Monday 5 October 2009

Here's a new way to stay in shape

I am not sure where this mountain top house or building is. Anyone know?

It took my fancy. All I know is if I lived there I would be very thin and a recluse. There is no way I would be dragging groceries up those stairs.


  1. I don't know where it is, but I couldn't get groceries up there either :)

  2. You sure there's no hidden lift there? :P But yeah...that would be a cost-effective way to get fit!!

  3. I'll bet there's an elevator built inside that mountain. Sheesh!

    We have 21 steps at our house (between the 1st & 2nd floors) and it's a workout for me everyday.

  4. Where is this place? It looks incredibly amazing like a zippered egg.

  5. Hi Lily, that looks amazing! it obviously is a tourist attraction... but if those are actually stairs, wow! i would need a rest per minute to make it to the top!

  6. Yeah, I wouldn't drag my fat ass up those stairs, either. I'd sit at the bottom and eat straight out of the bags.

  7. I am thinking its China and I would never ever venture up those steps. Whatever's up there better be good.

  8. I would be calling take out every night. I wonder whatwould happen if you had a medical emergency. I guess you would have to get a helicopter up there. The view would want to be good.

  9. You know what, I seriously think there is a nice sloping motorable road on the other side. Or an elevator in the middle. How do you think people delivered washing machines, and refrigerators and freezers there.

    Unless of course, its not a home. But say, something like a bank. In which case I hope the managers have to climb up those weird steps every single day. Come to think of it, wouldnt it be a great punishment for your bank, after you win your case ? :-)

  10. lol! I've never seen something like that.

  11. Groceries? Heck I doubt you could get anyone to deliver a pizza to that place.

  12. My goodness! I would love to see who does live there. Don't think you would have to worry about robbers or burglers or anyone coming to see you!

  13. OhMYGosh, me neither, perhaps I need to stay a summer there and get the rest of this wait off. Cuz I sure am tired of NOT eating the fun food.

  14. Love it! But not very child-friendly -I'd be scared of falling off.

  15. Well, that's surely one way to get away from it all!! I would definitely become a recluse if I lived there! And a thin one at that!!

  16. Looks like a picture challenge. I thought maybe a reader might have identified it. I'll search around but I'm not sure what to search on - big egg looking zipper thing with a building on top?

    Maybe this is where Humpty Dumpty is from??

  17. oh the wonders of internet searching - picture searching especially.

    It's El Peñol, Colombia

    Here's more pics and some description

    that was fun - what do I win bragging rights?

  18. Must be an elevator somewhere. Either that or they will need benches along the walk for people to rest. Maybe mountain climbing?

  19. Hi dear Lilly,

    I have missed you and had to at least pop in and say "HI". I've been so busy, signing book contract in a couple of weeks and moving forward with THAT project finally. I'll announce it on my blog when it's a done deal. It's been a long long journey and there is much more to go but it sure is good to finally see this happening.

    I have missed being here and was just looking through some of your posts. I had to laugh over this one. See I would LOVE living here, because no one would bother me. I would have a lot of peace and quiet. People are going to think twice before climbing all those steps.

    I wouldn't mind climbing them every day. It would ensure I stay fit and healthy. I would just throw my pack on my back, put all my groceries in it and start trekking up and down and down and up, round and round. LOL!!! :)) Every day would be an adventure.

    I wonder if there is water up there? Like a well. That would be the hardest part to lug water for drinking bathing and laundry. Maybe the roof has rainwater tanks on it.

    Sending you love and hugs my dear beautiful friend.

  20. wow, since lisleman found it, I searched it's name on flickr, and found heaps more photos! What an amazing place!

  21. There's a tree house in Disneyland or California theme park that had what seemed like a million stairs. I thought I would die after we were finally done. My legs were actually wobbling. Then again there is a metal staircase in Yellowstone National Park that leads down to the Lower Falls on Uncle Tom's trail and there are over 300 steps. That was quite a journey. Unfortunately they had some loose rocks fall this year and it took out a chunk of the staircase and it is now closed until they repair it.
    Good job Lisleman.

  22. So glad lisleman gave us the scoop! What an interesting rock :) With a snack bar on top! Other than that not much of an explanation, just a leaves it to our imagination.

