Showing posts with label art project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art project. Show all posts

15 Nov 2008

Mail Art Project – Mobilize Taiwan

Call for International Entries:

Mail Art Project – Mobilize Taiwan

This project is initiated in response to the Wild Berries Student Movement that started on November 6, 2008.

For additional information please refer to

We Need Your Support!
Voice your concern for the future of political freedom of the youth in Taiwan.
Letters, art objects, designs, musical composition and video works are welcomed.

E-mail your messages to:

Entries with good intention will be displayed in front of Freedom Square in Taipei City.

Be Creative
Be Sincere
Be Constructive
Be Concerned

For Freedom
For Justice
For Peace
For Basic Human Rights

◘ The Mail Art – the Mobilize Taiwan Initiative 2008