Showing posts with label U.S.A.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S.A.. Show all posts

14 Dec 2008

FAPA Statement regarding police break-up of Wild Strawberry sit-in

December 12th , 2008
Contact: (202) 547-3686

Washington DC. Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) expressed its anger and dismay at the forcible removal of the "Wild Strawberries" students and a group of some 100 Tibetans from Freedom Plaza in Taipei in the night of December 10th 2008 – International Human Rights Day.

The students had been encamped at the Freedom Plaza since November 6th 2008, when they initiated the "Wild Strawberry Movement" and organized a month-long sit in on Freedom Plaza in Taipei, protesting the excessive use of force by police during the visit of Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin, and urging the Ma government to revise the Assembly and Parade Law.

FAPA considers the student sit-in a peaceful expression of concern, which is guaranteed under the principle of freedom of speech and of assembly. FAPA thus deeply regret that at 4:00 am in the early morning of December 11th, some 200+ police with shields and sticks arrived at the Plaza and first evicted a group of some 100 Tibetan refugees, who had been at the Plaza since December 9th, urging the Taiwan government to grant them residence and work permits.

Then at 5:30 am, the police moved in on the remaining group of some 40 students, who sat down on the ground, interlocking hands and arms. After considerable pushing and shoving, the students were forced on several trucks and transported back to National Taiwan University.

According to reports from Taiwan, the police moved in when the encamped students started to assist the Tibetan refugees, providing them with warm clothing against the cold, tents, food, and other supplies. The police stated that the students were evicted "…because they had not applied for a permit under the Assembly and Parade Law" – precisely the same anachronistic law the students were trying to get changed.

FAPA President Prof. Bob Yang stated that "…as Taiwanese-Americans we highly value the basic principles of human rights and democracy in Taiwan, and consider these actions by the Ma government a severe infringement on freedom of speech and of assembly." He added: "We will raise this issue in our contacts with the US State Department and with members of Congress."

7 Dec 2008

[Support] Detroit activity Support WSM

2008.12.07 Detroit is currently snowing and the temperature is blow freezing. About 100 people from Detroit, Lancing, Flint, Ann Arbor, and several from Toledo, Ohio and Toronto, Canada, gathered in Novi Town Center to show support to the Wild Strawberry Movement.

6 Dec 2008

A letter to WS students from Prof. Leigh

Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 12:25:22 AM
From: James Leigh
Professor Emeritus in the College of Education
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri, USA