  23. I'm hoping the escalator is around the back!


  24. Woo Hoo Lisleman - I will mention you on my blog. Always knew you were the clever kind.

  25. Holy cow is that the only way up?? Kind of cool looking though!

  26. That AWESOME. would be putting in an ELEVATOR thats for damn sure. :) That would be so much fun though.

  27. Geez, there's no way my hobbit legs would get up those! I'd be camping at the bottom.

  28. Hi Lilly, I think its either a house or temple....but climbing those steps no joke.
    If living there, buy a long rope, use as a sling with a basket one end....should solve the eating problems, ha ha.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  29. That has to be a meditation point or a temple of some sort. My knees would die pretty quickly. If it were me, after awhile I'd build some sort of tram.

  30. Great post! To me, I think the more interesting question is WHY? I guess the builder had worries about security, eh? :)

  31. Think I'll stick to my usual three- times-a-week down at the gym.

  32. You are going to think I am crazy, but that looks like a whale, the mouth and teeth and an eye, oh well, have a nice weekend.

  33. Goodness me! That is highly (!) unusual!

  34. So glad I stumbled on your lovely lovely blog today, it's always nice to find other blogger out and about on the net!

    I must tell you that I like like like your nice blog!

    Agneta & Sweden

  35. Just glad I'm not the postman or the window cleaner

  36. Just glad I'm not the postman or the window cleaner

  37. That is what husbands and kids are for! And you can make them take out the trash also! :o)

  38. You wouldn't get a lot of trick or treaters either!

  39. Good Lord I am not sure that I would ever get up there in the first place, let alone EVERYDAY. I think I would just stay home. I like the idea of ordering in or making the husband and kid do it. Trash would be easy, roll it down.

  40. Where are you Lilly?

  41. Lilly have you gone to live in the Mountain House and turned into a recluse ? WE ALL miss you !

  42. I couldn't even get up there! With or without groceries:)

  43. Oh goodness, I'd hate to be the pizza delivery boy.

  44. Makes me tired just looking at it!

  45. that's kingkongs back rest! ;)

    hope you visit back! linked you!

  46. That is one helluva climb :)

  47. ha ha i love it....that is how i should loose weight buy a house on a large hill or mountain, thanks for the tip!

  48. lilly your post was on a Monday - that has me thinking -

    Monday Monday, so good to me,
    Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be
    Oh Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee
    That Monday evening you would still be here with me.

    Monday Monday, can't trust that day,
    Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
    Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be
    Oh Monday Monday, how you could leave and not take me.

  49. Lilly - as Banoffi says. We miss your words of wisdom!

  50. hi! your visit today will be greatly appreciated friend...moreso with a message ;)

  51. Where have you BEEN?

  52. Hey you turn your comments on.

  53. Lovely to have you back, my sweet dear friend.
    Horses for courses!
    Thinking of you often and hope you are travelling well.
    Big hugs
    Peggy xxxx

  54. Please stop by my blog - I'm presenting your blog an award.

    honest scrap award

  55. Pls turn your comments on.
    Glad you are back. I am still struggling to get on to my horseback.

  56. Well... if I can't comment to the blog post above it, I go one below it. Hehe. Loved the post.

    Never been on a horse, but I get the meaning. I did go to a horse race one time and made a bet (my horse won). I was able to see the horses prior to the race and thought the one I placed the bet with LOOKED fast. Lol.

    Loved the names of the horses... and a psychiatrist for an animal.. ah, this world is crazy, guess that goes for any type!

  57. I haven't been by in ages but I hope all is well down under! At least your temps are getting warmer and not colder like us!!

    Big hugs!

  58. the stairs look a bit rickety

    Hope you're well

    Loved your next post on Horses

    Merry Christmas



    I think SJP does look a tad equine

  59. MERRY CHRISTMAS - hope you come back to blogging next year.

  60. Hope you are shining and smiling dear Lilly.
    Thinking of you and wishing you a very happy Christmas and may all your dreams come true in 2010.
    Lots of love
    Peggy xxx

  61. No place to leave a comment on your last Post...But I just wanted to say that I hope 2010 will be a truly wondedrful year for you and yours, Lilly....I hope you are okay. I miss your posts and your visits. Life takes us in different directions sometimes, I know, but....Still, I wish you were still blogging, my dear. I hope all is well with you, my dear.

  62. I seriously worry - after reading that horse post you maybe on the wanted list ;-)

    I just wanted to tell you that reading your blog brought me wonderful moments in 2009! Thank you so much!

    I wish you a marvelous, stilettolicous 2010!

  63. Where are you, my friend?? I hope you had a nice Christmas and all the best to you in 2010!

  64. I hope your ok out there! Been awhile since I said hello!

  65. is this blog still working - knock knock hello? anyone in there? the lights are on but no one is home.

  66. Wishing you a Happy New Year.

    I hope that you are doing well.


Thanks for your comments.