Showing posts with label futbol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label futbol. Show all posts

09 June 2008

Going Dutch

A rare treat, two posts in one day. But a brief item here:

Since The Guardian has decreed that all persons of English descent must back Holland in the Euro 2008 contests, my allegiance is certain. And that reader poll would've come up with Holland even if there wasn't any online tampering of the votes by Dutch sneaky types.

So the match against Italy is today, at 8:45pm, in some far-flung time zone, so who knows. It could be happening right now, for all I can tell. Not that it matters: Here in Washington DC, it's too early to abandon the office, hug a pint and shout at a TV bolted to a wall over a row of taps...

Oh, and of course, every post on IntangibleArts must come with a photo. And the shot above is from the DC United home opener against Columbus, so it doesn't really "go" with the story, but it sets the tone. Quit buggin' me. And GO HOLLAND.

UPDATE: As requested, Holland went. And they left Italian bodies everywhere, drowning in a sea of orange jerseys. 3-0. Gotta see a re-broadcast of this one.