Showing posts with label morning artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morning artist. Show all posts

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Style Saturday: DIY Skinny Jeans

My eight-year old $7 flare jeans turned skinny!


DIY Skinny Jeans

Hello friends. It's Saturday and that means I get to have a little time to pull up my feet, relax and browse through some designer eye candies.  Today, I was into skinny jeans! 

For some of you who have been following this blog, you know by now that I'm huge on 'do-it-yourself' projects.  I've been a fan of designer Donwan Harrell for quite some time now, and the way he re-engineered the must-have jeans.  Harrell's PRPS (short for 'purpose') jeans are understandably pricey because each one is 'rare and premium' and designs run in limited editions.  A true wearable art!  That inspired me to re-design one of my old forgotten jeans, instead of breaking the bank.

I wish I took photos in the process, but it was a bit tough with two energetic toddlers ready to conquer the weekend fun.  It's actually pretty simple if you have a little experience in sewing.  There are a lot of videos you can watch out there on how to turn any pair of jeans into a skinny one.  The one I found the most helpful is by ModCloth.

It took me twenty-five minutes to finish mine, and very happy with how it turned out, especially the fit.

There you have it!  If ever you decide to alter your own jeans, share your photo.  Have fun! And thanks for stopping by again, and thanks ModCloth for the video.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Momentary Pause

Things have been pretty quiet in my blog for few weeks now. This is the reason. I've decided to take a brief pause from painting and writing to focus my time to the new addition in our family. In fact, I have him in my lap as I was typing this (with one hand cuddling him and one hand typing).

Such momentary pause doesn't mean idle time. How can it be? Working, raising a toddler and now another munchkin, fills up my 24 x 7. But I'm enjoying the 'ride' more than ever (with a new carseat in the rear). So pardon me for being away for a while. Babies don't keep. I want to enjoy their smallness, when I can still scoop them up with my two hands and raise them up in the air.

Because pretty soon, they won't be little people anymore. Worry not though, I won't wait 'til they're young men to resume painting and creating. The next canvas is already primed, waiting to be painted the next time their nap times coincide.

I'll be back with a promise to bring you even more exciting posts...very, very soon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Morning Brew

Fresh flowers from hubby, Peachberry Jasmine Sutra tea and Mac for Etsy - my perfect brew for a lovely spring morning.

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, June 11, 2009


A Father's Day Poem  by Sherie Sloane

Dad and our little man, watching the sunset.
One of my favorite random shot.

Because of you
I am steadfast and strong
Carrying on through the storm

Because of you
I knew right from wrong
Learning when to drift along

Because of you
I found courage in fear
Daring trepidation in tiers

Because of you
I stood up after a fall
Recognizing I never lost it all

Because of you
I triumphed after each loss
Applauding wisdom amidst the cost

Because of you
I am cherished and spirit's free
Living and loving in higher degree

Advance Happy Father's Day to all dads out there.  

I wrote this poem last year, thinking about my own Dad and all the years he stood by us through good times and tough ones.  

Dad, this is for you.  May our love reach you in heaven.  I miss you, we all do.

Feel free to copy the poem (please include author's name) and give it to the special men in your lives.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Run, Mommy Run.

Still smiling at the first mile.

Last Sunday was Mother's Day.  My Day.  I shouldn't have done anything, right.  Revel in peace in a quiet home while the boys were out.  In my dreams.

Every year for Mother's Day, we go to our cousin's house a little after lunch for a dinner party.  We actually skip lunch since you don't want to stuff yourself and feel too guilty trying out all the sumptuous treats on the dinner table.

Several years ago, I devised a plan to shed our guilt off a little bit.  Wake up at 5am with bloodshot eyes, drive half an hour downtown, have breakfast in our favorite tea shop, rest for a while, then run the 5K to support cancer survivors.

Sounds like an easy feat right?  Only if you don't have a little toddler in tow.  Here's what happens actually.  Wake up at 4am, after more than a dozen attempts from husband to wake me up).  It's interesting to know that when dad says he's going to bed at night, he actually falls asleep.  

When mom says 'I'll go to bed', it really means, cleaning the last bits of mess left, folding laundry, re-checking and adding lists of things to do, rearranging appointments for the hundredth time, and so on and so forth.  Did I say, I was going to sleep.