Dear Students:
I recently returned to the United States from a visit to your beautiful country,
where I had the opportunity to talk with other professors and students about my
professional work and interests related to the field of education. Even though the
purpose of my trip was entirely nonpolitical, during my visit I learned about the
Taiwan Wild Strawberries Movement, and I have read with interest the November 10
protest statement and many of the other postings on the TW Action website. After
returning to the U.S., I have been invited to share some of my thoughts and opinions
with you concerning the goals and activities of your movement.
Although the history and culture of our countries are quite different, when I was a
university student in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, there was a great amount of
unrest and turmoil in the U.S. between large numbers of university students and
faculty and others in the American society on the one hand, and staunch supporters of
government, military, and police authorities on the other hand. The protests and
demonstrations focused primarily on disagreement over U.S. policy relating to the
Vietnam war, but also grew to encompass opposing perspectives about other aspects
of American values and culture. Even though the Vietnam war ended long ago, there
are still lingering divisions and resentments harbored by many U.S. citizens as a result of the polarization and conflict from that era. I believe that some of that residual distrust and misunderstanding is now apparent in the socio-political distinction between “red” states and “blue” states in America, which in some respects is not unlike the designation of “blue” and “green” parties today in your country.
I cannot pretend to be well-versed in Taiwanese history and culture and its
complex relationship with the People’s Republic of China, so I will abstain from
offering judgments and specific recommendations regarding your current situation
other than to state that, as I understand it, your purpose appears to be not only just but noble insofar as it intends to protect and advance the cause of democracy and independence in your country. Of course, this position is to be expected from a
citizen of the country that declared its own independence in the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ...” This statement maintains that the members of your movement, and indeed all citizens of Taiwan, already have the rights that you advocate by virtue of being human. You are not asking any government to confer such rights that you already possess, but rather your goal is to ensure that your government recognizes and protects those rights.
Since I am not in a position to provide suggestions regarding the particular
strategies and resources your movement should employ toward this goal, I will simply
offer some thoughts to consider based upon my observations of and participation in
protest movements in my own country. For example, one important lesson I learned
is that people are seldom persuaded to a point of view by physical confrontation or
loud and emotionally-charged argument. If anything, such tactics generally produce
a defensive posture in philosophical adversaries, and often are regarded as rude and
arrogant and potentially dangerous by neutral individuals who otherwise might be
open to the message if it had been offered in a less threatening manner. Many of the
violent clashes between student groups and police in the U.S. in the 1960’s were
counterproductive, even though the students’ cause was worthwhile, because so many
citizens were repulsed by what they perceived as the mindless destruction of property, disruption of civil order, injuries, and sometimes even the tragic and needless loss of life.
As you pursue your purpose, I would encourage each of you to remember the
words of Martin Luther King as he wrote from a jail in Birmingham, Alabama: "We
are caught in an inescapable web of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." If this statement is true, as I believe it to be, the implication is that we must resist the politics of division and hatred in which our only concern and empathy is with those who support and join our cause, and in which others are regarded as enemies to be overcome. This does not mean that you should defer to or attempt to appease the opponents of democracy in your country, but rather that you should remember that it is their positions and policies that you seek to defeat, and not the people themselves. The implication of this distinction is that the fundamental humanity of all people must be respected, which rules out the use of violence or any form of degrading or demeaning attack, even in words, directed toward those with whom you disagree at this time.
Undoubtedly, you have already found that some of your members are well-versed
in the more substantive conceptual aspects of freedom and democracy and human
rights, while other members may only be caught up in their sense of the excitement
and adventure of rebellion and supporting a cause. Many who participated in various
American protest movements were well-informed and committed to their causes, but
it is also true that many were simply bored or dissatisfied young people for whom the
demonstrations and confrontations provided an outlet for their personal frustrations or a source of entertainment and a sense of belonging that they otherwise lacked in their lives.
In order to convince adversaries to listen to one’s perspective, it is necessary to be willing also to listen to and learn about their perspective. Positions and policies are not defeated by how loud and angry our voices of protest can be, but rather by how logical and convincing our reason is in undermining those positions and policies. In other words, to refute an idea, it is first necessary to understand it, which means learning about its background and history and the motives of those who subscribe to it and the positive and negative implications of adhering to that idea. Only then does it become possible to argue against the idea in a systematic, rational, and powerful manner that will appeal to those who are willing to consider differing perspectives.
Accordingly, perhaps your movement will provide an opportunity for your student
leaders also to serve as teachers, providing an education beyond university walls for
many Taiwanese citizens and future political leaders. Many great thinkers before you
have grappled with the notions of freedom and democracy and independence; authors
as diverse as Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire, Walt Whitman, G. K. Chesterton,
John Kennedy, Ghandi, Paulo Freire, Allen Ginsberg, Noam Chomsky and countless
others have shared their thoughts about such ideals, and you can read and study their
eloquent words today for guidance and inspiration and to translate and share with
your fellow citizens.
Finally, I offer my best wishes to you as you seek to foster a Taiwanese society in
which all citizens can pursue their goals and dreams and live their daily lives in an
atmosphere free from fear and oppression. I hope you continue to be strong and
courageous in your pursuits, resisting any and all attempts to deny your basic human
rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom
to petition, and freedom of the press. I also hope your movement will seek to achieve
its worthy goals, as much as possible without compromising the essential quest for
liberty and democracy, in a spirit of cooperation and inclusion and harmony with all
other citizens of Taiwan, including those with whom you may have disagreements at
this time, while remembering that it is not only the right but also the responsibility of citizens in a democracy to speak out against and non-violently resist any attempts by government to suppress or revoke such rights.

