Showing posts with label motherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motherhood. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2014

Yoga Bead Love

Sharing some post-event photos from my recent YOGA BEAD LOVE Workshop.  The next YOGA BEAD LOVE is for you and your little yogis on May4th!  We'll celebrate Mother's Day with a fun, family yoga and mala beads making.  Reserve your spots by visiting

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

i Am Mom

Wow, it has been a crazy busy month for us here in the home front.  So pardon me for those four weeks I haven't blogged.  I'll make it up by sharing with you some exciting news.  I've been designing for Cupcake Crib Tees for a year now, and it has gained loyal following online since it opened last year.  The most popular design which has now sold in various countries across the globe is the iDad shirts.  I designed it for Father's Day last year, and it has since became a popular gift choice to give for dads.

I should have came out with the companion iMom shirts sooner, since many have requested it.  Now, the wait is over moms!  It's high time we give the spotlight to the hardworking, ever-loving moms with my newest design.

Definitely, there' no app for being a great parent.  So kudos to all of us toddlers and teens-toting, multi-tasking, calendar scheduling pros, working and stay at home moms.  This one's for you.

And if you're a guy reading this, go ahead and express your gratitude to that special woman in your life.  Have a terrific Tuesday!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Real Life Comedy


This was my first post in Facebook yesterday morning - Monday, the first day of the week. I know you're thinking 'what a way to start the week!  I should have held back on my last sentence on my status post.  For indeed, things kept rolling for me.

Here's the rest of the day:  While putting baby to sleep, he decided to give me a kiss but his forehead hit my lower lip (so hard blood spattered from a nasty cut).  While running to get ice to give myself first aid, I 'slightly' (thankfully just 'slightly') hit my head on the kids' bunk bed corner.  That's when it 'hit' me, literally right?  This day is funnier than a good comedy!  I can either swear at the events unfolding or laugh at it.  I chose the latter.  Hubby always say 'When stuck between the two, choose humor'.

'Little Brother'

Finally nap time came.  I geared straight to my super multitasking mommy mode.  I dialed the tech support (while browsing Etsy) for the CAD (computer assisted design) architecture software we're using for the family business (Yes, I work too. Although most of the times, I wish I can just stay in the studio all day).  After almost two hours of geek talk, they still have not solved my dilemma.  All of a sudden, we (tech guy on the phone and me) heard a shriek louder than my alarm clock.  Baby's nap time is over.  I calmly excused myself and said I'll call back.

Now, baby on my lap, I dialed back in.  This time, I'm on a mission to get a solution.  I spelled my 'mission' to Gary the Tech Guy and asked him what he can do to simplify the rest of my problem.  He said, look for the installation CD and click 'Crystal Reports' file.  All those time, three hours, and he held back that shortcut! Okay, let me do that and call back I said.  Because I need to change a poopy diaper I told myself.

Diaper change - check!  Trains and toys on the floor for baby - check!  Check big brother who was still napping (thankfully) - checked!  Back on the phone with Gary.  The shortcut didn't worked because the laptop where the software was installed was out of memory.  I feel you computer!  I'm almost out too.  I finally gave up with the tech issue and decided to rest for a while.  My lip was still bleeding. I played with my baby for few minutes and I felt better instantly.  Ah babies, my ultimate resolve to keep me in perspective.

I wish I could say that the rest of the day went smoothly but it did not.  But I'll save the rest of the story for another day.  Beside it's just Tuesday.  Here's my recent post:

Nothing beats a good book on a rainy morning...while boys are sleeping.

Thanks again for stopping by and sharing my morning.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tiny Treasures

'Tiny Treasures'

It's wet, cold and rainy outside. The weather has beckoned the beginning of Fall. So, what to do with an active toddler in the house? Pull out some paper, markers, glue and scissors for some fun, creative finger puppet time.

Drawing his finger puppet.

What to do: Trace finger on paper. Cut around the finger trace, leaving about 1 1/5 inch allowance on both sides and 1/2 inch on top. Glue the side allowances allowing space for the finger, fold the top then glue. Then have fun drawing and embellishing your paper finger puppet.

Meet Fireman Sam.

Telling the story of Fireman Sam.

The best part: Put on a show! Hearing little ones tell their 'made-up' stories is the best part of all.

So proud of his new finger puppet.

A priceless inexpensive way to have fun and get your little ones' imagination into play. And the bonding time you get to spend with them are tiny treasures you'll cherish.

Have fun!

