Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Blog Tips

I learnt a couple of new tips this week which hopefully will make my blogging easier and a little more fun.

1. How to add splashes of colour to Black and White Images

The older I get the more of a need I have to manipulate images. I have been looking for a program that would allow me to add splashes of colour to black and white photos without having to buy an Apple product or Photoshop.

And I found one. It's called GIMP which is free and safe to download. 

Original photo of my niece Erin
This is the image I converted to black and white with a splash of colour using GIMP (I need to work on the blue a little more to make it more realistic)
GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.

All I know is that it can do everything from the simplest task as above to the most complex image manipulation. I can envisage a dummies guide to How to look like Angelina Jolie in a few easy keystrokes - my book will be out soon.

This was made for me by Ugich at  Gappa

Of course if you know of any better program please let us know. And thanks to beautiful Erin for allowing me to use her image for a good cause and Ugich for my new book cover.

2. How to find out how fast your blog takes to load

My daughter told me my blog takes forever to load so I thought I better try and fix it otherwise first time visitors will not be hanging around to read anything. I was completely unaware that it takes 12 seconds for my page to download the first time and 2 seconds thereafter for subsequent downloads. That is way too long for first time visitors.

There are various ways you can check how long your site takes to download. Google has some great tips here how to optimise download times.

However, there are two sites I found really useful because they diagnose the problems. and Google's page speed siteBoth analyse your site and give you advice about which items need to be fixed as a priority.

I have a lot of work to do. It is a shame that I love using images on my blog.....but they take a long time to download...


And finally, I hope all my blogging friends in the USA are safe and secure given the horrific impact of Hurricane Sandy. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.  Are you ok?

Wednesday 10 October 2012

The Blogging Tips I had to learn

I learnt a lot about blogging and quick fixes this week, most of them out of sheer tearing your hair out desperation. 

I.T. GURU I am not.

However, I usually persevere until I can find a solution to most things (did I ever tell you about the 100 rock hard sponge cakes I made before I made the perfect one?).

Anyway, armed with some new knowledge, I wrote most of this post last night when I was feeling pretty damn good about my blogging skills.

I tempted fate.

I woke up this morning and my blog had disappeared. Off the face of the Ether.

I immediately panicked as I am want to do (and ran through the house screaming thinking I had lost five years worth of posts).

I was most upset that I had lost my late father's guest posts.  I like it when his posts pop up in the Linked Within gadget - it feels like he's still around (as strange as that sounds).

It also made me realise how much blogging, my blog and my blogging networks mean to me. What would life be like Blog-less?

After messaging every available Google contact point, I finally recovered my blog.  It was an error.

Lucky, as it could have been much worse.

If anyone knows the Google CEO's direct number, I would appreciate it for next time (wink, wink).

Anyway, I thought I would share what I learnt this week as hopefully you may be able to use one or two of these tips too or have a better workaround to share with me.

And of course, it goes without saying that if you would prefer to have the no fail sponge cake recipe instead, you only have to ask.

1.  How to back up your Blogger Blog

After this morning's near disaster I finally realised that I need to BACK UP MY BLOG. I know, the shame.  I have never backed up my blog since I started Lilly's Life in 2008. And guess what? It is simple.

Sign into your Blogger Dashboard

Click on Settings and choose Other

Then go to Blog Tools and choose Export Blog

Then select Download Blog and save it to your desktop

Your blog will be stored as a Blogger export file (.xml) file which can be kept as a backup on your hard drive or imported into another blog. Exported blogs are not deleted from your dashboard or from  So have no fear.

If you want to read Tips 2-5, you will find them on my Blog Tips page . These tips will show you how to shorten a long URL, how to add a link in a blog comment, how to change the comment link in posts and how to make your blog mobile phone friendly. I will keep adding to the page as I find new workarounds.

And finally, Lisleman asked a burning question on his blog today -  What happens to our blogs when we die?
It's worth giving this some thought.
Although, after this morning's efforts, it's hard to guess whether I will survive my blog or it will survive me.....
Best be prepared either way.

Thursday 13 October 2011


Mark Zuckerberg has a lot to answer's amazing how socially acceptable facebook stalking has become...

I found this image on someone's Facebook page, how else? No, of course I wasn't stalking, I was merely browsing.....go on hands up, who is guilty?

Monday 3 October 2011

Sunday Life - blogging

As you may have noticed, Lilly's Life has a new look.

By accident though.

You now have to click on the post title to see the post in full and to see the comments.

You see I decided to get a bit serious about blogging again just as it's apparently going out of fashion.  It seems that everyone is too busy facebooking and twittering to blog or read blogs these days.
Except me and maybe you too.
Anyway, in my efforts to makeover my blog, I clicked on a Blogger design template called Dynamic Views and .......abracadabra .....I got a little more than I bargained for.
I can't seem to get it back the way it was and I am not sure if I like it. So I'm kind of stuck with it.... just like my new hair cut...

