday 27 February 2008


My 2nd attempt to register Crystal to a Sunday School went quite smooth so far. Unlike the 1st attempt, she wouldn’t let go off me and hold me tight like a crab. In order for her to get comfortable to the new environment, I accompanied her in the class this time. She gets livelier in the story telling and the colouring sessions which are her favourites. After the class, she is as eager as ever to show her daddy and Pearl her work. However, we have got a little problem, Pearl is so attached to her elder sister that she won’t want to go any further from the classroom, the daddy has to hang around with her outside for the whole 1 hour session for the past few weeks unable to attend the mass at the church. Sometimes Pearl even join in the class too.. just for a little while lah..