Showing posts with label Viva Las Vegas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viva Las Vegas. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The View From Sin City

We have arrived in Sin City.

It was a bit shocking to get up at 3am in order to make it the airport and then arrive in Las Vegas at 9:15am.  Of course, it felt like 12:15 to us and we were HUNGRY.  By the time we made it to the hotel I was downright pissy.  I have slightly low blood sugar and when I don't eat for prolonged periods my migraine kicks up and I become less than pleasant.  Ah well.  After a sandwich it all was better.

Here is The Plaza (taken from Fremont Street):
The Plaza

After checking out the machines here we took a walk down Fremont Street.  I had pretty good luck here:
Golden Gate Casino

I had a lot of fun here, but didn't even come close to trying all the games I wanted:
The Four Queens

Serious hunger attacked (again) while we were playing at The Four Queens, so we quit for dinner.  We sat looking out on the casino.  Man, it was pretty, but it got to be a bit noisy after a while.  Here is the view from the table:
Inside The Four Queens

I know you can't see any of the games (to know what they are), but it makes for a pretty picture.  I had pretty good luck on the game with the round red sign over it, second from the left, in the next to the back row.  That entire row of games is a max bet of $.75 a spin.  I love being able to afford to play at Max.  I hit the tiny jackpot. It was only $25, but it was still pretty fun when the whistle blew.

I took a bunch more photos of the casinos waking back down Fremont Street.  I had to go to Walgreens to try and buy some distilled water for mom.  They were out:(  So, while she was checking in, I snapped all of the pics.

Fremont Street Cowboy

Obviously not the traditional Thursday post today and I am sooo behind in my reading it may not be up as full as usual tomorrow, but it's Vegas Baby!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


the view from The Plaza: The Las Vegas Club
 The Opposite Corner is The Golden Gate Hotel and Casino

Straight down the Middle is Fremont Street (gorgeous at night)

Remember my "E" post (yes, I know that was a lot of letters back) on euchre?  My parents were avid card players.  My dad really liked to play poker.  That was not a game that he taught to me, but that feeling that he had about Las Vegas must have been something that I picked  up on, because I vividly can recall saying as a teenager that "Dad and I are going to Vegas when I grow up."  Did my dad talk a lot about Vegas?  Not that I remember.  However, there must have been a feeling in the air about it.  I knew that he wanted to go.  And even though I had never gambled in my life, I wanted to go, too.

After I graduated college and started working, my dad acted on his own desire.  He started  to go on local casino trips.  He then started a Casino Tour Group with his brother and another partner.  He enjoyed that for many years.  He even went to Vegas several times (without me).  However, it didn't really fill that Vegas need that he had.  So, he moved there.  Yep.  He left Ohio and moved to Vegas.  Even I was shocked.  I was living in Georgia, or maybe Florida, by this time.  (It's so hard to keep up....)

Eventually, my mom and I did go to Vegas while my dad was still living out there, so I did get to spend time with my dad in Vegas.  In a strange way that edict that I made as a teenager was fulfilled.  More specifically, I actually went to Vegas with both of my parents, despite the fact that  they were divorced.  It wasn't the trip with my dad that I had planned in my head, but it sure was fun.  And they got along much better divorced than they ever did married, so we all had a great time.

Both of my parents have always been conservative gamblers and so am I.  I love it like crazy, but my dad taught me to never take more than you can afford to lose.  Ironically, our family is pretty lucky overall, and since we play it so cool, we tend to come out even or ahead in these matters.  However, gambling was something that my brother *used to say* that he would never do.  In fact, I can clearly recall him saying that gambling is the same thing as flushing your money down the toilet.  Mom and I just looked at each other.  (How was this possible?  Dad loved to gamble.  She loves to gamble.  I love to gamble.  Aaaahhh.  Lightbulb moment: he just hadn't tried it yet.)  Needless to say, once he visited my dad in Vegas, it was all over but the taking it back.  My brother now loves the Casino.  And Vegas.  So much so that he bought a Timeshare there.  That was something else that he would Never.Ever.Do, because it was throwing your money away.  

The takeaway: never say never.   The other takeaway: don't take your debit card to Vegas.  Only lose what you are prepared to lose.  And if you win or break even, you are one lucky duck.  

 On a more personal note, you simply don't know how much time you will get with people.  If I hadn't made that trip out to Vegas with mom when I did, I never would have gotten to fulfill my "Vegas trip with dad desire."  It wasn't long after this trip that he decided to move back to Ohio.  Shortly after that move he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, and passed away.  Life is short.  Take advantage of the opportunities when they come.  Seize the day.  Viva Las Vegas!

Rating: Passion, with some Life Lessons thrown in...

Have you ever been to Las Vegas?  Any other Casinos?  Did you love it or hate it? Have you ever been thankful that you seized an opportunity when you did or filled with regret that you missed one?