I am hoping they both might grow on me.

Dynamic Views is apparently a unique browsing experience that makes it easier and faster for readers to explore blogs in interactive ways. You can use the Sidebar view, to preview the blog in different ways by using the view selection bar at the top left of the screen.

You might want to try out the new look on your own blog—read the official Blogger Buzz post for more info. Blogger says in the next few weeks we should be able to customise the templates which will be good because I kind of miss a few things I used to have ......including the rest of my hair.
Happy Sunday.

Monday 9 May 2011


Have no fear.

I'm not sure about you but since I started blogging more than four years ago I don’t leave home without my camera.

I've taken thousands of photos and sadly most of them will never see the light of day.

While I don't have any trouble taking pictures of inanimate objects, people on the other hand are a whole different story.

Especially moderately famous people whom I would never expect to strike a happy pose (mostly because they are usually running away from me with a look of terror on their faces).

While my ‘star stalking’ has improved somewhat since I made a complete fool of myself by chasing a famous artist around a book sale a couple of years ago, I still apparently have a long way to go.

First, it takes me ages to reconcile that the person in front of me is actually the person I think it is. I then usually yell loudly to the person next to me to seek confirmation as to whom I think it is. "Oh my god, oh my God, that's Kenny from that hilarious film and the Jenny Craig ad isn't it?" Then I eventually delve into my handbag (which is dangerous in itself) to find my camera. By the time I press click I usually only manage to get a lovely view of the person's back.

Actress Kate Ritchie in Melbourne Writer/Television personality Andrew Daddo in Gundagai
Actor/Comedian/Jenny Craig spokesperson, Shane Jacobsen, at Sydney Airport

Actor/writer/comedian, Shaun Micallef (with grey hair) shopping in Melbourne.
It could be anyone right?

You are just going to have to have to trust me.

Maybe in another couple of years I will manage to get faces in the picture that you can actually recognise and give the paparazzi a real run for their money. I wouldn't hold your breath though.

How about you, since you started blogging have you taken lots more photos?What have you done with them?

Tuesday 9 March 2010

It's a dog's world


Alright, so Jane's talking about having Warren Beatty over for lunch on her blog and Roseanne's ranting about the horrors of being gay in the Mormon Church on hers and Oprah 's talking about going to Oscar Parties and so now all I’ve got to talk about on my blog is ...dogs in drag.

I started out with such good blog intentions. I opened up the computer this morning in anticipation for some interesting news only to see this major headline – Football star in Sex Romp. B-O-R-I-N-G.

Sex scandals have been done to death! Over them. Nothing new to report on there.

Moving on, I had to bypass the post Oscar headlines about the surprises, spats, and styles before finding something that really caught my eye.

It was probably the word 'make-up' in the headline.

Except it wasn't quite what I expected.

It was actually a story about a dog show in the UK which has had to warn dog owners not to break its rules amid concerns that some are resorting to make-up, hair dye and other beauty treatments for their animals.

Yes, we are talking makeup for four legged creatures.

Competition rules do not specifically ban cosmetics and other treatments such as hair removing creams, but they do forbid anything that alters an animal's appearance.

Who knew? Apparently you can buy nose paint, dyes for a dog's coat, hairspray and make-up. Lipstick and eyeliner are also used on some dogs, and some owners employ depilatory cream to neaten the appearance of hairless breeds. Brazilians for dogs, why I never.

It got me thinking, how many people subject their pets to this type of stuff?

How far do you go to keep your pet(s) well groomed and gorgeous? C'mon fess up.

And if you tell me false eyelashes, hair dye, spray tan and botox, well I might have to ban you from my blog. Sorry, there's no way I would want a pet looking better than me - there's only room for one dog in the family…

And as for me, well my gold fish are treated luxuriously, I let them have a long bath but.... that's the extent of their spa treatments.

Have a fun Tuesday people and if you ever need your pooch done up like a tart, just woof and I'll be there with my bag of makeup tricks.

Oh I have to share this, the wonderfully talented Ugich from the Gappa blog has made up the same pooch Indian style - using the Paint program - perhaps there is something about dressing our pets after all, lol! Anyone else want to have a go?

Monday 1 March 2010

X plus Y = Z

Apparently an anonymous reader thinks they have found the solution as to why I am finding it so hard to blog these days. Calculating hey. All good in theory but I am way more complex that that. Although how funny would it be to present your life as a set of linear equations. It would be way easier to solve life's problems this way. When one pair of coefficients are negatives of one another, add the equations vertically, and that unknown will cancel. We will then have one equation in one unknown, which we can solve. Simple and straightforward. Shame I was always so lousy at algebra. However, it has given me an idea for a blog series, thank you.
Yes, I am sort of over my few months of distractions, involving police, banks and exes and I would love to blog about all those but would need to let you see it by password alone for fear of getting sued. My life is way juicier than I even care to read but at some point I am going to share and perhaps password only posts are the way to go.