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Momentary Pause

Things have been pretty quiet in my blog for few weeks now. This is the reason. I've decided to take a brief pause from painting and writing to focus my time to the new addition in our family. In fact, I have him in my lap as I was typing this (with one hand cuddling him and one hand typing).

Such momentary pause doesn't mean idle time. How can it be? Working, raising a toddler and now another munchkin, fills up my 24 x 7. But I'm enjoying the 'ride' more than ever (with a new carseat in the rear). So pardon me for being away for a while. Babies don't keep. I want to enjoy their smallness, when I can still scoop them up with my two hands and raise them up in the air.

Because pretty soon, they won't be little people anymore. Worry not though, I won't wait 'til they're young men to resume painting and creating. The next canvas is already primed, waiting to be painted the next time their nap times coincide.

I'll be back with a promise to bring you even more exciting posts...very, very soon.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Once there was a Nest

Carpe diem. Seize the day. A phrase we often hear, but only a few amongst us takes to heart. I, for myself is guilty of occasionally taking the hours for granted. Do you find yourself caught up in the busyness of your day that you forget to realize that there are momentary chances to make a huge difference even through our smallest deeds.

Like the day we found this nest in our yard. My friend and I could have chosen to ignore it and proceed to drive to our destination. Instead, we took the opportunity to teach my little man a brief, but meaningful life experience. To touch a precious nest that once held and nurtured tiny feathered nature friends.

Thinking back, I believe it was there to remind us to make the most of each passing moment in our days. Because someday, we'll all leave our own 'nests'.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shades of Summer

Today, I'm taking you to our backyard. It's the first thing I fell in love with, before we decided to buy our property few years ago. The old trees give a sense of nostalgia, which often makes one wonder their actual ages.

My husband built our beautiful paver patio as a mother's day gift. Now we get to enjoy the serene summer breeze under the natural shade and dine al fresco. My flowers are blooming too, what more can I ask for?

Perhaps, a little more painting time. Right now, it's all about the 'art of relaxing'. Because in few minutes, the silence will be filled with my boys' playful laughters.

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Quiet Time

Grandmas are heaven sent. Today I was able to read my favorite magazines at Borders while our new baby naps in his stroller. And big brother, I bet he's having a blast with Grandma.

Notice the zebra print car seat canopy? I made it few weeks after giving birth and it has since been getting raves from both moms & dads everywhere we go. They've been asking me where I got it.

Maybe I should start making lots of these. Perhaps my next 'quiet time' will be 'sewing time'.

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Turtle Tale and Flu

A Foot Away Too
Fine Art Photograph

Here's the story behind yesterday's Wordless Wednesday photo.

It was the third day of our much-awaited vacation in paradise.  Couldn't be more exciting, right?  That day, I tried to keep up a cheerful attitude.  Moms are great with that.  However I tried though, it was just wasn't working.  

All of us we're still recovering from the nine hour flight.  Traveling with a fifteen month old isn't a walk in the park.  Lugging a car seat, stroller, bags, suitcases, and an active toddler who wants to conquer everything all at once, is next to mission impossible.  I can hear my mom's old adage, 'That's why God made moms young.'  Oh yeah.

The irrepressible 'jet lag' was another thing.  Ever felt so tired you wish to sleep the whole day through?  The only caveat, sleep won't come even way past the nine hundred ninenty-ninth sheep you counted.  And just when you're about to really doze off, you realized it's just lunchtime.  Your body clock is still ticking the central time zone.  Trust me, your toddler will remind you it's still day time, no matter what.  He is on his own PST timezone - play specific time.

Not much too sweat, since there's Dad.  He can cover the bases while I catch a cat nap.  I wonder if cats really do sleep that short.  But flu decided to spend time with Dad.  It was the worst flu he ever had.  We decided to isolate him in the bedroom to contain the virus as much as we can.  Thank goodness for hotel housekeeping!

Always the optimist, my husband urged me to get out and spend time on the beach with our little one.   He'll get as much rest to get better quick.  Good idea.  I scooped up our little man and drove to the nearest beach.  It was sad not being with Dad that day.  I was looking forward to seeing him build a sand castle with our boy, while I lay on the beach watching them.

Why, of all days, flu will come.  I could really use extra hands, so I could relax myself.  Looking out on the horizon and feeling the cool afternoon breeze perked me up.

And just when I thought things were going astray on our vacation, God sent a turtle to cheer me up.  

A foot away from my feet.  Where's that camera?  Click!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I have a confession to make.  The second time I picked up crocheting again, I was hooked.  That was two years ago, when my ultra-stretched belly was growing a baby.  Sleep was rare in those last few weeks before the little one decided he's ready to come out.  To while away the time, I thought I'll give crocheting another try.  

