The 2006 Catolympics

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Catolympic Shop

The Catolympic Store
Visit The Catolympic Shop! (brought to you by Dickens Inc.)
Your one stop shopping where you can find
Catolympics Memorabilia!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Final Thoughts

Patches, Mittens and Mistrie walk around the yard. Empty grandstands, empty cubicles, with plates of uneaten food and hairs left behind on disheveled beds, the only sign 70 plus cats were even here. Walking to the climbing tree they see they didn't dream it all...most everyone signed! The buffet table, almost empty now, the curtains in the kittens room, hang in taters. Paw prints are seen all over, on the race track and on the paths. It is so quiet now. As they walk around the arena, a pink collar catches their eye. The cauldron, once alight with fire, sits stark and cold against the cloudless sky. Memories were made here.

Sadly, they turn to the is was good.

Personalized Awards

Momma says she will personalize your award for you, like she did mine (it is in the sidebar at our blog)

Come on over tomorrow (Monday) and get the low down.

Patches Lady


The electricity in my house last night prohibited me from performing my Catolympics' commentator responsibilities. We had tremendous storms throughout the afternoon and into the evening. Everything is working properly now, but now is too late. I apologize for not being here.

Saturday, June 17, 2006



The games are over and now we can have fun....let the party start!!!

Dont forget to pick up your medal if you won.
Check out at the main desk where you checked in.
Make sure you have everything with you that you brought.

Feel free to stay until tomorrow!


Judges were reminded that we missed tallying up Edsel's scores because he was so quietly competing...

On Balance Beam, Edsel tied for first place with Victor and is eligible to share the gold medal.

On Litter Throw, Edsel tied for third place with Scout and is eligible to share the bronze medal.


Since there is some rumbling about results, here is explanation of how totals were done. Brendan, Ghost & Mia all separately scored the events making use of random number generaters which assigned a number between one and ten to each contestant. The totals were then added together and the highest scores were awarded medals. If any additional questions or protests have not been addressed by this explanation... please address question here.


Because right click is disabled, I am going to put the medals up on my site. I will post both sizes.....come over to and pick up your medal. Sorry about that...

Give me about 15 minutes

Toni Momma

Closing Ceremony

I just wanted to thank everyone again for coming and making this such a success. I hope everyone had a great time and made some new friends in the process. I would also like to thank the ICC again for all their Patches and family for opening their home to everyone, hosting everything, and for keeping us updated. You did a fantastic job; to Timmy and his mom for the website, store, logo, and all her help, and Smeagol and Strider for the torch relay and all they did. Congratulations everyone! You are ALL winners to us! Now to Patches family...


Ladies/Gentlemen/Honored Cats......

Thank you all so much for participating in this, the 1st ever Catolympics. No records were beaten, of course, because this was the first, but some fantastic events took place. Sportsmenship was great. New fuurends were made. All events went off without a hitch. It was, A GRAND SUCCESS. Concatulations to all the winners.

We will all head over to the nap-a-thon now to celebrate and just have fun. Nip is now permitted, and has been furnished. There will be plenty of food on the buffet table. You are welcome to stay the night, if you like. Remember tomorrow is Father's Day!!

Mistrie will you now extinguish the flame...

The 1st Catolympic Games of 2006 are over!!!

A new Cat Chat post will be above this for the nap-a-thon..please post party stuff there.

Here are your medals......if you won, please display proudly. Pick them up at our blog.


Extra Special Mentions

We'd like to present some extra special mentions as well...

First, Edsel for being the best nurse kitty he can be in taking care of his Mom. Get well soon Edselmom!

And secondly to all our fellow participants both judges, organizers, hosts, commentatories & contestants. Everyone did a fantastic job.

We would like to recognize Beau (and his Mom) for having this wonderful idea which turned into a lot of work on all parts.

Thanks everyone... Mia & Ghost

RESULTS - Sumo Wrestling

We are going to give individual match results then we will give medals and honorable mentions to the highest scores overall.

Merlin vs. Fat Eric

Bangles vs. Autumn Savannah

Bombay vs. Punkin

Bonnie Underfoot vs. Jagger

Luna (Petey's sis/America) vs. Sammy

Tucker vs. Timmy

Cheese vs. Max

Magoo vs. Shaggy

Petey vs. Lucky

Luna (Spanish) vs Mattingly

Concatulations... now onto our honorable mentions by overall score. Even if match was lost points could be scored.