I'm going to be blogging every day this month because I need to get back into writing and find my sense of humor again. There's lots happening this month with Shelle and Barry coming to town. Yes, the President and First Lady are bringing the kids down under just to say G'day. I guess the city will be overrun by Secret Service and the city will be shut down so there's not much chance I will be getting any photo ops I daresay. However, I'm sure I will find a scoop to bring you on Lilly's Life even if I have to cause a scene myself and create some drama. I'm positive they'll like our Aussie Bush anyway. And given it's beach weather here it will make a nice change for them. I just have my fingers crossed that our journalists don't ask the one question they ask everyone who lands here....... as soon someone sets foot on the tarmac they ask, "So, what do you think of Australia?" Duh! Cringeworthy..... See you tomorrow, have a sweet Monday!

First day of Autumn here......and first day of Spring there....enjoy.

Monday 22 February 2010

This and That

I'm blogging this! And I'm blogging that! And that! And, oh wait, yeah, definitely that too! And this! And yeah that! And this as well! Yeah, and that! And this! And that, and that, and that! Oh yes, and that too!

Oh sorry, did you say something? Oh Cool. Have you blogged it yet?

Am I alone here? So much blog talk, so few blog posts........

PS Message to my Daughter ....... All men are created equal so you may as well go with the one with the cash...I'm just sayin......

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Bastard Husband - A Love Story

Intriguing title, no?

Well that's because it's the title of an intriguing book written by Linda Lou, blogger, writer, stand up comedian and an inspiration to anyone who is looking to 'start over' and head in a new direction.

I first came across Linda Lou some years ago on Roseanne Barr's blog forum. Her posts were wise, down to earth and quite frankly hilarious. I then started reading her blog, Linda Lou Live from Las Vegas and listening to her talk radio show, Aging Nymphs. She is entertaining and oh so.....energetic.

Linda Lou has been working on this, her first book, for some time and her followers have been excitedly awaiting it's release. When Linda Lou sent me the book in late 2009 I started reading it straight away and didn't put it down until it was finished.

The book is a very funny yet poignant account of Linda Lou's first year alone, after a midlife divorce from someone who was her perfect soul mate, well....perfect that is, until he had one drink too many.

Did she rise to the challenges life threw at her? Oh yes, plus some.
At 46, she started doing stand up comedy for the first time ever. Now that is courageous!
In her book, Linda shares the roller coaster of emotions she went through after her relationship ended -no holds barred. She has taken a challenging time in her life and shown that we can indeed live and learn as long as we keep moving forward.

As Linda Lou says, "Missteps are inevitable for those who brave the mighty risks of the stage, no -one gets through unscathed." Just like life.

It's worth remembering this line every time we start to have a pity party about those non palatable things life sometimes throws our way. None of us is immune from sadness, upheaval or having our dreams come crashing down around us. It's something we all have in common and should share more readily.
And as Linda Lou's book shows, despite the turmoil, everything does eventually unfold in some kind of divine order. Some people come into our lives for a reason and they also leave our lives for a reason. And even though the reasons may not always be apparent, our lives are left richer for the experience.

Instead of making a comment on my blog please go and check out Linda Lou's website to find out more about her, her writing, her radio show and her fabulous and brave book.

And at the risk of sounding like an infomercial, you will not be disappointed! That's a guarantee!
PS. Apologies Linda Lou, this has taken far too long to post! Congratulations on a wonderful book and here is to many more.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Dear Internet

Happy 40th Birthday!

While most of us didn’t start using you until the 90s, it's amazing to think that you were really born on September 2, 1969 thanks to Len Kleinrock and his team at UCLA.

So why did I always think Al Gore had something to do with you? Not really sure....

Anyway, what would I do without you? Truly.

I've become sort of.....attached.

Not in any kind of creepy way though.

Although, I will admit, I've had my moments of obsession where I never seem to leave you alone.

And, there have been times, I've been accused of stalking you by some insecure male who can't quite understand what you've got that he doesn't.

I mean, p-l-e-a-s-e, where do I begin, without offending him, that is.

How about you answer all my questions, do I need to say anything more?

Besides, I like turning you on first thing each morning.

First to get my news fix (and several more times during the day because you kindly keep refreshing), then to check my email and then,

I have to check in daily with TMZ to get my latest celebrity fix. Harvey has got to be one of those lawyers they call 'ambulance chasers' because how else does he find out this stuff so quickly?

