John Mayer, The Situation and Snookie Tan

John Mayer and The Situation Ripped Stomach
(Image courtesy of TMZ)

This was taken backstage at the CMT Music Awards in Nashville. John Mayer was so sporting and showing his hairy stomach to compare with the Jersey Shore's The Situation ripped stomach. This picture made my day. LOL!

Meanwhile, I watch and re-watch MTV Movie Awards 2010 red carpet live just to watch the Jersey Shore Season 2 premier. (Watch the second season premier HERE). In one of the sneak peaks, Snooki (remember the Snooki Song?) said:

“I don’t go tanning-tanning anymore because Obama put a 10 per cent tax on tanning and I feel he did that intentionally for us. McCain would never put a 10 per cent tax on tanning,”

I even like the Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull video clip of 'I Like It,' the soundtrack's first single. I can't wait to watch the Season 2 of Jersey Shore! Although once upon a time I used to call the show "Jersey Whores". ROFL!

Enrique Iglesias featuring Pitbull I Like It Staring Jersey Shore

(Watch the video clip HERE)

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Winner of American Idol Season 9

Lee DeWyze Winner American Idol 2010

And the winner of American Idol Season 9, 2010 is *drum rolling* Lee DeWyze! I can't be more happy for his winning. Humble, shy and innocent, he really deserved it. Although, after watching the last Top 2 performance with Crystal Bowersox, I was pretty sure Crystal will win it. I was afraid Lee already climaxed during the Top 3 performance. And I was right. Crystal "crush" the Top 2 performance yesterday. Nevertheless, I think that people are more attracted with Lee DeWyze's story. He was working at painter shop before joining American Idol. Remember David Cook? Or Kris Allen? People eat on that stuff. Well, at least I did.

Yeah! Lee, congratulation. You really deserved it man!

Lee DeWyze
This is my weekly poll result. At first (before the Top 2 performance) majority of the votes went to Lee DeWyze, but after that, more votes went for Crystal Bowersox.

Weekly Poll American Idol
P/S: Don't forget to participate on my weekly poll on the top right of this page. Thanks!

First THREE Commenters:

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+ Monica from Turn-U-Off +
+ Bella from +
+ Mariuca from Meow Diaries +


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Akademi Fantasia 8 Final Result

Akademi Fantasia 8

Akademi Fantasia Season 8 ended tonight. I never been such a big fan of Akademi Fantasia, but I watched the finale tonight. The winner of Akademi Fantasia 8 is Shahir:

Shahir AF8
He was not bad, but I like the only girl contestant for finale, Adira's single better. Well, I guess in Akademi Fantasia, singing isn't really the first priority to be the winner. Good looks and charisma of that individual always dominated the voters votes. Honestly, some of the finalists sounded awful! I have to switch off my home theater system and use the TV's sound system instead. Urgh. I can't sing, but my ears certainly can detect a good singer or not. Anyway, congrats Shahir! All the best for the future!

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+ Bluedreamer from TOP FIVE +
+ Mariuca from Wishing Upon A Falling Star +
+ Bella from +


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Who is Travis Garland?

Travis Garland

Well, I am sure by now you have watched American Idol results show which saw Casey James was cut off a week before finale. In the show Travis Garland and Justin Biebier were performing. When Perez Hilton introduced Travis, I was like, who the hell is Travis Garland?

"I heard it and I was instantly blown away, like, 'Wow, I like this better than Timberlake!" - Perez Hilton.

Okay, after watching his performed, I hate to defy the mighty Perez Hilton, but Travis sure can dance. Is he better than Justin Timberlake? Well, maybe not that better, but in the same category though.

Oh and he has very commercialize look too. He looks like Enrique Iglesias a little bit isn't he?

A short background on Travis Garland:

Perez Hilton discovery Travis Garland, a 20-year-old singer who just released his first single "Believe," is not a stranger to the music industry. Garland was in the short-lived boy band NLT (Not Like Them) but now is setting off as a solo artist.

and you can read more on Perez Hilton's interview with Entertainment Weekly here.

Travis Garland Single Believe
Check out Travis Garland performance on American Idol below:

Well, what do you think about him??

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+ Gagay from Walkingnewspaper +
+ Izzati from Ini Hidup Saya +
+ Mariuca from Meow Diaries +


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When South Park Went too Far

South Park disguised Prophet Muhammad in Bear costume

As a fan of South Park, I have been and will always watch their shows with an open mind without taking anything too seriously. Thus, when the last week episode (the 200th episodes of South Park) aired about the Super Best Friends again (the first time the Super Best Friends emerged in one of the episode in 2001) I watched the show in awe.

Celebrities slandered by South Park
The summary of last week episode is something like this: Tom Cruise is mad when he was called a “Fudge Packer“ and he rallied all the celebrities (about 200 of them) that had been “slandered” by the town of South Park and decided to put a class action law suit if the Prophet Muhammad does not show up. They disguised Muhammad by using a black censored block and in a bear suit.

Hence, the outrage over this episode which ended up with a death threat of South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone on (I can't access the site, I believed it has already been taken down) saying:

We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.

I googled Theo Van Gogh and discovered that he was a film producer that was famous for his controversial statements and movies. Van Gogh worked with a writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali and made the documentary short film entitled; “Submission”, which a translation of the Arabic word “Islam”.

Theo Van Gogh
In the film, there were scenes which were highly offensive to Islam and Quran. Theo Van Gogh chose an approach that degraded Quran by showing Muslim women’s naked bodies covered with semi-transparent clothes. The Quranic verses which relate to restrain women and guide women how they should live their lives were written on the bodies of women who were offering prayers. This was an outright humiliation of Quran and Islam.