Honorable Mentions

Bronze Medalist... Fat Eric (yes, we know he didn't win match but he accumulated the third most points)

Silver Medalist... Merlin

Gold Medalist... Petey

Way to go all contestants... We are proud of you all!

RESULTS - Tub Soccer

Honorable Mentions
Beau Beau

Bronze Medalist... Victor
Silver Medalist... Miles
Gold Medalist... Patches

RESULTS - Yowling

More ties in this event...

Honorable Mentions

Bronze Medalist... Basil
Silver Medalist... Miles, Magoo & Angelo (TIE)
Gold Medalist... Kiara

RESULTS - Tumbling Floor Routine

Honorable Mentions

Bronze Medalist... Luna (USA) & Sammy (TIE)
Silver Medalist... Bela
Gold Medalist... Dolce

RESULTS - Speed Racing

Honorable Mentions (we had ties)
Princess Mia

Bronze Medalist... Bella
Silver Medalist... Oreo
Gold Medalist... Ping

RESULTS - Litter Throw

Honorable Mentions

Bronze Medalist... Scout
Silver Medalist... Mattingly
Gold Medalist... Sammy

Results - High Jump

Honorable Mentions
Princess Mia

Bronze Medalist... Bangles
Silver Medalist... Buddah
Gold Medalist... Maxwell Smartkitty

Results - Fit in Small Boxes

We have ties...

Honorable Mentions
Luna (Spain)
Luna (USA)
Fat Eric

Bronze Medalist... Sanjee
Silver Medalist... Bonnie Underfoot, Badness & Angelica
Gold Medalist... HGL

We had ties throughout this category. Excellent event!

It's so Exciting!

Ooh Brendan, Look at that hairball hurling! I can't wait to try that!

And over there! Can we vote for Dolce?

Results - Climbing

Honorable Mentions

Bronze Medalist... Punkin
Silver Medalist... Lucky
Gold Medalist... Buddy

Results - Hairball Hurling

Honorable Mentions

Bronze Medalist... Bonnie Underfoot
Silver Medalist... Frisky
Gold Medalist... Smudge

Results - Balance Beam

Honorable Mentions

Bronze Medalist... Piper
Silver Medalist... HGL
Gold Medalist... Victor

RESULTS - Curling

The results are just in from the curling event... We will have the three medalist (or more in event of ties) plus three Honorable Mentions.

First the Honorable Mentions for Curling are as follows :

Luna (USA) - an excellent job
Moose - most impressive
Mittens - wonderful job

Our Bronze Medalist for Curling for the 2006 Catolympics is...
Luna (Spain) - concatulations Luna and we must say we are happy that you traveled all the way to the Big Piney Woods to participate.

Our Silver Medalist for Curling for the 2006 Catolympics is...
Victor - concatulations, we must say that youth is definitely in your favor

And finally.... our Gold Medalist for Curling for the 2006 Catolmpics is... Abby - concatulations and although you had tough competition we thought you stood out at the end!

More results coming....

Brendan Concentrates

This is a tough compettition to judge. So many wonderful athletes! I must concentrate! I must be fair!

Judging Update

Mia, Ghost & Brendan are keeping up with all the action. Fitting into small boxes was a tight squeeze but all contestants should be proud. The Sumo Wrestling has been amazing and we must add that the demo from Harper & Ramona was a wonderful start. We have seen some moves from contestants that have never been seen in competition before...

One other note on judging... each decision was made very carefully and if any contestant should have questions about results then a full explanation of how judging was done can be obtained by request.

Climbing to the Top!!

I see lots of furry butts and tails from down here ... I should have hired the Goodyear Blimp!!

I can see Salem and Buddah's black tails for sure ... and a couple of stripy ones - Dolce and Beau Beau?

There are just too many tails, branches and leaves in the way ... I'm going to have and grab a judge and a helicopter real quick and get up to the tree top.

STAY TUNED - We'll let you know the results soon!

Speed Racing

Wow, it's been an exciting race so far! The crowd is going wild! Princess Mia's afternoon practice seems to have paid off, but Timmy is not far behind! Oh, wait . . .! Is that Timmy in front now? Oh, those Tuxedo Cats are so hard to tell apart sometimes!