Then, there are 'THE BLOGS' (go visit my new blogging addiction, Here in the Hills - the Hollywood Hills that is and say hi to Naomi).

And where else can I shop all over the world without even getting out of bed?

And..... And.......

But, I do like to think of myself as a responsible addict.

I know when enough is enough and I begrudgingly step away from the computer just to give you space.

I half heartedly pledge abstinence and swear allegiance to some other worthwhile pursuit.

For a while.

Until no-one's looking, and....then

I'm back, keener than ever.

And without failure, you always have something new to show me.

Thank you Internet! I really do love you more than I can say and should possibly publicly reveal.

So, here's to the next 40 years. I can only imagine where it will take us.

PS. Before I go, I do have one request. Well it's a bit of advice really. Do you think you could just be a little bit more discerning as to whom you connect with? I am all for freedom of speech but I am not sure that keeping this blog open and allowing a public lynching by comments is such a good thing, hey? Although I will say, from hereon in, I will be looking more closely at blog titles, as Phillip Garrido also has blogs called, Exposed, The truth will set you free and Charging the angels with error. Frightening stuff.

So, tell me what do you love most about the Internet? Share your favourite internet sites.

Yeah it's Spring here....and that makes me all kinds of happy...

Monday 3 August 2009

Giving concrete form to the intangible

Friend: Have you ever thought that it's a little strange?
Me: What?
Friend: Having that many journals. What is with that?
Me: Well I never thought it was strange until you mentioned it....

So, how strange is it?

I've always been a person that plans, makes lists and jots down my thoughts. As a child I kept diaries, wrote suspect poetry, short stories and secret wishes. I still do. Except for the poetry bit, anyway.

These days I like to keep different aspects of my life in different journals. So I have a journal for blogging ideas, then one for business, one for my book, then one for personal plans, creative pursuits etc.

I even include artwork and cuttings from magazines and newspapers. I guess I could keep a large journal and compartmentalise it but I prefer smaller and more compact journals. I even select the journal appropriate to the purpose. Classic black for business use, and bright for something creative etc.

I tie it all together with one overall To Do list that I update often.

Given I have a Type A personality I concede it was probably a big mistake when some years ago I did Time Management and Project Management courses in the same week. I may have created a monster.

And now that I am part of the bloggerazzi set, my need to journal has exacerbated. I make notes all the time (and rarely use any of them) all with a view to weaving the quotes, expressions, stories, jokes into a post at some point in time.

So, what about you.

Do you keep journals? How do you organise your blogging ideas or posts?

Thursday 9 July 2009

Gone Fishing!

I am taking time out from blogging to catch up on life. See you all soon!

Wednesday 24 June 2009

War of Words – between the old and the new

What’s the matter Rupert, is your business feeling threatened by anonymous bloggers?
It seems the rise in popularity of the humble blog is causing some issues for the print media.

This month a UK High Court Judge refused to preserve the identity of an anonymous blogger, maintaining it was in the public interest for The London Times newspaper to reveal his identity. Mr Justice Eady said blogging was a “public rather than a private activity” and bloggers would not automatically be guaranteed anonymity just for writing under a pseudonym.

Richard Horton, a Detective in the Lancashire Constabulary, started his anonymous blog, NightJack, in February 2008. He discussed head-on accounts of investigating serious crime and how he believed policing should work within society. His readership grew to 1500 a day and he was offered a book deal which he declined. He ceased posting in January 2009 but his blog remained on the internet.

Then, unexpectedly, in February 2009, his blog was long listed for the presitigious Orwell Prize for political writing. In March 2009, NightJack made it on to the shortlist. To his shock, he ended up winning. The morning after his win (he didn’t turn up to accept the award), his blog was mentioned in The Guardian and in The Sun newspapers. As a result, his blog readership went up to 60,000 a day. He donated his award prize winnings to a police charity. His e-mail inbox had offers from newspapers, literary agents, publishers and people who wanted to discuss film rights and TV adaptations. He declined.

A short time later, he and his employer got phone calls from a Times reporter asking if he was the author of NightJack. He went to court to stop the newspaper from publishing his name and personal details about his home and family. He lost. His details were published.

Not surprisingly, there has been an angry backlash from the blogosphere about this case. Seven other anonymous police blogs have already been deleted because they fear being 'outed' as well.

The Times also 'outed' another blogger and revealed her true identity. In the public interest, of course. Zoe had just turned her personal blog into a book called Girl with a One Track Mind. As a result, she lost her job and suffered a great deal.

And yet, if you read a recent article written by the journalist, Anna Mikhailova, who outed Zoe, you would imagine that bloggers were the ones causing print journalists serious mischief. "Unmasking an anonymous blogger can ruin your reputation and threaten your career", she says in this recent article.

