Showing posts with label seven things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seven things. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Oscars and Getting To Know Me.

I watched the last hour of the Oscars last night.  I have been in bed with a mind-bending migraine.  As in literally in bed for days.  I turned on the TV Sunday night just to break the monotony.  Did anyone else find Seth McFarlane not funny?  As in not funny at all?  I thought maybe it was just me and my migraine until Daniel Day-Lewis received Best Oscar for his role as Lincoln.  Now he was hilarious in his acceptance speech.  Maybe they should consider Daniel Day-Lewis as a host for next year's event?  I stumbled onto a recap of the event that was fairly enlightening about all things Oscar.

Alex J. Cavanaugh hit me up with an award. ::The Very Inspiring Blogger Award::  I must say I was shocked.  Alex's page is where I go to get all of the news for everything that is happening in the Blogoverse  He is very much In The Know about Blogfests, New Book Releases, Challenges, pretty much if it's happening Alex knows about it. So, it always surprises me when I see my name in the "content" part of his blog.  It is like getting a hard knock in the solar plexus.  Yep, that is me.  I am the person who was just reading at their computer who is suddenly gasping for air.

Now that I am back down to earth, I have to come up with seven things you don't know about me.  Alex cheated and only coughed up one.

1. I am allergic to shellfish, potatoes, beef, and I choose to eat pork in small quantities.
2. I also don't drink any alcohol because it makes my migraines worse.  I don't smoke either; it completely clogs up my sinuses.
3. I don't own a camera.  I never converted to digital.  It has been on my "must buy" list for a very long time.  I think it is getting close to a decade now... (Yes, it is tiresome always having to borrow my mom's camera.)
4.  For the most part, I heartily dislike Reality TV.  Where is the reality????
5. I had a difficult time mentally making the transition to the Kindle.  I love books.  However, once I did it, I discovered that I loved it.  I still have books, but e-book buying is so much easier, and they take up so much less space!
6. I just moved back to Florida with my mom.  I bought a house and it feels like our lives are caught up in the whirl of renovations.  By the time this is done, this house house should be energy efficient AND easier to cook in:)
7. I just had an appointment with a new Primary Care Doctor here.  She seems to have some new ideas about my migraine headaches AND some new ideas about how to get rid of them.  I am very excited to start working with her.  She meets all of my qualities for a good doctor: she actually listens, she thinks outside of the box, and she doesn't think a prescription is a one-stop solution for everything.  In other words, she actually believes in correcting the imbalance in the body and getting the person WELL.  It is innovative thinking.  I can actually see myself getting better under her care.  Yay!!!!

I get to pass this award on to three Very Inspiring Bloggers...

Jasmine at A Yellow Rose of Texas
Manzanita at Wanna Buy a Duck
Liza at Middle Passages