Coming 'round the turn they are now, with the pack a mass of beautiful fur! Derby and Nala are neck and neck, with Oreo and Finny coming around on either side, trying to pass them!

Beau Beau looks like he's ready to jump over everyone! (Is that allowed?!)

Bella, Ping and Mistre are right on their tails, looking fresh enough to overcome the blistering pace!

Wait, what do I see . . . It's Kiara, Buddy and Dolce! They were bringing up the rear, but they're making their move now!

The finish line is coming up! The pack of racing cats is bunching up again ... I can't tell anymore who is where ...


Litter Throw Event

Welcome to the Litter Throw; I'm Petey, your humble annoucer. With all this excitement I have found it very hard to contain myself, but for the sake of professionalism, I will soldier on. With todays practice of the litter throw I was again impressed at the caliber of the cats at these games.
First up is Abby, I only wonder if being first is taking a toll on her performance; she steps into the box, she digs and flings and we're off. Good effort, Abby.
Next up is Boni, she is definately not as skinny as a stick of macaroni; she steps up to the box, enters and digs, there's the fling. Nice technique.
Up next is Egypt, all the way from Colorado: my humans were in the Rocky Mountain state last week and it said was gorgeous, just gorgeous; but I digress. Egypt approaches the box, digs in and; Wow, what an amazing fling, those long legs of his certainly have given him an advantage.
Stepping up to the box next is Finnegan; he digs, he flings, he scores; well done Finny, well done.
The next competitor is my sissyfur, Luna. I'm impressed just with her entering a litter throw. It is well known around our house that she never digs in the box, but none the less, she is performing well and it will be up to the judges to decide.
Now it is Mattingly's turn at the litter throw; he approaches the box with caution and digs in and squats. Oh my, he has left a deposit. Can we get a cleanup crew over here. I hope he is not disqualified for that.
Next up is Sammy. The break in the action doesn't seem to have affected him in the least; he steps up to the box, digs in and flings and the litter really is flying now.
With two more competitors left this is shaping up to be an exciting event, I only hope that it is included in the next games.
Scout is up next; he cautiously nears the box, steps in, digs around and appears to be searching for just the right pieces of litter for his throw; hopefully it will pay off for him. And here's his throw; yes, I think it just might be the winning throw.
We have one competitor left and that is Tuxie; little is known about Tuxie, but that only adds to the mystery and excitement. Tuxie steps up to the box, here's the dig and now the fling and we're done with the litter throw. All that is left is to await the judges decision.

Sumo Wrestling

Again, filling in for Zeus. The following are competing:

Sumo Wrestling Matches

Merlin vs. Fat Eric
Bangles vs. Autumn
SavannahBombay vs. Punkin
Bonnie Underfoot vs. Jagger
Luna (Petey's sis/America) vs. Sammy
Tucker vs. Timmy
Cheese vs. Max
Magoo vs. Shaggy
Petey vs. Lucky
Luna (Spanish) vs Mattingly

The judges are in awe at the ability of these contestents. The crowd is on their feet.....some are even throwing things...paper plates and cups and empty cans of stinky goodness.

The catpolice have calmed the audience down and the matches continue......

Stay tuned for the winners.

Fit In Small Boxes

We are also filling in for Zeus on

The contestents are:

-Angelica, Badness, Bonnie U., Fat Eric, HGL, Luna, (Spanish), Luna (USA), Salem, Sanjee, Timmy

The boxes are brought in. Each cat will try his luck at the first (largest) box. If all fit in that one, a smaller size is use, etc......etc......

Each cat has, so far, fit into the first three boxes that have been brought out.

Yes.......we have the be announced!!!


We tune back for more of the excellent soccer action!

We have coming up our rising superstar Smudge! Recently, his fans swooned in delight when his baby pictures hit the Net. His agent complained that a dozen new interns had to be hired to handle the increase in fan mail and his pals complain they are constantly being harassed by demented fans wanting more pics of that little, wittle, kitten! Enough, says Smudge! He does not want to be judged by his cuteness! He demands we respect his skill at soccer. But we do, dear Smudge, we do admire your footwork. Now, how about some pics of you as a cutie-pie kitten?

Luna of course needs no introduction! Ever since she exploded on the scene, the world has just not been the same for us. It is whispered that Beckham learnt the secret of bending the ball from none other than Luna! In fact, the Daily Rag claims Beckham moved to Spain just so he could get some extra training from the great soccer kitty! And look at those moves! Beckham, if you win that World Cup, you owe Luna the best kitty toys your huge paycheck can buy!