The traditional media operates through fear and sensationalism and has the backing of a large legal team. As Anna says in her article, “every national newspaper has a legal team to check stories for defamatory content and to see if they serve the public interest. Few blogs can say the same. If bloggers were made aware that their anonymity was not always absolutely guaranteed, then arguably they would be just a tiny bit more careful. So perhaps the occasional outing is just the level of control that the blogging community needs. “

Right, so we bloggers need to be kept in line do we?

As an individual who once had the misfortune of being contacted by a reporter and appearing in a British newspaper article myself (one which was short on facts and big on sensationalism), Anna Mikhailova is talking out of her a**. Unlike the mighty media corporations, the average person does not have the backing of large legal team to encourage Fleet Street to be a great deal more careful with the facts. If we had the same muscle, Rupert and his peers wouldn't be billionaires.

I love that millions of individuals from all walks of life are sitting at their keyboards expressing their opinions and flying beneath the traditional media radar. On Blogger alone, 270,000 words are written every minute of every day. And information can be spread faster than any media outlet ever could. Take, for example, those brave souls twittering and blogging in Iran.

However, anonymous bloggers who have something interesting to say and whose blogs generate a large readership, should be aware. Big Brother might eventually want its piece of you and you may find yourself punching above your weight. Unless you have a large legal team behind you. And a few passports in strange names.

Do you think the print media has any right to ‘out’ anonymous bloggers? What obligations do we (as bloggers) have when we choose to publish our views in the public domain?

Given I bet he does Google searches on himself, the views expressed in this post are those of an anonymous blogger with only a few readers, one lawyer in the family and only one passport, dammit!! Rupert , I love your mother does that count? I know you are scared of her. She told that to one of your reporters, so it must be right.

Monday 15 June 2009

Bloggers Beware - Part II

Danielle Smith , like many of us, posts family pictures on her blog and on other networking sites such as Facebook.

A couple of weeks ago a college friend of hers was sightseeing in Prague (Czech Republic) and happened to drive past a huge advertisement on a store specialising in European food. To his surprise the advertisement featured Danielle and her family's Christmas card photo. He rang Danielle in America to tell her and she was shocked.

The owner of the store claims he just got the image off the internet and thought the photo was computer generated. Now he knows it's a personal family photo, he says he plans to remove the advertising.

It's clear how the image was found. Anyone can use Google image search to look for "happy family" and narrow the search down to "extra large images". Among the images displayed on the results page is a 1MB copy of the Smith's photo that Danielle had uploaded to Facebook.

We have to assume that any images we post are available to anyone. Anywhere. So before we post them we may have to imagine how the photo could be used. Danielle said next time she posts a photo on the internet, she's going to lower the resolution or add an electronic watermark to make it hard to reproduce. She said, "This story doesn't frighten me, but the potential frightens me."

Quite frankly she should be grateful it was a food store that used her photo. I have been to Prague and it is full of sex shops and has a large sex industry.

Something similar happened to me. Nothing to do with Prague.

Someone used my photo without my permission. And I was shattered. Simply because it wasn't my best photo and was designed purely to make the other party look way hotter. If I could catch the guy that did this I would sue but alas he is hard to pin down. I have tried. Believe me.

So beware bloggers, that's all I am saying.......lower resolutions, watermarks..... that should fix it. No-one will want your photos then and if they do, they certainly won't be able to blow them up to life size advertisements. And, if anyone has any tips on how to do watermarks on images can you let us know?

UPDATE: Just to show what people can do with your photos, CJW666 (Christopher Williams blog) sent me a different version of the above picture after he made it a little more friendly, lol. Next time Chris, err George, you can doctor all my pictures to remove drooping jowls, wrinkles and double chins...and make me look more like Kylie Minogue. You have to go visit Christopher's latest post here!

Friday 22 May 2009

Welcome to the Fifty Factor

I'm excited!

For the first time ever, Lilly's Life has a 'guest blogger' (no, Des  you aren't a guest, you're family).In the last few weeks I've been avidly reading Joanna Jenkins' blog, Welcome to the Fifty Factor. It's fantastic and as Joanna, who lives in Los Angeles, has only recently started blogging, I would like to introduce her blog to you all. Please make her feel welcome and pay her a visit. I'm sure you will be following her in no time. This post is Chapter 3 of her ongoing series on Dating.

The Way To A Man’s Heart

It started innocently enough. My 50-something gal pal just wanted her house to smell nice when her 60-something blind date picked her up Sunday night. So she baked cookies 30 minutes before he arrived with the cover story that they were for a co-worker's birthday the next morning. You know how great chocolate chip cookies smell, don't you? So did her date. If the evening went well, maybe she'd invite him in for cookies and milk at the end of the night.

The date was great and the guy ate cookies!

Two weeks later, on their second Sunday night date, she literally saw him inhale when she opened the front door. A look of disappointment momentarily registered on his face when there were no baking cookies to greet him. She made a note of it.

