Showing posts with label Wanted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wanted. Show all posts

30 Dec 2008

2008~New Year 2009 Activities for Human Rights by WS

(1)New Year Countdown Party
Location: Liberty Square
Time: 20:00 Dec. 31st 2008
Music Concerts, Media Show Review 2008, Prospect of 2009

(2)Human Right Flag-raising Assembly
Gathering Time: 5 a.m. Jan. 1st 2009 AT Liberty Square
Walking to Ketagalan Blvd.
When the flag sets up, wear the mask of Chen Yun-lin.
When the ceremony blesses ROC, raise the slogan of Human Rights.
Please be quiet through out the whole process.

(3)Human Rights Jogging
Gathering and registration spot AT Ren-ai Rd.(仁愛路出口) entrance, Sun Yat-Sun Memorial Hall
Gathering Time: Jan. 1st 2009 7a.m.
Start to run AT 8:00 a.m.

21 Dec 2008

[Red Caution] A documentary regards to Chen, Yun-lin's visiting and the drawback in Taiwan

2008.12.27(Saturday) 7:00p.m. at Liberty Square
The first presentation of the documentary "Red Caution" with the forum on "Taiwan Crisis。Mobilize All the People"

This documentary is made by local associations in Taiwan. In order to review the violation of the nation during the China envoy, Chen's visiting on November 2008.

Preview (8mins clip): (The team has the subtitle in English and Japanese, but not on this clip so far.)

15 Dec 2008

Here comes the official WS google group!

BUT everything is in Mandarin @@" If you can read, you may want to subscribe in for getting the latest information. If not, I will try to keep you updated here.

Go to 1106Action google group

10 Dec 2008

Human Rights Day series activities on Liberty Square, Taipei

11st Dec. 19:00 A review on one-month-old Wild Strawberries

12nd Dec. 14:00 Taipei Local Court: to support A girl who were pushed by THREE policemen that her arm was broken. Please gather on Liberty Square with some NGOs first and then go to support the friend and investigate the court.

12nd Dec. 19:00 Forum on the new Version of Parade and Assembly law purposed by Administration Yuan

Wild Strawberries are still here; if you could, please keep watching on us and caring about the current human rights situation in Taiwan and the world!

Hey, Wild Strawberries are still fighting!

Today(1209) when I was on the Liberty Square, there was a man who ran to me and asked if the movement is going to end. There were several reports in the Mass media told people that Wild Strawberries Movement was ended after the peaceful and successful march on 7th Dec. However, this information is not true.

We are still here!

The No Borders Human Rights concert (1209 evening on Liberty Square, Taipei) was successful. Human rights activities from Nepal, Afghanistan, Hong-Kong were presented and addressed the current human rights situation in their own countries. The music played by foreigners friends who care about human rights in Taiwan was energetic and cheerful delivering the message of Love, Peace and Freedom to the world. People ignited candles on a no-border-line world map on those places where the participants are from and those places need the human rights. No border is what we expect to be realised with regards to freedom, peace and love. These are the value all human beings share and what we need to protect and fight for.

Wild Strawberries are still there. We are not the juicy pink strawberries on the cake, but the wild one which can endure time and challenging. It had been more than 800 hours passed. We are still here and there. We have already been in the history and in people's mind. And we are growing and spreading.

If you could, please keep watching this innovative and hopeful student movement by students in Taiwan. And if you could, you are welcome to give advice that what we should do to wake the deaf government up. You may put comment here, or you can send commentary to

7 Dec 2008

Wild Strawberries March on December 7th, 2008 – Schedule & Agenda

December 7th marks the one month anniversary of the Wild Strawberries Movement and with your participation, we would like to march for human rights in Taiwan!

Please join us to rehearse the march that has been voluntarily reported to law enforcement authorities

I. Preparation

Noon Registration and Assemble at Liberty Square

1:00 p.m. Non-Violent Civil Resistance Workshop
- General session on safety rules and guidelines on conducting a peaceful march
- Joint pledge for a peaceful march by all participants, including students, private citizens, and NGOs
- “Wild Strawberries Fight Song” led by Takao Fight Song Band and an exhibition show

II. March Route

2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. March Commences from Liberty Square
- Follow along Chung-Shan S. Road, passing the Legislative Yuan and Administrative Yuan.
- After turning right onto Chung-Hsiao E. Road, will walk along Lin-Sen S. Road and Chi-Nan Road before returning to Chung Shan-S Road with the final destination at Ketagalan Boulevard
- Command car arrives at Ketagalan Boulevard (ETA 4:30 p.m.)