Okay, so I was finally awake.  I packed the little man's diapers, wipes, drinks (notice it's  in plural form).  Amazingly, little people weighing almost thirty pounds can down liquids twice his weight.  Oh, and don't forget the change of clothes.  Just in case, we get blessed with a big 'blow-out'.  You know what I mean.  Okay, I'll spell it for you.  Mean poopie.

All set.  Don't forget the jogger!  Carrying a squiggly active tot for just half a mile is not my idea of getting fit.  At least, not that morning.  It was Mother's Day, so I didn't have to drive.  I planned on squeezing a nap during the drive.  That was my plan, until I heard Bebo the baby sign bear singing away from the little tube in the van.  

I turn to look at the little man, his big bright eyes beaming with excitement watching the little bear.  All the sleepiness disappeared.  Watching him has been my favorite past times ever since we had him.

We didn't actually run the whole 5K.  We walked part of it and I sprinted the last two miles.  The boys decided to brisk walked it, or I should say hubby did.  Jogger plus tot, equals fifty pounds at least.  Try running with it for a good mile without stopping, and I bet you'll be begging just to sleep the whole day through.

After an hour or so of walking and running, we finished the lap.  We skipped the free McDonald breakfast after much debating.  What's the point, we just concluded a 'let's get fit' mission anyway.  Hooray!  Luckily, the little man dozed off half the time in his cozy stroller.  That's why I was able to run the last two miles.  Otherwise, he'll be wiggling crazy looking for his 'Maymee'.

Back to home.  Hubby carried the sleeping little man to his bed.  We both can't wait to go back to sleep too.  It felt good to start the day right.  Later, we won't feel too guilty piling up the calories from the delicious dinner.  

I said I was going to sleep, right.  But wait, I got to prepare the things we're going to bring later.  I checked on the boys.  They're already snuggled together, sleeping so peacefully.  I can't help but smile.  This is why I love this job.

I might be running a marathon in this race called 'parenthood', but I have my eyes on the prize.  Right here, before my eyes.

So, run mommy run.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I have a confession to make.  The second time I picked up crocheting again, I was hooked.  That was two years ago, when my ultra-stretched belly was growing a baby.  Sleep was rare in those last few weeks before the little one decided he's ready to come out.  To while away the time, I thought I'll give crocheting another try.  

So much have changed since I first learned the craft.  I was sixteen when mom first taught me.    From home decor to fashion, it found it's way to the hearts of many.  Crochet has evolved to be a prevalent craft for even the younger generation.

For me, it's an 'art' by itself.  Just like any medium, it can be articulated into many unexpected art forms.  Someday, I plan to build a six foot fiber installation using crochet.  The type that will make one stop and wonder, 'That was crocheted?'

But I'll save that for another day or year.   Today, it's jewelry-making.  

With my hook, of course.

Monday, April 27, 2009

To Paint

Painting today at the Studio.

My tall order for today.  I haven't picked up my brushes for days.  Work and motherhood filled up my days.  Contrary to what others believe that art can be instantly created whenever an artist desires to, it doesn't often happen.

Here's an example:  

Attempt No. 1 - My little one trails behind me as I opened the door to my studio.  I know exactly what he'll go for - my tray of watercolor tubes.  He prefers that over his own set that I laid on his table.  That means, skip watercolor today. 

Attempt No. 2 - Doorbell rings while I'm filling up the jar with water for the acrylics.  Unexpected but a welcome visitor.  Then, there's lunch and phone calls to make.

Attempt No. 3 - Nap time for the little man.  Only after we danced 'Shimmie Shake' by the Wiggles.  In less than eight weeks, Anthony, Greg, Murray and Jeff have now been familiar names in our household.  Off to dreamland he goes.  Ah, it's that time!  Finally.

Attempt No. 4 - Tiptoe, then silently close the door.  Don't forget to turn on the baby monitor.  Okay, here it goes.  Squeeze paints, dab brushes, paint away.  

Let the worries wait, it's my time . . . to paint.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Art Lesson No. 2 - Plan Ahead

First, conceptualize.  Then, sketch or draw.  And then, paint.  These are the basic stages of developing an artwork.  It's a simple plan, but still a plan.  

Planning is essential in achieving your goals.  It helps minimize or eliminate mistakes, therefore saving you time.  Not used to planning?  Then, start with the basics.  You don't have to develop a strict set of procedures, committing your plan to memory may do just fine.