Fast forward several terrific dates later. This guy always called a day or two before the requested Sunday night date. He never called in between and the dates are always on Sunday. What happened to the other six nights a week? She was feeling taken for granted-- like a "back-up" date, and couldn't understand what was going on. She really liked him and she thought he liked her too, so she decided to change course.

The next time the guy called for a Sunday date, my friend invited him to her house to watch the football game with dinner afterwards. She's an amazing cook and her not-quite-yet-boyfriend didn't realize the culinary delights in store. I'm pretty sure he was expecting take-out pizza.

To his delight, he arrived to delicious smells coming from the kitchen that continued to simmer, all day, throughout the game. When his team was victorious, they shared dinner on the sofa with his feet up, looking very comfortable. She sent him home with a doggie bag of left-overs to last the week. He was a happy guy and actually called her the next day to say thank you. After a 45 minutes of conversation-- a first for him, he asked her for another Sunday date! Again she suggested football and dinner at her place.

The following Sunday, same thing. Dinner simmering throughout the game with her date's anticipation of more mouth-watering food afterwards. This time though, she surprised him at half-time. They made out on the sofa like a couple of teenagers until the second half started. The guy was in heaven. Football, great food, a hot babe AND a doggie bag-- The perfect Sunday! A guy could get used to this.

Not so fast...

Mr. "Almost Boyfriend" was still only dating her on Sundays. So the following week-- She didn't answer her phone on Thursday. Or Friday. Or Saturday. Or even Sunday. No simmering smells coming from the kitchen. No "action" at half -time. No left-overs for the week. Nothing! She was completely unavailable to "Mr. Almost" and even went so far as to take her own voice off her answering machine. He was not going to hear a peep from her all week.

Monday night guess what? Her phone rang. It was him. She offered no explanation for missing in action. Nor did she offer her cooking skills or television for the next Sunday game. Instead, wonders never cease, he asked her out on a "proper" Saturday night date, at a fancy, romantic restaurant. He brought flowers when he picked her up and was the perfect gentleman.

This was a huge turning point in their relationship. Turns out, he was new to the dating game after having been married for many years, and had a bit of a confidence issue. He was afraid if he asked her out on a Friday or Saturday night, he'd get shot down. Guys can be such idiots sometimes. My friend wasn't dating anyone else and she never figured out where he got that idea.

They've been happily together for nearly three years now and are talking about marriage. We've all laughed over this story together several times, and each time, they coo at each other like a couple of school kids.

Why did they play the silly games that often go with dating? There are a lot of reasons and none of them particularly good-- other than dating is hard at any age and insecurities seem to bloom with new love. Thank gawd they are well past that part.

Whoever said "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach", was right. But to remind him of that piece of information, sometimes a girl has to take matters into her own hands.

Reminder: Don't forget to enter into the Giveaways on the right. Etsy shops need our support. Previous winners have been Ugich from Gappa, Lady Fi from On a quirky quest with Lady Fi and Dee from My Aussie Antics. It could be you next.

Saturday 2 May 2009


A couple of weeks ago I was reading Cjane's blog about bloggers who had stolen her posts and used them as their own. She was understandably upset. Cjane is a very popular blogger and I guess it comes with the territory.

I never thought anything more about it and I certainly didn't think anyone would do the same to me.

I was reading Cjane's forum today and noticed that someone had mentioned that if you go to Copyscape you can check who may be plagiarising your work.

I just checked and only read the first entry - a UK site has lifted most of my posts IN FULL since January and used them on their site, photos and all. I assume their site is updated via a reader every time I post.

The site is There is no reference to me or my blog. The hilarious part is they have a copyright notice on their website yet the copy belongs to me and another site, Treehuggers. At least I am in esteemed company.

This site has no contact details listed and the comments are closed. I had to check Whois to see who owned the site. I found a name and an address and they are getting a 'sweet' note from me. Just to explain that in order to write my posts, I usually have to be embarassed, humiliated, laughed at and nearly chewed apart by dogs like Rosie. It doesnt come easy, lol!

I understand when we put anything on the Internet it is open to manipulation. However, the same rules apply on the net as they do elsewhere.


Beware everyone and go check out Copyscape to see if anyone is using your life for their blog or website. They have badges you can put on your site (on the right) and they tell you how to deal with plagiarism.

Let me know if you find the same thing for your blog - not sure I want to look at any more on the list but I am keeping the Copysafe badge on my blog (it means pinch my content or images and you self destruct, he he)!

Image: Labriever
Writer of this post - Lilly at with strong connections to the Mafia, God, the Wiggles or whoever else scares you.

Sunday 26 April 2009

I didn't leave the house

Have you visited

It has a great quote about Blogging - Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few.

