Rihanna Jokes - Twitter of The Day!

Rihanna Jokes

@FunnyOrFact: Someone needs to help @rihanna, she likes rude boys, loves it when people lie to her and apparently forgot her name.
HAHA! I can't stop laughing yo! Have a nice Wednesday!

First Commenter:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

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If you find this blog is interesting enough, do subscribe to My Little Black Pot by Email! I would be very happy!

Twitter, Online Tracker, IntenseDebate and Photoshop Blunders

My Little Black Pot Twitter Sidebar

1. Twitter for My Little Black Pot!

Now, My Little Black Pot is on Twitter too! Follow me here:

Twitter Page


I will be focusing more on the latest and hottest entertainment news from all over the world by publishing news feeds, tweets and videos there. Entertainment and More!

2. Online Tracker

Online Tracker

See the red thingy on the left side floating on my site? It will show how many people are on that page. You can get it here.

3. Removal of IntenseDebate

I love the comment threads system and receiving those notifications when someone’s replying one’s comment. It very convenience and can be replied through email. Nevertheless, the installation of IntenseDebate (ID) gave me couple of problems:

- The load time of my page was significantly increased. Even at times, the page cannot be fully loaded.

- The comment number image of my template did not fit with ID “comments #” (refer to the image below):

I know, the problems can be solved easily, but I was quite busy at that time. So, I just removed ID for the time being.

4. New Photoshop Blunders Links

Photoshop Blunders

Although my skills are still at the beginner level, I love to play with Photoshop. I am planning to continue publishing my “artworks” in the future. I hope you will like it!

Thank you so much for all your supports, visits and comments. I really appreciate it!

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

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If you find this blog is interesting enough, do subscribe to My Little Black Pot by Email! I would be very happy!