So much have changed since I first learned the craft.  I was sixteen when mom first taught me.    From home decor to fashion, it found it's way to the hearts of many.  Crochet has evolved to be a prevalent craft for even the younger generation.

For me, it's an 'art' by itself.  Just like any medium, it can be articulated into many unexpected art forms.  Someday, I plan to build a six foot fiber installation using crochet.  The type that will make one stop and wonder, 'That was crocheted?'

But I'll save that for another day or year.   Today, it's jewelry-making.  

With my hook, of course.

Monday, April 27, 2009

To Paint

Painting today at the Studio.

My tall order for today.  I haven't picked up my brushes for days.  Work and motherhood filled up my days.  Contrary to what others believe that art can be instantly created whenever an artist desires to, it doesn't often happen.

Here's an example:  

Attempt No. 1 - My little one trails behind me as I opened the door to my studio.  I know exactly what he'll go for - my tray of watercolor tubes.  He prefers that over his own set that I laid on his table.  That means, skip watercolor today. 

Attempt No. 2 - Doorbell rings while I'm filling up the jar with water for the acrylics.  Unexpected but a welcome visitor.  Then, there's lunch and phone calls to make.

Attempt No. 3 - Nap time for the little man.  Only after we danced 'Shimmie Shake' by the Wiggles.  In less than eight weeks, Anthony, Greg, Murray and Jeff have now been familiar names in our household.  Off to dreamland he goes.  Ah, it's that time!  Finally.

Attempt No. 4 - Tiptoe, then silently close the door.  Don't forget to turn on the baby monitor.  Okay, here it goes.  Squeeze paints, dab brushes, paint away.  

Let the worries wait, it's my time . . . to paint.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

When It Rains

It was raining
The first time they met.

They held on tight
Under one umbrella.

I like us this way
Me too, she said.

I don't mind the rain
Me too, he said.

Then the rain stopped
And seasons changed.

They forgot the day
It first rained.

Yesterday, she told him
To look outside

There's a huge rainbow
Up in the sky.

The rain has stopped
Soon the sun will shine.

Perhaps she said, we can give it
Another try.

The rainbow yesterday was beautiful, it was the first time I saw it's colorful arc in its entirety. The scene was altogether serene and melancholic. After the rain, everything seems so refreshed. It's definitely one of my favorite times of the day.

The rain has passed and we can all start anew. Reconnect, reconcile and forgive. I hope you take that chance too.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Her Time

'Mae East'
Watercolor on Paper, 6x10 inches.

She stood in front of me
No longer to be called wee
Graceful, slender and tall
Not to be missed at all

Pigtails are gone
Shiny streaks have won
Growing too fast
Chasing dreams so vast

Stride slow my child
The world is wild
Hold my hand
While you still can

Enjoy your childhood
Be happy as I would
If only I can keep you
Until my time is through

Written for my little niece, Mae. I miss you my sweet pea. We'll soon be together again.
Is there someone you miss so much? A child growing up too fast, or a little girl now turned into a woman. This is for you, for her too.

I would love to hear your story.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Want to Remember

The day Mom picked me up when I stumbled and fell,
When Dad cheered me up with his silly spells.

Learning to read with Big Sisters,
And creating paper dolls and pigtails better.

The thrills of receiving the first love notes,
Walking with a best friend under a shared coat.

Tears that fell and laughters too,
Down that aisle to say 'I Do'

Extra beats and flutter kicks in my tummy,
As anticipation grew towards becoming a mommy.

An infant's first cry and smile,
That made each day worthwhile.

I want to remember today,
And not keep new memories at bay.

Poetry is a gift. Just like every moment of each day is. Even without you knowing, you're creating a memory for yourself and for someone. Someday you'll hear 'Mom, Dad or My Friend, I remembered when...' and they'll thank you for it.

My special memory today - dedicating our little one to being a Christian. I would love to hear yours.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Third Tooth

'Miracle 7'
From the Miracle Series
Watercolor on cold pressed aquarelle paper, 6 x 10 in.

His broke out the other day. If someone would have told me before I'll be this big of a fan of tiny teeth, I'd probably beg to differ and say 'no way'.

Past forward to few years, here I am announcing to families and relatives that my little one's first upper tooth and third one finally came out. Yes, I am laughing quietly at myself, happy but not feeling foolish.