5 Dec 2008

[Support] 41 Taiwanese American and Canadian Organizations support Wild Strawberries

Taiwanese American Organizations
Support “Wild Strawberry” Movement in Taiwan

We, the undersigned Taiwanese American and overseas organizations, earnestly call all freedom and democracy loving fellow Taiwanese to come out and support the Wild Strawberry Student Peaceful Demonstration and Protest on December 7 at Liberty Square in Taipei. This action is to demand:

1. An apology from the nation’s President and Premier regarding the police brutality against demonstrators and the gross violations of human rights during the visit of China's envoy Chen Yunlin.
2. Resignation of National Police Agency Director and National Security Bureau Director for police brutality against protesters.
3. To call for the reform of the Assembly and the Parade Law in order to assure Taiwanese people a true democracy and the respect of fundamental human rights for free assembly and associations.

We want these students to know that they are not alone and have our wholehearted supports.


Ron Shieh, President
American Association of America (TAA-USA)

Ben Liu, President
North American Taiwanese Professors Association (NATPA)

Co-signed by (in the order of received):

Susan Chang, President
World Federation of Taiwanese Associations (WFTA)

Bob Yang, President

Formosa Association for Public Affairs (FAPA)

Chung-Kuo Kuo, President

Word Taiwanese Congress (WTC)

Sue Lee, President

North America Taiwanese Women Association (NATWA)

Jack Chen, President

Austin Institute of Taiwan Studies (AITS)

Josephine Pan, President

Taiwan Elite Alliance

Jack Lin, Ph.D., President

Taiwanese Association of America – South Florida

Grace Hsu, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Northern New Jersey

Mark Kao, President

FAPA-New Jersey

Tony, President

Taiwanese Association of America - San Francisco, California

Cheng S. Chang, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Manhattan, Kansas

Terri Giles

Formosa Foundation

Kuochih Hong, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Detroit, Michigan

Shiou-Yi Chen, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Cincinnati, Ohio

Fong Y. Yang, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Portland, Oregon

Dexter Lai, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Seattle, Washington

Jin-Shou Hseu, Preisdent

Taiwanese Association of America – Kansas City, Kansas

Kwei-Yang Ben Chang, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Greater Washington D.C.

Steven Shen, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Baltimore, Maryland

J. T. Lo, President

Taiwanese Association of America – New Orleans, Louisiana

Linda Wu, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Houston, Texas

Pam Tsai, President

Taiwanese American Federation – Northern California

Hsin-Chu Chen, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Kiosy Lin, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Atlanta, Georgia

Charles Chang, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Nashville, Tennessee

Shu-Chuan Chou, President

Taiwanese Association of America – North Carolina

Patsy Fang Chen, President

Taiwanese Association of America – New York

Shuling Su, President

Taiwanese Association of America - Boston

David Lai, President
Taiwan Hakka Association for Public Affairs in North America

Ken Huang, President
FAPA-San Diego Chapter

Anthony Lee, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Columbus, Ohio

Alice Yu Tzy Yang, President

Yang Foundation – Delaware

George Chen, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Hawaii

David Wu. President

Taiwanese American Association – Charlotte, North Carolina

Charles Chen, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Delaware

Alice Yang, President

FAPA – Delaware

Po Lee, President

Taiwanese Canadian Association (TCA)

Tzu-Hui Chen

Taiwanese Collegian (TC)

C.K. Hsu, President

Taiwanese Association of America – Clear Lake, Texas

24 Nov 2008

On protest and human rights in Los Angeles

On Protest and Human Rights from abe on Vimeo.

A parade held on 21st November for human rights.

A brief transcription on Mr. Jiang's talk (a Taiwanese lawyer in the States):
On Nov. 20th, the mayor of L.A. apologized publicly for the police violation when Mexican protested against the new Immigration Law last year. The amount of compensatory that police officers beat people, including the journalist and people, during the protest is approx. 13,000,000USD. How about us?

L.A. to pay nearly $13 million over May Day melee, sources say
The settlement would mark one of the largest payouts ever made to resolve LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) misconduct. Department has sanctioned officers and trained force to prevent another such incident.
By Joel Rubin
November 20, 2008

12 Nov 2008

What can we learn from Obama: Yes we can!

President Obama has already started to govern his country. Actually it is an E – Government.
On he is proposing his ideas for a new America.

Why is there no Someone should start a new webpage where people can publish their ideas about how they would like to see Taiwan in 10 years.

By the way: President Obamas advisers for east asia want to come in the end of November to Taiwan to talk with Mr. Ma (respecting his felt acceptable not to be called president).

It is a good chance to show Obama and the world: Taiwan, yes we can!