Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Two Trees Lane United Methodist Free Church

Two Trees Lane United Methodist Free Church, Haughton Green, Denton, Manchester, UK was built next door to the Cock Hotel, which predates it. Architecturally, it has a strong resemblance to the Wesleyan Sunday School on the opposite side of Two Trees Lane (now much altered), which was built in 1877, and it is possible that the same architect designed both buildings.

The date of closure of the church is unknown but trade directories suggest that it was prior to 1903. It was by then known as Victoria Works and was occupied by the engineering firm of John Brown (Denton) Ltd which was founded in 1880 and specialised in the manufacture of hat wire and spokes for the cycle and motor trades.

Additional information on its history can be found on the Pitt Dixon website.

The current occupiers are Moorside Manufacturing, a family owned and run precision engineering company formed in 1991.

A contribution to
Inspired Sundays;
Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

32 Laystall Street, Manchester

A former garment warehouse, dated 1888. It was built with red brick in Flemish bond with dressings of moulded buff and white terracotta in an eclectic style with Romanesque elements. It has a three storey five-window façade, symmetrical, with the centre bay breaking forwards. Flanking the centre are round-headed doorways at ground floor and at 1st floor, with square-headed windows at 2nd floor, and beyond these coupled windows on all floors, set in large round-headed blank arches with Tudor-flower sill-bands to these; all these windows with much moulded terracotta enrichment, including twisted shafts with foliated caps. It has an unusual degree of High Victorian decoration on a relatively small building.

The Grade II listed building is near Great Ancoats Street.

A contribution to
Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors;
Rubbish Tuesday;
Ruby Tuesday;
Our World Tuesday.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekend Reflections:
St Anne's on the Sea

So many reflections in the window of the YMCA Charity Shop at St Anne's on the Sea.

Check out more weekend reflections at Newtown Area Photos.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

West Window

West Window
the whole spectrum
filters through

text & photograph © 2008, gerald england

posted in response to the "colors" prompt at One Single Impression.

The photograph was taken on a recent visit to Leeds Parish Church. We can well recommend lunch in their coffee shop. Note that wheelchair access is via the west side.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My Window on the World

This is the view from my window when I'm sat by the computer.

A couple of months back, turning my head a little to the right I saw this.