His portrayal of Muslim women as a subject of oppression then angered the Muslim world. In the early morning of November 2004, Van Gogh was shot eight times and died on the spot. The killer then cut Van Gogh’s throat, decapitating him and stabbed him in the chest. Two knives were left implemented in his torso with one attaching a five page note to his body. Ayaan Hirsi Ali then went into hiding.

South Park
Thus, I was more than eager to watch this week episode. Comedy Central decided to place numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode and South Park doesn’t have the network approval to stream their original version of the show. The 201th episode turned out to be filled with audio bleeps and even at the certain parts they bleeped the whole conversations.

Some of the Super Best Friends members
As annoying the bleep sounds might be, I was actually quite relief after watching this week episode. Even though I missed the point of the episode, at least it was tame enough and I hope it won’t fuel the anger of the radical Muslim anymore. Let us just enjoy some good humor that does not played with religion sensitivities please?


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+ Gagay from Pinoy MD +
+ Bella from +
+ Mariuca from Meow Diaries +


If you find this blog is interesting enough, do subscribe to My Little Black Pot by Email! I would be very happy!

Justin Bieber, Again!

Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue 1

I can't believe I am talking about Justin Bieber, again! I saw Justin Bieber in the Saturday Night Live hosted by funny than ever, Tina Fey. Justin Bieber is surely can sing! (Not like the disastrous performance by Jason Derulo in American Idol). Watch Justin Bieber's skit in Saturday Night Live below:

Oh and check out Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue. He looks fresh and age appropriate :) Good for him!

Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue 2
Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue 3
Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue 4
Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue 5
Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue 6
Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue 7
Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue 8

TV series tag!

Tag >> TV series

Since I love watching TV series so much and with the latest series include 90210, Chuck season 2, Fringe season 1, Gossip Girl season 2, Heroes volume 3, House M.D season 5, Prison Break season 4, Privileged season 1, Supernatural season 4, Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles season 2, How I Meet Your Mother season 4 and Knight Rider, I am pretty much jump to the chance of doing this tag. It was from my friend, Bintang4 from Snapshotcap. Thank you so much for tagging me!

Continue reading to see what I am in a TV series character! LOL

Damn.. I just hope I don't have to become John in Supernatural. I hate that guy. Sigh. Other than that, I like to be Peter Petrelli, seriously. With that eyes and body superpower, who doesn't want to be him? Nuts? While Michael Scofield seems an okay choice to be, of course you just had to forget that I am assuming that he has a brain tumor. Scratch that!

So, just follow this instruction below to participate in this entertaining tag!

*begin copy here*
  1. Take some Personality Quiz here. At least 2 (two) of it.
  2. Post the result on your blog and then leave a comment here so that I can add it to a Which TV Shows Character Are You? master list.
  3. Pass this tag to a blogger who you think watch a TV Shows. OR, if you interested in having fun, just include yourself in.
  4. Update the list on your post regularly to ensure everybody gets equal link benefit.

Which TV Shows Character Are You?

1. Snapshotcap 2. Azlan 3. Lynn 4. My Little Black Pot 5. -You're next!

*end copy here*


Prison Break is Back Too!

>>Entertainment >> TV Series >> Prison Break Season 4

Honestly, I rarely watch Prison Break alone. Not that I am afraid or some sort like that, I just could not help myself to fast forward it every now and then. I am desperately want to know how it will ends in each episode. Thank God I usually downloaded it rather than wait for it to be aired on TV. Could you wait patiently every time it goes for commercial break? Damn. I will stress myself out after each episode.

It already episode 3 of the fourth installment of Prison Break before I get the chance to finish up this post. Overall review until this date, I think the writers already run out of ideas of how to 'break them out from prison'. The first season shows how Michael Scorfield try to break out his brother, Lincoln Burrows. Second season about how they managed their life after escape - just to end up back in the jail, Panama's jail to be exact.

Third season shows how they try to break out from Panama's jail and have to break out an inmate, James Whistler (a new character) with them. I enjoy the most this season where the gruesome murdering is just a daily food - isn't a jail suppose to feel like that? And now, come the fourth season of the installment.

So far, it goes quite well and in my expectation. This time they will do whatever it takes to stay out of jail. Even though, just like the second season of Gossip Girl, at the beginning of the two episodes (which aired back to back) it seems to moves at an acceleration speed (within 24 hours, they already found one of the six the 'Syllia') information needed to take down the company. Thank God the episode 3 slow everything down a little bit. I can't wait for more of it to come! And this time, I will make sure I watch it with my friends - so that I would not fast forward anything :D


Gossip Girl is Back!

>> Entertainment >> TV Series >> Gossip Girl

OMFG! I could not believe myself I went straight to watch Gossip Girl after my all my examinations over. I am try my best to avoid this kind of 'girly' TV series, but I always failed miserably. I blamed it on influences of my friends of course. That being said, after a while, I just take it like any of my guilty pleasure. Sit down and enjoy.

Honestly, who doesn't love a juicy gossips, affairs, breathtakingly beautiful and handsome people in one dish? Well, at least I do (and hundreds of my colleagues - seriously, it's downloading faster than Beijing's Olympic opening here). Truth need to be told, the first episode of the second season is a little bit too fast for me. On top of it, I am hoping that Serena and Dann Humphrey does not get back together that fast. It is only a first episode for God sake. I want more drama than a 'fake' kissing between Serena and Nate. Anyway, it is not a bad start.

I personally adore how the characters of Chuck and Blair were played. They really drive the show forward. Everyone wants to be his or her bad character for time to time. It is kinda relief to see our alter ego live in front of the TV.

Oh, how do you like the promotional pictures as I posted here? I would not mind to say that it also one of the reason I am rushed to watch the second season. LOL. Have a nice day!
