Is Ryan Seacrest Gay?

Buffy Ryan Seacrest

Well, with this picture came after Ryan Seacrest's gay joke with Adam Lambert ("My tongue isn't nearly as talented as yours") and danced with a man during the few-weeks-back-"weird" American Idol week. This picture of his showing off his muscle with Chris Daughtry does nothing to squash the rumors. I even read that some people responded to this rumor by simple asked, "Is sun hot?"

Haha. He looks amazing though.

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Ricky Martin Gay Mascara

This is just plain HIGHlarious. As you have probably knew by now, Ricky Martin is GAY. Well a make-up firm is apparently trying to capitalize this news by promoting its new mascara. Just when you think the world isn’t getting funnier.

Ricky Martin Gay Mascara

This just made my day! :)

Adam Lambert is Gay, duh

Adam Lambert is Gay
Rolling Stone Photoshot 1

As I told you before(and I am sure most of you already guest it right), Adam Lambert is indeed gay. It's like watching Twilight over and over again and you keep wandering why you watch it in the first place. That being said, I love his talent and all his dramas. No one does it better than Adam Lambert!

Check out the rest of his Rolling Stone's photoshot. Amazing photos!

Rolling Stone Photoshot 2
Rolling Stone Photoshot 3
Rolling Stone Photoshot 4
Rolling Stone Photoshot 5
Rolling Stone Photoshot 6
[Images via: Rolling Stone]