Showing posts with label 1207march. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1207march. Show all posts

10 Dec 2008

Taiwanese Press on 1207 March of still fighting Wild Strawberries

... including some wrong reports that the protests ended:

[China Post] Students end sit-in with demonstration

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- College students demanding the right to hold public demonstrations without restrictions decided to end their month-long sit-in after staging a march in Taipei yesterday.

With supporters and sympathizers joining their ranks, the students marched on the boulevard that link the Anti-Corruption Plaza, the Legislative Yuan, and the Executive Yuan (Cabinet) in the capital to protest the regulations that they say limit people's constitutional right to demonstrate freely. ...

[Taipei Times] Wild Strawberry protest stays peaceful

EVERYBODY STAY CALM: The student protesters and supporters applauded police officers for only issuing warnings and not blocking them or clashing with them
By Flora Wang and Loa Iok-sin
Monday, Dec 08, 2008, Page 1

The Wild Strawberry Student Movement marked its one-month anniversary in Taipei yesterday with a rally featuring a mock funeral for the nation’s human rights, attracting several thousand participants of all ages. The demonstrators, who only reported their planned event to the police instead of seeking approval from law enforcement authorities as required by the Assembly and Parade Law (集會遊行法), peacefully marched to the Legislative Yuan, the Control Yuan, the Executive Yuan, the National Police Agency (NPA) and Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office. ...

[Taipei Times] REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK: Wild Strawberries protest proves the skeptics wrong

Many people may have had reservations about whether the loosely-knit Wild Strawberry Student Movement would be capable of staging a successful and peaceful rally as planned when they heard that the students had decided not to report their planned protest to the police in defiance of the Assembly and Parade Law (集會遊行法). Even Ho Tung-hung (何東洪), an associate professor of psychology at Fu Jen Catholic University and a participant in the Wild Lily Student Movement (野百合學運) of the 1990s, expressed reservations when talking to the Taipei Times several days prior to Sunday’s demonstration.

Ho, who had been offering advice to the Wild Strawberries as a student movement veteran, had expressed doubts about whether the students would be able to handle such a large-scale rally. ...

[Tawan News] Taiwan’s Wild Strawberry Movement ends with a peaceful rally

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – On the one-month anniversary, Wild Strawberry Movement had assembled protesters all over the island to stage a demonstration in Taipei Sunday, protesting the “death of human rights” to Ma Ying-jeou government. Since the previous application for right of way was overruled, it is feared that clash may erupt between students and police officers. Fortunately, the four-hour rally came to an end in peace, with students expressing their gratitude to the police for the peaceful result. ...

[Taiwan News] Thousands turn out for Wild Strawberries demo in Taiwan

About 3,000 Taiwanese college students marched in the capital yesterday to protest a law that they say limits people's constitutional right to demonstrate freely.

The students, many in black shirts symbolizing impaired human rights, shouted slogans as they paraded in a downtown district with police and government buildings. ...

[The Huffington Post] Wild Strawberries: Taiwanese Student Movement Stirs Anew

Taipei, Taiwan - A defiant, peaceful march by 5,000 protesters to the grounds of the Presidential Palace yesterday marked the first month's anniversary of a renewed and re-invigorated national pro-democracy student movement.

The protesters, some wearing mocking costumes of former emperors and current mainland Chinese Communist officials, demanded that the current Taiwanese government of President Ma Ying-jeou abolish a law that requires protesters to see and obtain prior permission for all public protests. They made their point by merely notifying local officials of the march but not waiting for approval.

Along the route they were briefly warned and stopped by Taiwanese security officials but without incident. The march was punctuated with a mock funeral for human rights, just two days before celebration of International Human Rights Day.(Read More)

7 Dec 2008

[Support] Detroit activity Support WSM

2008.12.07 Detroit is currently snowing and the temperature is blow freezing. About 100 people from Detroit, Lancing, Flint, Ann Arbor, and several from Toledo, Ohio and Toronto, Canada, gathered in Novi Town Center to show support to the Wild Strawberry Movement.

[International Harald Tribune] Taiwanese students protest demonstration law

TAIPEI, Taiwan: About 3,000 Taiwanese college students marched in the capital Sunday to protest a law that they say limits people's constitutional right to demonstrate freely.

The students, many in black shirts symbolizing impaired human rights, shouted slogans as they paraded in a downtown district with police and government buildings. (more)

[Yahoo News] Taiwanese protest police 'abuse' during anti-China demos

TAIPEI (AFP) - Hundreds of college students protested in Taipei on Sunday against what they called police abuse in handling anti-China demonstrations last month and demanded an apology from President Ma Ying-jeou.(more)

6 Dec 2008

[Support] March on 1207 San Diego, U.S. A.

1. San Diego Berries is broadcasting from [is live now].

2. San Diego TV station (Fox , channel 6) is going to broadcasting TACC-SD candle light rally to support of WSM. The TV camera crew will be starting at 8 PM ( Taipei time 12 noon) at TACC (Taiwanese American Community Center), following interview Prof Chris Fan. San Deigo want to spread out the WSM as much as they can.

[1205 Press Release] Strawberries Urging Police's Cooperation in Upcoming March

Wild Strawberries today forwards its application to police for the upcoming protest march. The district police station responsible for the protest venue refused to accept student’s application citing the unlawful nature of the protest in accordance with The Law of Assembly and Protest. The district police chief also indicate that there will be crack down if students insisting going ahead with the protest. The Wild Strawberries are appalled with police reaction, and like to remind police that amendment to the Law of Assembly and Parade is imminent, the police should therefore respect the wishes of students, namely, holding protest without seeking prior clearance from authority, protect and defend protesters’ right as prescribed in constitution. However, by refusing students application for protest, Wild Strawberries fear that if the protest does go ahead, violent crack down by police much like that of Chinese envoy’s visit will reappear on the street of Taipei.

Wild Strawberries hereby reiterate its opposition to the Law of Assemble and Parade in its current form. And vehemently oppose government’s use of the law to silence the dissidents.

Apart from submitting protest application, Wild Strawberries also prepared a detailed protest and route plan for the police, hoping that the police can uphold its constitutional obligation in defending students’ right to protest and express.

The purpose of this march is to highlight the absurdity of the Law, which stipulated that a protest can not be hold without clearance from the authority. But, what if the authority is the target of the protest? Will authority approve protest knowing itself is the subject of protest?

The Wild Strawberries regret police’s refusal to accept protest application, and this only strength our resolute to see The Law of Assemble and Parade being amend. The Wild Strawberries will demonstrate to government that a protest march can be peaceful and rational, government shouldn’t be fearful of people; rather, expression of different voices is a sign of mature democracy, and it should be encouraged rather then brutally suppressed.

5 Dec 2008

Register for the march on December 7th

Please entitle: [Parade] Your Title
Send to

Citizens are welcome!!

For individual: Name, phone no., E-mail
For NGOs: Title of your organization, Name, phone no., E-mail, and amount of participates
For students: Name, phone no., E-mail, University and department

NB: 1. No slogan or any sign relevant to any party
2. Please dress in black and follow the conductor