4:30 p.m. Memorial Service for Human Rights

5:30 p.m. Return to Liberty Square
- Following the memorial service, the group will leave Ketagalan Boulevard and cross over Chung Shan S. Road via the Ai-Kuo W. Road intersection to return to Liberty Square.

III. Evening Reception

6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. The Wild Strawberries Evening Reception
- Wild Strawberries Movement representatives from all over Taiwan will share their thoughts and experiences over the last month
- Declaration of future goals and objectives
- Performance by Mr. Ling Sheng-Hsiang

5 Dec 2008

Register for the march on December 7th

Please entitle: [Parade] Your Title
Send to

Citizens are welcome!!

For individual: Name, phone no., E-mail
For NGOs: Title of your organization, Name, phone no., E-mail, and amount of participates
For students: Name, phone no., E-mail, University and department

NB: 1. No slogan or any sign relevant to any party
2. Please dress in black and follow the conductor

2 Dec 2008

[i-Report] Taiwan Wild Strawberries Movement

We are a group of students comprising students from universities all over Taiwan; we do not belong to any parties or political organizations before we joined wild strawberry.

Our generation in Taiwan is called the "strawberry" generation, meaning we are spoiled to be able to afford stress. However, today we stand out for a better future!

Today is our 25th day peaceful sit-in protest at the Liberty Square in Taipei (Former Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall).

Your supports are very crucial for us, we hope this document will help you understand our "democracy in danger" in Taiwan, an country next to Hong Kong, Japan, China and Philippine in East Asia. Please come to join our parade on 7th December 2008.

(i-Report Page)

30 Nov 2008

[Seeking supports] Human Rights Movement for Taiwan at Dec 7th 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Wild Strawberries Student Movement from Taiwan. We are a non-partisan group of students from universities all over Taiwan to fight for human rights. Recently Taiwanese government used excessive police force to threaten our people's freedom of speech and assembly, beat protestors and insists that they do not damage any human rights (please check attachments for detail news report). We students organized to protest and also got dismissed by police force violently against our will. Therefore we gather together at Liberty Square in central Taipei at Nov 6th, 2008 to continue an peaceful sit-in. Today is our 24th day, and our government still maintains their attitude and even gave promotion to these violent police administers.

We are writing to you to invite you to support our act for human rights at Dec 7th, 2008. At Dec 10th, 2008, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from United Nation will celebrate its 60th anniversaries. Therefore, at Dec 7th, we will mobilize people in Taiwan to use non-violent demonstration in central Taipei. This morning we've hold press conference and got very positive reactions. So far, we've got spontaneous responses from many local NGOs in Taiwan, Paris and North America. However, we would like to connect via your organization to the world. We will be very appreciated if you, on behalf of your organization, could hold any kind of peaceful action (ex. a parade, a sit-in, arts, music activities..) in your region at Dec. 7th , in order to support Wild-Strawberries Student Movement fight against the state violence and defend human rights in Taiwan . Your contribution to defend the democracy in Taiwan is very precious for us.

Taiwan has been ranked as "100% free country" by Freedom House all the time until 2008. But now we, as students and the younger generation, are highly disturbed by the increasing control of our new government led by President Ma, especially regarding the freedom of speech. Many students in our movement got threatened by secret police officers, national security staff, and even school officials. The popular term in Taiwan for our generation (the cohort born after 1980s) is the "strawberry" generation, which means that we are spoiled to be able to afford stress. However, today we stand out for a better future. Today is our 24rd day peaceful sit-in protest at the Liberty Square in Taipei (also know as the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial).

Recently, the Freedom House, FIDH and Harvard's Professor Jerome Cohen (who was a thesis advisor to President Ma) have joined us in condemning unlawful police violence in Taiwan. We─members of Taiwan's Wild Strawberries Student Movement (─have continued our peaceful sit-in at Taipei's Liberty Square to petition President Ma and our government and Taiwan's legislature to amend the Assembly and Parade Laws , which unconstitutionally inhibit citizens' freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, and gives the police unchecked powers to restrict such freedom─an inalienable human right─from the citizen.

Enclosed please find two statements, one is our petition and selected news reports in English, the other is updated information after two weeks. Should you have any willingness to support our activities defending human rights in your region, please contact us :

Sincerely yours,
International Action Team
Wild Strawberries' Movement
website (Chinese):
Official Email Address:

29 Nov 2008

Wild Strawberry ROCK on December 7th

10:30~22:00 Student bands and many local bands

Come to join in us and rock the whole day.
Rock for the democracy and freedom!

