Showing posts with label schools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schools. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I've had half a dozen comments online about the truth-meme I posted earlier, and a number of others have commented privately.

TOPIC: "Five Things You Don't Know About Me (of which, only FOUR are TRUE) ... Which one's NOT True?" ~ DISCUSS!
  1. I went to school with Rita Haworth

  2. I went skinny-dipping on a beach near Bridlington

  3. I drove over the Atlantic

  4. I did the twist on stage dressed in a monkey suite

  5. My shortest published poem consists of one three-letter word

The time has come, as they say, to come clean and reveal all.

Well sorry to disappoint the ladies, but I never went skinny-dipping near Bridlington; the waters of the North Sea are far too cold!

I did go to school with Rita Haworth; Jane Mansfield and another whose name I forget who also had a Hollywood namesake, but they were all Yorkshire lasses.

Yes indeed, I drove across the Atlantic on the bridge that links Seil Island to the mainland of Scotland.

I had the part of a monkey in a play at school. I don't remember much about the play itself. I think it may have been based on the story of Noah's Ark. The script called for the monkey to dance the "hornpipe". I couldn't do it to save my life. But at the village youth club I was a champion at doing the twist. I told the producer that since the "hornpipe" was anachronistic anyway, why not bring the play up to date and twist to Chubby Checker instead. He agreed.

And, finally, I wrote the one-word poem and in 1973. It was first published in 1982 in the US magazine Interstate and in 2004 in the Canadian magazine Raw NerVZ.

It is an example of a "square", a syllabic verse form I pioneered in the 70s. A "square" is a stanza that consists of as many lines as the numbers of syllables per line; the poems are untitled and all squares begin with the word and.

Thus there can only be one uni-square.

I've written and had published quite a number of squares. In 1992, Krax published a selection of quadra-squares, Four Square Replay.

An eight-stanza octo-square sequence was published in Fire #17 in 2002 and can be viewed on the Poetry Library Archive.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Truth Meme

OK this here "truth meme" has been going around, recently on the blogs of Ame ~~ Lynne ~~ Soosha-Q

TOPIC: "Five Things You Don't Know About Me (of which, only FOUR are TRUE) ... Which one's NOT True?" ~ DISCUSS!

  1. I went to school with Rita Haworth.

  2. I went skinny-dipping on a beach near Bridlington.

  3. I drove over the Atlantic.

  4. I did the twist on stage dressed in a monkey suit.

  5. My shortest published poem consists of a single three-letter word.

In the tradition of QI I may award minus points for obvious but wrong answers. Creative comments and/or correct answers may earn their authors a book or postcard.

To comment, click on the link below labelled responses. If you aren't a blogger you can still respond by selecting other or anonymous and posting your comment. If you choose "anonymous" though do sign your name within the comment else I'll probably delete it.