Here's an example of how I planned my project today.  First, I sketched my design, measured, measured again, cut, sew and finally worked on putting the finishing touches. 

Design Sketch for Tank Top Art, ACEO.

Hand-stitched Flower Applique and Crochet Edgings.

Finished Work.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Artist is Back

After few months of being away, I am back with new and exciting creations.  But first, let me thank all the folks who have been patiently messaging me, wanting to know when I'll be back in the 'artsy-crafty' circle.  Thank you for all the heartfelt messages.

I took a brief blogging sabbatical to dedicate more time to writing a book and pen a couple of articles.  I've been privileged to write the winter newsletter for Strathmore Artist this year. 

What a great honor it is to be able to inspire not only artists, but those who aspire to fulfill their creative pursuits.  So if your enthusiasm is running a little low, I invite you to take some time to read the free artist e-newsletters from Strathmore.  I guarantee you, you'll be thanking yourself you did.

Thanks for stopping by again.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Dozen Pledge

Click here to buy this painting.
Acrylic on archival & acid free heavyweight fine art paper, 2.5 x 3.5 in.
Watermark not present on original artwork, $42.

Last painting in my twelve day pledge series.

When we set our minds to accomplish a task or mission, and actually finish it, we feel exhilarated. The sense of achievement is sweeter than the thought of completeness. To say 'we've done it', is a token far more precious than any trophy.

Today, I've done it. I made true to my pledge. Twelve tulips, twelve paintings in twelve days.

One journey, a dozen stories.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Click here to buy this painting.
Acrylic on heavyweight fine art paper, 2.5 x 3.5 in.
Watermark not present on original artwork, $42.

I like rhymes. I wrote poems just on the premise of rhymes. So typically, I thought of 'heaven' when I wrote 'seven'.

Seventh heaven. The epitome of bliss. It's a tall order to define such a phrase. Heaven itself is indescribable, try expounding it seventh folds. I can muster all my wit in writing but I'll fail to give it justice with my definitions. I lose my eloquence when I'm prodded with all things omnipotent.

The least I can do is trying. Life is like that too. A try-out. A practice season for the real game up^ there, where the final reward awaits. An attempt to be worthy.

Perhaps 'seventh heaven' came to be as a result of experiencing one miracle after the other. Maybe the first one who thought of it has been through seven life-changing spectacles beyond explanation. I wonder how he must have felt like to say 'Ah, this is my seventh heaven.' Was there a near-death experience that made him pronounced it?

I can't tell you what it is or how it feels. One thing I know, we can always try to achieve it by counting our blessings and helping others. Turn someone's ordinary day to a 'miracle' through kind deeds.

Let's do that. Imagine, seven people doing seven little acts of kindness today. Seven miracles multiplied by seven. I'm sure the results will be more than seventh folds. Somewhere along the way, one will say 'I'm in seventh heaven.'

Are you in?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Acrylic on heavyweight fine art paper, 2.5 x 3.5 in.
Watermark not present on original artwork, $42.

Six, 6, sixth. Read it aloud again. What comes to mind? The abominable phrase of all things evil.

I pity the number. Is it it's fault to be what it is, to represent the 'otherwise' of good? Or was it a scarlet given by a lonesome, hopeless fellow long time ago. If it only has it's own voice, will it protest the label we put on it? Will it say, 'Give me a chance'.

Chance. Today, I'm doing that. It's time to give 'it' the chance. This isn't just a word play on positive adjectives. This is 'it'. It wasn't at all difficult to ponder on the beautiful sides.

The number '6' is a symbol of fertility, of that amazing gift to produce life. I looked like that when I was pregnant. Tall, skinny with a big 'bloop' (as my husband fondly called my belly) in the middle. I find women sexiest when they're pregnant. I admire those who wish to be one and constantly pray for those who has not been blessed.

I miss those times when I can't bend or see my toes anymore. My husband has this funny picture of me attempting to cut my toenails during my last trimester. I mustered all my yoga moves that time but to no avail. The beauty of being in the 'sixth' figure - you get to be pampered with so much love. And have someone else cut your toenails.

Six. If you're in that 'sixth' stage in life where everything seems to fall out of place, disillusioned, alone, feeling ugly and labeled inconspicuously, give yourself a 'chance'.

Look in the mirror and focus on every curve in your body, mind and soul that is beautiful. Be thankful for who you are. You are an amazing creation. Believe it, live it.