
A quickie!

Blogger is playing up again and will not allow comments, so a big thank you to the many people who have e-mailed me or left messages on their blogs/forums. It is annoying! However I can tell by the number of visitors that people have visited! Will catch up later, I have some great photos from yesterday. Also some great recipes! We are going up the coast today, heading North so will share the photos later. Has anybody seen Dot lately? Catch you all later. D


Sheila said...

Hi Denise, I hope you have fun on your trip and share the details with us later.
I can't find dot..or Wendy...??

Pam Aries said...

Hi ! Thanks Mz. Kipper Queen! ha ha! I a mgetting ready to go out and take som pictures!

talj said...

looking forward to the pictures from your trip!! :o)

RUTH said...

I've lost Dot & Wendy too! I've found sometimes when I can't get into comment that if I hold down control and click that the comment box opens then in another tab.
Looking forward to the pics.

Anonymous said...

Ya - at last it worked for me. dot's blog has been taken over by aliens for a couple of weeks now - and no Wendy either - very strange.

have a great weekend

Libbys Blog said...

Same here! Dot has been engulfed by Chocolate Cream Pudding! What a way to go!!!!! and Wendy a day or 2 ago!! Maybe the aliens are infiltrating us through are blogs!!!

Carole Burant said...

I asked someone else about Dot and they said that her daughter was going to be calling her to find out why her blog had been taken over but I haven't heard anything more since! So weird, especially knowing how much Dot loved blogging. If you hear anything, let me know and vice versa!! xox

Anonymous said...

That's good to know that it wasn't just me! I had a couple people say they weren't able to comment a few days ago - I thought I must have messed something up!
