Are you Interested in Breast Milk Ice Cream?

Lady Gaga Breat Milk

Now you can actually buy a breast milk ice cream! Yes, the real breast milk. It was donated by 15 women and each serving will only cost you $22.50. The product, unmistakenly named after Lady Gaga was called Baby Gaga dessert went on sale at an ice cream parlour, Icecreamists in Covent Garden, London in February. It was sold out only hours after it went on sale. Rumors have it, there were up to 200 women had already asked whether they can donate their own breast milk for the making of ice cream.

Unfortunately, the local authority had siezed the ice cream for health and safety check. Breast milk could carry viral infections, including hepatitis. However, the manufacturers said that they used the same screening procedures as blood donation centres or milk banks in London.

On the other hand, your Highness, Lady Gaga is planning to sue The Icrecreamists Limited asking them to change the "Baby Gaga" name.
The letter accuses The Icecreamists of "taking unfair advantage of, and riding on the coattails of" Lady Gaga's trademarks in a manner that is "deliberately provocative and, to many people, nausea-inducing".
Meanwhile, I was doing some Googling and saw a post in the Mothering forum asking for the recipe of making ice cream or milkshakes out of her breast milk.

Prison Break is Back Too!

>>Entertainment >> TV Series >> Prison Break Season 4

Honestly, I rarely watch Prison Break alone. Not that I am afraid or some sort like that, I just could not help myself to fast forward it every now and then. I am desperately want to know how it will ends in each episode. Thank God I usually downloaded it rather than wait for it to be aired on TV. Could you wait patiently every time it goes for commercial break? Damn. I will stress myself out after each episode.

It already episode 3 of the fourth installment of Prison Break before I get the chance to finish up this post. Overall review until this date, I think the writers already run out of ideas of how to 'break them out from prison'. The first season shows how Michael Scorfield try to break out his brother, Lincoln Burrows. Second season about how they managed their life after escape - just to end up back in the jail, Panama's jail to be exact.

Third season shows how they try to break out from Panama's jail and have to break out an inmate, James Whistler (a new character) with them. I enjoy the most this season where the gruesome murdering is just a daily food - isn't a jail suppose to feel like that? And now, come the fourth season of the installment.

So far, it goes quite well and in my expectation. This time they will do whatever it takes to stay out of jail. Even though, just like the second season of Gossip Girl, at the beginning of the two episodes (which aired back to back) it seems to moves at an acceleration speed (within 24 hours, they already found one of the six the 'Syllia') information needed to take down the company. Thank God the episode 3 slow everything down a little bit. I can't wait for more of it to come! And this time, I will make sure I watch it with my friends - so that I would not fast forward anything :D


J.Lo versus Michael Phelps



Everyone is talking about Michael Phelps and his 8 wonders during Olympic 2008 in Beijing. It was reported 60 million viewers were tuning in one of those countless Olympic channel to watch him swimming. And guess who is jealous? Jennifer Lopez!
Lopez, who appeared on "Good Morning America" Aug. 18 to discuss her preparations for the Malibu Triathlon, was overheard saying after the segment that she “couldn’t understand why everyone is talking about that swimmer,” according to a GMA source. “She couldn’t come up with (eight-time gold-medal winner Michael) Phelps’ name, and then she yammered on about how she was the one training for a triathlon just six months after giving birth, and how that was the big story right now, not ‘the swimmer.’ ” - MSNBC
My God! Seriously. Sometimes one cannot help but to wonder how arrogant artist could be. Okay, let see some of Michael Phelps' facts:

  1. Water drinks Michael Phelps.
  2. Scientists recently discovered the cause for warmer sea temperature and melting icebergs happens every time Michael Phelps gets in the water.
  3. Michael Phelps’ sweat is consider a banned substance for other athletes. Too bad Michael Phelps never sweats.
  4. When Michael Phelps jumps into the pool, he isn’t making a splash; the water is just trying to get out of his way.
  5. Once, when Michael Phelps swam the Atlantic and came across mermaids, one said to him “I thought you were just a myth!”
  6. Ancient Greeks used to sacrifice 100 cows to Poseidon who would then turn around and sacrifice them to Michael Phelps.
  7. Michael Phelps does not swim like dolphins; dolphins swim like Michael Phelps.
  8. There is no need to save the whales, Michael Phelps has saved them all.
  9. When Michael Phelps goes water skiing he doesn’t use skis; or a boat.
  10. Every time you see a shooting star you are really watching Michael Phelps train in space.
And one wonders what J.Lo knows other than giving birth to a twin, making jeans that made your ass big and she will be joining Malibu Triathlon. Hurm... Phelps who? Pheww... Close race isn't it?


Kanye West The Model?