At Liberty Square/ Freedom Plaza. See you then!

21 Nov 2008

Lament for Civil Rights

When the president of our country sells out the people’s basic civil rights, hurts the citizens’ fundamental human dignity, and disregards our voices, what’s left is the empty shell devoid of soul.

Tonight, artist Lily Wei, along with students of Wild Strawberries Movement warmed up for the participatory art event by lying on the ground and tracing the body contours of one another.  There are now many human shapes in various positions drawn in chalk on Liberty Square.  Lily Wei expresses: ‘Anyone who cares about human rights and liberty in Taiwan are welcome to join in the art in action’.  You are invited to experience the pulse and heartbeats of one another together tomorrow afternoon, and to listen to the thundering outcries of the empty human figures.  

Where: Liberty Square (the former Chiang-Kai Shek Memorial Hall).

When: Sunday November 23, 2008. 1:45 pm

What: Art in Action

Who: You and all those who care about the liberty of Taiwan.


Come, lie down with us on the ground to be part of the casualty of stolen autonomy.


Local citizens and international friends are welcome!

Participants please bring your masks, hats, and sunglasses. And a camera if you like!

Please wear black, grey or white if possible as symbol of mourning.


The Art Mobilize Taiwan Initiative

17 Nov 2008

[Wanted] Join in a Google Group initiated by NATPA/ TAUP

I am experimenting with ways to connect Taiwan-loving people. I
created a google group named
Currently, I envision only a few group members can post, while others
can only read. I hope the group to have more than 100,000 members in
a few weeks. The initial member pool comes from NATPA/TAUP (The two Taiwanese Professors associations in Taiwan and the States) members and wild stawberries and their friends and families. One reason it could expand very quickly is that members can invite others by visiting and click on the 'invite members' link. I encourage every Taiwan-loving person to
give the group a try. You can unsubscribe any time for any or no reason. Let us hang together for a better Taiwan.

Initially, I expect this mailing list to be a low traffic list disseminating important information. I will give you frequent updates on the direction the group is taking as it evolves. Each message you receive will include clear instruction as to how you can unsubscribe, or change the way messages are delivered, e.g., instead of receiving a message as it is sent, you can opt for a daily digest, etc. For question, please write Luby Liao at

15 Nov 2008

Mail Art Project – Mobilize Taiwan

Call for International Entries:

Mail Art Project – Mobilize Taiwan

This project is initiated in response to the Wild Berries Student Movement that started on November 6, 2008.

For additional information please refer to

We Need Your Support!
Voice your concern for the future of political freedom of the youth in Taiwan.
Letters, art objects, designs, musical composition and video works are welcomed.

E-mail your messages to:

Entries with good intention will be displayed in front of Freedom Square in Taipei City.

Be Creative
Be Sincere
Be Constructive
Be Concerned

For Freedom
For Justice
For Peace
For Basic Human Rights

◘ The Mail Art – the Mobilize Taiwan Initiative 2008

[Mobilization] Nov 15th Come to join in series of movements on Liberty Square

The movement will gather students from six spots of the sit-in movement on 15th November at Liberty Square, Taipei.
To those who support the movement, we wish you to come and also invite your friends to come as well.
Since the initiation of this sit-in movement, it have been more than a week. This Saturday, please come to Liberty Square being with the students and show your support!

TIME Content
0900 ~ 1200 Student representatives from six spots gather together sit-in
1200 ~ 1300 Lunch Break
1300 ~ 1400 NGOs gather to support students' demands
1400 ~ 1500 Action drama by Professors
1500 ~ 1530 Press Conference and the opening ceremony of the gathering movement
1530 ~ 1600 Action drama for Wild StrawBerries and human rigths
1600 ~ 1700 Sit-in
1700 ~ 1900 Talks and prospect of the movement
1900 ~ 1930 Dinner Break
1930 ~ 2100 Forum on human rights
2100 ~ 2200 Voice of Strawberries: The reflection of sit-in students

See you there!