Out little man continue to astonish us everyday with little miracles. Pre-baby, I often wonder why almost every parent I meet say how amazing their child is. Though the stories are the same, each one sounds like a tale of genius. Like mine.

His bright eyes were open from birth and was able to stand (with support) at just two months. Starting at three, he lifts his neck up strongly on his belly time. At four months, he hiked the Phoenix desert (happily propped on dad's chest on his sling) with us and said 'Mama' before turning five. He smiles, giggles, squint his eyes and wrinkles his nose to people now. The list goes on.

I don't usually tell people our amazing stories, it's enough that we are able to witness these blessings transpire before our eyes. Parenthood isn't easy and first-time moms like me are faced with first-time challenges that are often unexpected.

But it also comes with great rewards that are beyond any worldly achievement, like the inexplainable joy of seeing that third tooth popped out.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Not A Choice

'Miracle 3'
From the Miracle Series
Watercolor on cold pressed aquarelle paper, 6 x 10 in.

"It is not a choice, it is a child." So goes a bumper sticker.

Driving from downtown Chicago, traffic was a little slow at the Dan Ryan Expressway. Slow enough for me to read the lines from the trucks that went past me. Unlike others that I've read, this one made me ponder intimately all the way home.

The words hit so close to home. True enough, I resolved to myself. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. Painting, writing and doing my part in helping the little ones out there. This blog wouldn't have existed. I wouldn't have existed.

I was once a child who came at an unfortunate time. She was young, rearing a three year old and just had a baby. Money was scarce, the future seems bleak, all was lost except hope. Then I came.

But she 'had' me. Because I wasn't a choice, I was a child.

Thank you for having me. Otherwise, I won't be here cuddling this little person I am so in love with.

My child, your grandchild.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Time to Bloom - Part 2

"Time to Bloom 2"
Mixed Media on Paper, 18x24 in.
Watermark not present on actual artwork.
Click here to buy archival print, $20.

Winters passed and seasons changed
She breathed within her range
The warmer breeze of Spring
Filled her with the joy it brings

Walking calmly
She proceeded without hurry
Looking to see what blooms
Today will fill her room

Not too far
Almost torn apart
A familiar bloom
Lay completely in gloom

Trampled and wilted
Her branches almost dead
Once again her tears dropped
This time it didn't stopped

She picked her up with care
Saving her roots from the tear
Thank you for picking me up
It muttered while leaves flop

Hush my 'little bud'
Bloom again and be proud
In my garden just like in my heart
You'll always have a spot

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Time to Bloom - Part 1

"Time to Bloom 1"
Mixed Media on Paper, 18 x 24 in.
Watermark not present on actual artwork.
Click here to buy archival print, $20.

Where has she been? Looking back, she realized she is no longer her 'little bud'. She has fully blossomed, ripe for the picking.

As much as she wanted to get her for herself, she cannot. This time, she belongs to someone else. There, with him, she'll spread her own seeds and plant a garden of their own.

My time to nurture her has come to end, she said. She is yours now. Hold her gently and don't let her wither away. Her heart twitched with pain and bliss as she let her go.

You'll forever be my 'little bud', she whispered as tears dropped on her petals.

P.S. Friends, this post is a special tribute. Watch out for the second part of the story. Post your comments and let me know who you think this tribute is for.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Peeling Bananas

Click on Photo to Buy this Painting.
Watercolor on cold press 140lb Montval watercolor paper, 6 x9 in.
Watermark not present on original artwork. Price $90.

It's evening, I know. I missed writing this morning. We had a busy weekend. Ever since I became a mom, my outlook calendar has been filling up to the brim.

It's because our little man is taking his own spots from our hourly schedules. From doctor's appointments, wellness classes, visiting families and friends, to play dates. I can go on and on. Merging those with your pre-parenthood schedule (that's already so tight to begin with) is an art of its own. I think that's why God made moms young (or young at heart like me).

It gets trying at times. And it puts your prioritizing skills to the test. On occasions when it gets tougher, I let out a big sigh and tell myself 'This too shall pass'. We have to take each day one at a time. Then, we'll get through it and still enjoy the journeys in between.

While painting this piece, I realized those trying times are like peeling bananas. You can't peel the skins off altogether. You have to do it one at a time, then enjoy the 'fruits' of your efforts after.

I say, be creative. Don't just eat the fruit, make it into a bread, pudding or parfait.

Savor the sweet rewards of your hard work. Give yourself a pat on the back (or side, if you can't reach your back) and acknowledge that you have done a great job.

You may have not peeled your bananas perfectly, but it was just right.