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Showing posts with label baby names. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby names. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What's In a Name?

Today I had a good chuckle. While reading a letter I received in the mail, I looked at the signature and laughed out loud. His last name was Rabbitt...Have any idea what his parents named him? JACK....no, really. His name was Jack Rabbitt ! Why didn't they just name him Peter? Peter Rabbitt....I think that sounds just as good. Can you imagine growing up in school with the name....Jack Rabbitt....?!

I am amazed at some of the names parents give their children. What possess them to have a child grow up with a bizarre, weird, strange or rhyming name? Are they thinking of the babies that will grow up to be adults?

An acquaintance of mine, David, named his son 'Harley" Do you know why? He wanted people to say....This is Harley...David's...son...get it? Harley Davidson... oh my...

Parents put so much time and effort in choosing the perfect name for their child. As parents, we want to do the best for our children. Are we trying to predetermine their personality or success?
Do parents seek to have their child be unique? A name might remind you of someone well known....If I wrote Brittany or Paris, what comes to mind? I'm thinking there may be less babies born with those names these days.

Here's a short list from Wikipedia of same strange names that I found rather humorous:

Armand Hammer, famous industrialist.

Harley Quinn Smith, daughter of filmmaker Kevin Smith,

Coco Crisp, Major League Baseball center fielder for the Boston Red Sox.

Loser Lane - a New York Police Department sergeant

Dick Assman (properly pronounced "assmun"). Canadian service station owner whose name propelled him to international celebrity status in 1995.

Ima Hogg, Daughter of Governor of Texas James Stephen Hogg.

Shanda Lear, daughter of Bill Lear, founder of Lear Jet Corporation.

Do you know anyone with a bizarre or strange name?

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