I love most of his song, especially in his Graduation album. But I hate Kenya Kanye West himself. Sometimes I believe that he has "LOOK AT ME, I am awesome!!" written all over his face. Just shut up man. The world is not only about you.

So, I decided to neutralize him by matching up his face with Eva Longoria's curvaceous body. Damn. She looks hot in this Bebe's advertisement. I would love to buy anything that she sell. Hot!

Do you think Kanye West is AWESOME?

Click More to see the real pictures before mixed:

Please also leave any hint up for my next match making artworks. And don't forget to join my email subscription for an instant notification. See you later!


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A Must Have Accessory

>> Entertainment

Paris Hilton and Tinkerbell

Angelina and Shiloh

Paris Hilton once popularized the idea of carrying your dog around is fashionable. Now, it seems that artists are channeling their creative ideas from dog to baby (whether it was adopted or their own biological baby) instead. After all, what is the different? Both are cute, alive and popping. Then, before you using them as your accessory, try sell your baby pictures at $11million deal. This is definitely one costly accessory.

Does a baby is an accessories nowadays?

David Beckham Blog and New Ride!


I am sure most of you guys already read or saw the incrediblely huge David Beckham for Armani advertisement last week (read here if you haven't). Then, when David Beckham decided to blog, his first post is about the ads and football/soccer, of course. Oh, and there are pictures of his latest $384000 ride!

"To be honest I was amazed by the huge billboard poster outside Macy’s department store, but even more amazed by the amount of people who turned up to see it! I’m always surprised by the amount of attention certain things create, but the attention this campaign has created is pretty incredible. It was great to meet some of the people who’d come out especially though, I’ve always wanted to visit San Francisco, so it was a great to finally get there..."

David has spoken previously about his shyness in posing for the ads, telling "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno: "I was quite nervous because obviously I knew my wife and friends were going to see it," adding, "And my mom was going to see it." (The ads could also be seen in the August issue of Vanity Fair magazine). He always seems like a nice and humble person. Nothing better than that dude.

Also, David Beckham you could click the slideshow above to see the latest pictures (and other pictures) of him taking his looks alike son (all shaved like his father) in his new $384 000 Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe around Beverly Hills. They drove through the streets of Beverly Hills, including the world famous Rodeo Drive. Damn! Some people has it all!Oh, and don't forget to check out David Beckham official blog too.

Slim Colin Farrell


Actor Colin Farrell looked slim and toned as he showed off his new ultra-thin physique on the beach in Malibu after his dramatic weight loss for a film role. Despite his slender frame, the 32-year-old appeared tanned and healthy as he jogged along the beach yesterday. The Irish heart-throb looked every inch the beach Adonis with his long hair, Celtic tattoos and a sand-covered six-pack.

He is filming his upcoming movie, Triage, in which he plays a war photographer. But, as you could see in those pictures, his 'package' doesn't seems to shrink with her body. Damn! If everyone could be that lucky. I also believe he will be back to the hunk status anytime soon.

Colin James Farrell (born May 31, 1976) is an Irish actor who has appeared in several high-profile Hollywood films including Tigerland, Daredevil, Miami Vice, Minority Report, Phone Booth, Alexander, S.W.A.T and In Bruges. (click here to know more about this actor)

David Beckham Advertistment


Photo: Slideshow

People all around are making lots of fuss about the latest ads by David Beckham for Armani underwear. Not just San Francisco where the advert was displayed, but the heat from it could be felt around the globe. The main question remain is, whether or not the photo is strategically stuffed, which some even said by the last turkey stuffing, by a sock (make it two) or Photoshop just make it wonder yet again.

The Sun frantically follows up this story by adding a live witness' statement, quote,
"San Francisco hasn’t seen anything like this for years. There were thousands of girls there to see David and his new Armani ad. And they were all going crazy. They were screaming and pushing each other to try and get a closer look. When the ad was unveiled, there was a collective ‘ooh’ before the screams started again. Seriously, it was like Beatlemania scenes. David thought it was funny."

The invasion of David's and his family to America continue. Football soccer, entertainment, paparazzi and now a bigger than life ads. I am sure there are more to come.

David Beckham Gallery

Photo: Slideshow


David Robert Joseph Beckham, OBE (born 2 May 1975) is an English professional footballer, who plays in midfield. He currently plays for and captains Major League Soccer's Los Angeles Galaxy[2] and is also a member of the England national team. He earned his 100th cap for England against France in March 2008.

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Colin Farrell Gallery

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Colin James Farrell (born May 31, 1976) is an Irish actor who has appeared in several high-profile Hollywood films including Tigerland, Daredevil, Miami Vice, Minority Report, Phone Booth, Alexander, S.W.A.T and In Bruges. (click here to know more about this actor)