14 Nov 2008

[Wanted] Observation/ News/ Feedback/ Support (in English)

It have been a week since the sit-in movement was launched. And the English blog is built with all your contribution, on spreading, reading, and writing. In every case, we need more articles in English here!!
What we are looking for:
1. I noticed that there are some articles in the individual blog which is written in English regards to this movement. I would like to gather some here.
2. You may want to translate any news from the world media, like German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean... into English.
3. Your observation and feedback on any news, phenomena during this movement.
4. Illustration on Human Rights in the recent World (i.e., cases from other countries) and in the history

To communicate and spread the idea, we need your participation. If you wish to support this blog, please send articles in English to .

The formant:
1. The summary (Brief and Concise)
2. The link to the original article (on blog, news...)
3. Your identity (and in which name you would like to be posted, or anonymous.)

Thanks for your attribution towards the blog, the movement, the development of democracy and the protection of human rights in Taiwan!

11 Nov 2008

[Supporting Action] Vigil in Solidarity Support the "Wild Strawberries" Student Movement Safeguard Our Beloved Taiwan


We thought that authoritarian regime is long gone.
We thought that freedom of speech had become part of our life.
But we are wrong....

Freedom and democracy--hard to attain, easy to be crushed. Over the past half a century, many have sacrificed their freedom, their youth, even their dear lives for the attainment of these rights. However, in this past week, we have witnessed the return of authoritarian regime, with its relentless and unnecessary suppression of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. In order to "welcome" Chen Yun-lin (陳雲林), the special envoy from China, those peaceful protestors who were waving national flags, banners, singing protest songs or calling out loud their appeals, were brutally "served" by the police force with fists, kicks and sticks.

The whole society was shocked by such regression of democracy and freedom of speech. Civic groups began to organize themselves. University students began to take actions to defend freedom of speech.

Sit-in protest by the students started in front of the Executive Yuan on the evening of November 6. Three days later, on November 9, students formed the "Wild Strawberries" Student Movement. Their main appeal was that our democracy is in peril and the critical issues at stake are: the Parade and Assembly Law violates the Constitutional; and human rights have been infringed upon. They have demanded that President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and Premier Liu Chao-hsuan (劉兆玄) should apologize; that the Director of the National Security Bureau Tsai Chao-ming (蔡朝明) and the National Police Agency­Director-­General Wang Cho-chiun (王卓鈞) should step down and that the Parade and Assembly Law be amended.

In support of the cause pursued by the "Wild Strawberries" Student Movement, civic groups decided to initiate a vigil walk around the Liberty Square every evening from six to seven pm starting from November 11. The organizer(s) would like to call for people from all circles of society to participate in this civic movement to Support the "Wild Strawberries" and Safeguard Our Beloved Taiwan. As Jiang Wei-Shui (蔣渭水), a pioneer in Taiwan's democratic movement, said, "Our strength has its roots in our solidarity." To preserve our hard-won achievements in democracy in Taiwan, we must demonstrate the will and strength of civil society, condemn the use of state violence and defend the freedom of speech.

We look forward to your participation in Vigil in Solidarity, and we request your attention to the following information:

Vigil in Solidarity
Time: 6.00-7.00pm everyday
Gathering Point: in front of the "Wild Strawberry" camp in Liberty Square
Cause of the Vigil Walk: Support the "Wild Strawberries" Student Movement, Safeguard Our Beloved Taiwan
Do's and Don'ts: The vigil walk should proceed in single file in silence. No food, no calling of slogans and no banners; only signs prepared by the vigil walk's organizer are allowed.

The vigil walk is initiated by the following civic groups:

Evil Assembly and Parade Act Modification Association (集遊惡法修法聯盟), Taiwan Association for Human Right (台灣人權促進會), Judicial Reform Foundation (民間司法改革基金會), Humanistic Education Foundation (人本教育基金會), Taiwan Labor Front (台灣勞工陣線), Taiwan Environmental Action Network (台灣環境行動網協會), Amnesty International Taiwan Section (國際特赦組織台灣總會), Taiwan Law Society (台灣法學會), Green Party (綠黨), Taiwan Environmental Protection Union (台灣環境保護聯盟), Awakening Foundation (婦女新知基金會), Campaign for Media Reform (媒體改造學社), Aborigine Rights Association (原住民權益策進會), Green Formosa Front (綠色陣線協會), Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (廢除死刑推動聯盟).

The original article with Mandarin and English is in

9 Nov 2008

Movement needs your help to be heard

If you can read Mandarin and you know any of the languages else than Mandarin and you are willing to help, please email us: I will assign you article to translate to avoid double translation. Or if you can write your feedback and observation on this movement and send it to me as well. Thanks a lot!!