Showing posts with label embed or links. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embed or links. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Feedback On Thursday

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I would like some feedback regarding my Thursday posts.

Several of you have indicated that you have difficulty with the page loading due to the number of videos.  I want the experience to be an easy one for everyone.

I tend to think that people are more inclined to watch the videos if they are right there and only one click away.  That is why I embed them, as opposed to offering up a link to YouTube, whenever possible.  However, I am well aware that if I posted links instead of embedding that it would likely solve the loading problems some of you are experiencing.

So, my questions are these: What would you prefer?  Links or the videos embedded as they currently are.  Would you watch any of the videos (other than one dedicated specifically to you) if you had no idea what it was and had to keep clicking over to YouTube to see it?  Be honest.  Would you even watch the video for everyone if it wasn't just one click away?  

I want to make this experience delightful for everyone, but if only a couple of you are having trouble, I don't want to "solve" this problem by making it not only difficult for everyone, but so troublesome that it is no longer worth the effort (for anyone).  That is how our government handles problems, and we see how well that is working...

So, please give me your feedback.