I think I am about to do just that.

Yesterday I didn't leave the house because the weather was horrific. However, it ended up being a great Girl's Day In which was surprisingly influenced by bloggers from all over the world. How mad is that, internet peoples?

To avoid saying too much, I was just going to leave you with this visual of my day (I was bored a little ok?), except it occurred to me that those with vivid imaginations and those with little imagination may not 'get it' ..... so the 'too much to say bit' follows for those who need a translation. Jeanne's quiz confirms we either favor our left or right brain so I am catering to both just in case.

I woke up really early, during a dream about Paris (I was reading Caroline's blog the previous day), because my mobile was ringing ...and ringing.

It was a friend from Edinburgh. She was upset. The combination of her sobs and her thick Scottish accent meant I had no hope in hell of understanding a word she said. I hope I ahhed, and ohhed and said there, there in all the right places. I am no longer used to the accent which in times like this, is an issue. Speaking of Scots, go visit Mike Smith's blog, he is such a great and funny writer, even if he does follow the wrong football team (and no hint of an accent!!).

I finally got up and looked out the window to see extreme wind and drizzly rain. I reconsidered my plans for the day over bircher muesli and juice and then entered the blogosphere.

Rhonda, you are hysterical and quite frankly have traumatised me with that image, Ugich that is the best Mother's Day post ever and made me cry, June you are such a clever writer and that is a novel waiting to be published, Linda Lou you are hot and a brilliant writer and is there anything you cannot do and Braja that is a post many people could use and should read right now.

I was due to write a post but I ...well..... There were too many other distractions.

I did some cooking - apple pies and gingerbread sponge cake (recipes courtesy of Barbara) and scones (inspired by Loving Annie).

Then I spent some time sewing some super exotic cushions (a la 1920s). Interior design is a passion of mine. I sorted some DVDs I am sending to Betty in Paraguay (say a prayer for them given the severe drought they are having there), did some painting, sorted some photos, did some housework, put on a face mask, had a manicure and pedicure, made a scrumptious dinner and still had some time to continue reading a great book called Secrets of a Bullet Proof Spirit (if you need help trying to bounce back from life's rollercoaster rides) and do some writing. Of course I also had to have a glass or two of wine because Peggy told me if I stopped drinking I would end up like this (seriously, Peggy is one wise woman - pay her a visit).

Have a great Sunday. Hopefully I get to step out the front door and see what the world holds today. Weather permitting, of course.
I may then have something worthwhile to post ....I know, I know, there is that hysterical Spice Trails cooking class....the knife wounds just need to heal before I think about that understand....
Where would I be without you all on a rainy day though?

Tuesday 24 February 2009

This could only happen to me

I have a company. I do stuff.

Sometimes creative, sometimes corporate.

I can't say more. After reading this you'll know why.

I was asked to do some market research for the Police.

I thought, why not? It's great they care about public perception.

Except, I didn't think it through, did I?

The complictions of doing this job only occurred to me in the middle of the night. In the middle of a nightmare.

Remember 'that incident' with the police? When my mouth and brain were out of sync?

Last night I watched the most blood curdling show on TV (no, not the Oscars, it was a show called Underbelly). It's all about crooked cops and sadistic criminals in Australia in the 70s and 80s. I didn't know that the humble shovel was such a multi-purpose weapon. Hits, chops, cuts, flattens, digs, buries .....

I dreamt that I strolled into the police station to do this job. All corporate and sophisticated. Until I caught sight of a Wanted Poster on the bulletin board. A poster with a heading that read Crazy Woman and with my face plastered all over it. I walked to the front desk trying to cover the offending face with my hair. NO, it couldn't be!!!! It was him!!!! It was the police officer I swore at, sitting there in all his navy blue and shiny glory. He was leaning back in his chair, with his feet on the desk, juggling bullets and chewing gum. He looked up. We locked eyes. A look of recognition slowly crept across his face like a gloomy black shadow. He knew exactly who I was! Was it because I was screaming four letter words, with my mouth wide open and my face contorted.... in all shades of red? I turned to run in circles in my ridiculous, impractical stilettos. He lept up out of his chair, yelled out after me, jumped the counter and chased me down the hall. A gun in one hand and...........a SHOVEL in the other..... I woke up just as the shovel....
Guilty people are always paranoid (remember that).

This job could be uncomfortable. It could ruin my professional credibility if I'm recognised. As the Crazy Woman.

I need to look different.

Maybe if I hold up my folder to my face it could distract them.

Maybe I should try different hair.

Maybe a full disguise. Do you think sunglasses are too much indoors? Seems to work for Mickey Rourke.....

The danger is, that it may make me look more criminal and less consultant.
I'm a walking's tough being me sometimes.

