Showing posts with label Croatia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Croatia. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2009


© 2009, Valentin Grigore (President of SARM).

Since 1997, the scientific lectures of the annual International Meteor Conference (IMC) have concluded with an original Saturday night Astropoetry Show, combining astronomical poetry, drama, humour, music, arts, improvisations, etc, attracting over time participants from 17 countries and 3 continents.

As the founder and director of the Astropoetry Show, Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, had to remain in Romania to take care of his mother, hospitalized in a critical state of health and was unable to attend the IMC 2009 in Porec (Croatia, September 24-27), this traditional spectacle was replaced by THE METEOR POETRY POSTER, directed poetically by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe and photographically by Valentin Grigore.

Another humanistic initiative, the Meteor Contemporary Poetry Project, a periodic anthology published from 2002 to 2008, preserved in the electronic archive of the International Meteor Organization, was absorbed in 2009 by the project Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy.

Thus the 13th Astropoetry Show and the Meteor Contemporary Poetry Project was merged into a celebratory electronic page, including a meteor poetry prologue, new meteor poems from the summer of 2009 from all over the world (which reproduce much of the content of the IMC 2009 poster), astro-thoughts from the IMC 2009 participants, photographs, and a commemorative post-scriptum.




a dusty filament
drifts across Earth's orbit
raining light

-Gerald England (U.K.,
Editor of New Hope International
and Honorary Member of the International Artists and Writers Academy);
first published in Meteor Contemporary Poetry Project 5,
IMO-News Mailing List, 2005 June 21st-

was my own contribution to the poster.

A METEOR OVER SAND WALK-WAYS - artwork © by Calin Niculae (SARM).

The ASTRO-METEOR POETRY SHOW-PROJECT is a special page realized by the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM with the support of some members of the International Meteor Organization, coordinated by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, Alastair McBeath and Valentin Grigore, and web designed by Florin Stancu.