Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ABC Wednesday:
K is for Knipling

Lace shop in Tønder, Denmark, 1988.

Thanks to all those who made such great responses to last week's post Just because ...

For more K posts visit ABC Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

ABC Wednesday - C is for Cycling in Copenhagen

These are just a few of the cyclists we encountered when visiting Copenhagen in 2006.

Cycling is so popular in Copenhagen that there is a blog Copenhagen Chic specifically devoted to the activity.

For more C posts visit ABC Wednesday.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Shadow Sunday: Copenhagen

It has been a cold white Christmas so I've been digging in the archives for a shadow and discovered this from Copenhagen.

The shadow belongs to the Ice Bear Statue at Langelinje Pier. The monument was erected in 1937, and depicts an ice bear with its two cubs on an ice flake. It was a gift of the harbour authorities and symbolizes Greenland, Denmark's Northernmost part. The monument was made by Holger Wederkinck.

For more shadows visit Hey Harriet.

Monday, July 07, 2008

The Great Belt Bridge

This month's contribution to Broer som Binder (Bridges between) takes us to Denmark.

girders brace the great belt of sea spanned

words & photo © gerald england, 2007

This was published here in July 2007 in response to the "body of water" theme at One Deep Breath.

A year earlier we had passed under this bridge on the cruise ship Aurora on our way from Gydnia to Oslo.

The Great Belt (Danish: Storebælt) is a strait between the main Danish islands of Zealand (Sjælland) and Fyn. Since 1997 the islands have been connected by the Great Belt Fixed Link.

The whole of the link consists of a road suspension bridge and railway tunnel between Zealand and the island Sprogø, as well as a box girder bridge between Sprogø and Funen. The suspension bridge (known as the East Bridge) was then the second longest in the world but has dropped now to third place.

Here is a slideshow of some of the other pictures I took while sailing under.

A full list of participants to Broer som Binder can be found on Runes TX-blog.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

ABC Wednesday - T is for Travel

I could have gone T for Tallinn but you can see my photos and account of that lovely city here and here.

I could have gone T for Trondheim but you can see my photos and account of that lovely city here.

I could have gone T for Tenerife but you can see my photos and account of that island here.

People seem to have the impression that I am well-travelled but I have only visited 13% of the world.

This map and the others you can compile on the net are bit misleading but interesting nonetheless. For the first 50-odd years of my life apart from a week in Amsterdam in 1980 [which included a day-trip to Brussels] and one holiday in Denmark, I never left the UK. However we saw an awful lot of the UK from St Agnes in the Scillies to Unst in Shetland. Very few areas of the British Isles are unvisited.

We didn't start world-travelling until 1999 when we ventured across the sea to Ireland. Later that year we flew via Amsterdam to Los Angeles. On the visited countries map that is enough to colour in the whole of the USA from New York westwards including Alaska.

In 2001 we had our tremendous holiday of a lifetime spending a month travelling around New Zealand which puts some colour in the bottom right-hand corner. The dot representing Singapore, our only stopover in Asia barely shows up.

The following year, having had to give up driving, we took a coach holiday through Europe visiting 9 countries in 9 days. There were some highlights but, in some respects it was possibly one of our grimmest holidays. It certainly colours the map though.

It was three years before we ventured abroad again on a fabulous cruise to Ireland, Greenland, Iceland and Norway. In 2006 we went quite mad (and why not?). Firstly we had a holiday in February to Tenerife, which adds Spain to the map even though we've never seen its mainland. June saw us on our second cruise, this time to the Baltics. Although we only visit St. Petersburg, the map covers in the whole of Russia all the way to Siberia! Finally at the end of September we went to Crete, which adds Greece to the map even though we've never seen its mainland.

Our only holiday this year was a week in Southport. We have enjoyed a few day-trips to various places. The likelihood is that we won't be doing very much physical travelling in the future except for short journeys. Any regrets? Absolutely none. I travel Around the World everyday without leaving home.

Monday, July 16, 2007

a body of water

girders brace the great belt of sea spanned

words & photo © gerald england, 2007

in response to the "body of water" theme at One Deep Breath.

The body of water is the Great Belt between the Danish islands of Zealand and Funen.