I'm just glad the people that pay me to be intelligent, impartial and professional don't read my blog.

Karma. Maybe. Guilty conscience. Definitely.

Thank God I have given up the evil white stuff.
Sugar, people. It's crazy making.

Now I have to give up police shows. Like Underbelly.
If you ever come across a shovel, don't take your eyes off it. I'm just saying, that's all.
And please, whatever you do, don't call me Crazy....

Friday 20 February 2009

OK own up, which one of you addicted bloggers did this...

The Daily Telegraph has reported the first ever case of someone using the Internet while asleep.
The 44-year-old woman had gone to bed at about 10pm, but got up two hours later, walked to the next room and sat down at her computer. She turned the machine on, connected to the Internet and successfully logged on with her user name and password, before composing three emails and sending them to friends. She only found out what she had done when one of them telephoned the next day to reply to the email and accept the invitation.

The emails themselves were perhaps not up to the woman’s waking standard; each was in a random mix of upper and lower case characters, badly formatted and containing odd expressions. One read: “Come tomorrow and sort this hell hole out. Dinner and drinks, Bring wine and caviar only.” Another said simply: “What the…”

Apparently its been dubbed ‘zzz-mailing’. So now we’ve all got an excuse if we hit the send button and then realise we just made a terrible mistake. We can pretend we were asleep. A legitimate defence.

I once shared a group house with a girl who sleep walked. She got out of bed one night, went to the fridge, ate some cheese, tomata sauce, gherkins and icecream (together, cringe) and then went back to bed. She had no recollection of anything. I’ve also heard of people cooking meals, driving cars, climbing bridges or murdering people while still asleep. I am also intrigued about the story of Welsh nurse Lee Hadwin, dubbed ‘Kipasso’, who does amazing paintings while asleep.

Do you know anyone who sleep walks? And what do they do?

Have a great weekend everyone! And if you happen to get a strange email in your inbox - it'll just be someone zzz-mailing you...

Friday 30 January 2009

Blogg-ing is a many splendored thing

. I am:
Laugh-ing - at the guy I walked past in the shopping mall yesterday who said to his friend, "I was so humiliated, it was like someone putting a firecracker up my ass, so I finally had to do it!" I was left wondering what he had to do exactly.

Read-ing: The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. This is an amazing story of growing up and surviving in a disfunctional family. I'm nearly finished - just need a little more time on the couch.

Cry-ing - because my blogroll just disappeared into thin air without warning..... now where do I begin....I like using the blogroll not the follower reader to catch up on blogs...

Eat-ing - some home grown plums, peaches, apricots and vegetables. Why do they taste so different from those I buy at the markets. Interesting reading about food democracy and the slow food movement here.

Pity-ing - the rich Wall Street widows who have formed a support group called Dating a Banker Anonymous, to help women cope with the inevitable relationship fallout on Wall Street from the global financial crisis. Haven't they ever heard of 'for richer or poorer' - I am sure they can sell their jewellery if times get too tough.

Listen-ing - to Roseanne Barr and her partner Johnny Argent's LA KPFK radio show Beneath the Surface. I love the down to earth politics, the interesting guests and the discussion on world issues like Pakistan, Israel, Russia and China. Yes, really.

Lov-ing - playing around with the Advertising Slogan Generator . Useful if you are looking for post titles. Like, Four out of Five Dentists recommend Lilly's Life, They drink Lilly's Life in the Congo. Nothin' says lovin' like Lilly's Life straight from the oven -didn't say they were good just fun.

Tak-ing it to the sweet - a cupcake art installation in Seattle reminds us of the simple things.

Wish-ing - a Happy Birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world! I won't mention the fact you looked up the phone book to find a medical clinic last week because you had the flu, rang the first one you found and then spent the next ten minutes trying to book an appointment a psychiatric clinic. No, of course I would never mention that. You are new in the city. However, I may mention it when I'm doing my next Message from your Mother post...have a cocktail for me!

Question-ing - the relevance of Google Earth again, even though Google has said that it is not stalking people or helping terrorists. Perhaps others are using the tool to do just that though. India is investigating the circumstances surrounding November's deadly attack on Mumbai and how Google Earth was used in the planning. Now I know the reason my blogroll disappeared....

Plann-ing -
to write a lot of my February posts about LOVE. Love is in the Air. Love is Bliss, Love is Blind, Love is Everything, Love Hurts, Love is all we need, Love is a Battlefield, Love makes the world go whether you are in love, out of love or never been in love, there will be something for everyone!

Watch-ing -
Breakfast at Tiffanys - Gran's movie posts made me realise that there are so many classics I haven't watched. So, I'm armed with a list and working my way through them.

Hop-ing you all have a great weekend and, I'm also

Wonder-ing, if any of you know someone who designs blogs, as I'm wanting a whole new look!