Magoo meanwhile is back in kick-ass form! Those street fights he is notorious for has certainly strengthened those thigh muscles! Yes!!!!!! And the ball goes sailing over everyone's head for a GGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!
What, an offside? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have thought Patches would be such a barracuda on the soccer field! She is the gentlest lady in private life, a stern critic of any violations in etiquette. But the good Lord help you if dare cross her path! Her delicate calico paw will make short work of you as she heads to the goal with the ball in her paws! Look at that pass! Those paws have magic in them I tell you!

Meanwhile Petey is certainly making his presence known. You know, it's kitties like Petey who make me wonder how dumb the agents are! Did you know he was passed over by no less that three agents simply because he left a squishy pile as a gift for them? I ask you, what is a squishy pile when you have a kitty who defend the goal like Petey! At least he know has an agent who can see beyond squishy piles! Oh, oh, oh! If it were not for Petey, that would have been a goal! I hope those squishy-hating agents are regretting their finickiness!

Balance Beam

The balance beam should be an interesting event for the cats; with my bruddy, Happy-Go-Lucky, at what apprears to be a disadvantage of having a two inch tail. But I got an exclusive interview with him this morning. I can assure you that his diminutive tail size will in no way hinder his performance. I also spoke to my sissyfur, Luna; I had wanted to ask her if there was a secret to her calm demeanor and all she would respond with is "No comment". She is such a touch nut to crack. I expect her to do well in all of her events, she is always so instinctive and focused.
Ok, well it seems its time for the competition to begin.
Up first is Abby: she mounts and perfoms the mandatory turns and backflips, nice form and great show of balance, now she spins around and gives the crowd a real show of her athleticism.
Next, we have Bangles, all the way from Sing-a-purr; he mounts, perfoms the mandatory turns and backflips makes an excellent dismount, well done Bangles.
Our third competitor is Buddy; not much is known about Buddy, but that was one impressive display of balance and poise, should score very high with the judges.
Up next is, little Dolce; don't let her youth and size fool you she is performing up to all expectations and not a bobble one; way to go Dolce.
Gemini is next; he mounts, he spins, he flips, never have I seen such height in a backflip.
"I must ask you, Gemini, Is there a secret training technique that you have implored that has helped your performance?"
"No, Petey, it is just the clear mountain air that has inspired me, whoo! Yeah"
"Thank you, Gemini."
The next competitor is my bruddy, HGL; he mounts, spins, flips, turns and flip/turns. WOW, I guess that having a bob tail is an advantage, who knew you could make moves like that on a balance beam. Needless to say, I'm impressed.
I guess it is only fair that HGL be followed by our sissyfur, Luna; she has practiced religiously for the last several months and it shows. Call me biased, but I believe that we just witnessed the perfomance of event, I only hope that the judges are not clouded by HGL's unorthodox display.
Mouse is up next; don't let the name fool you, Mouse is all cat; she mounts turn, flip, spin, and turn again and now the dismount, flawless absolutely flawless. I don't envy those judges.
Patches Lady is up next, she is representing her home state well; she mounts, moves through the compulsatory spins and turns with ease; she is very much at home here and it shows, since it is her home and all. Well done Patches Lady.
Up next is Piper, another relative unknown in the Catolympic circle; but not to be outdone, Piper mounts and performs the routine with confidence, she is not to be shaken by her
inexperience, well done and should score nicely.
Princess Mia is the next to compete; she mounts, turns, flips, spins and throws down the gauntlet and raises the bar with another stellar performance.
Two competitors left and next up is Shadow, another unknown, but with the prowess and obvious experience to contend for a medal in this event; I must say that I have been duly impressed by all of the competitors of these games.
Our last participant is Victor Tabbycat; he's looking fine this afternoon and seems to be well prepared for the contest, he mounts, flips spins, turns and here is the dismount, well done Victor, well done. I do not envy those judges one bit; it will be hard to decide the winner of this event. All the contestants showed us grace and poetry in motion. It makes me proud to be called a feline when surrounded by athletes like this. This has been Petronious the Arbiter and I thank you all. Good luck and bless us all.

Yowling for the Gold!

We are baaaack for yet more yowling! Our heads have stopped vibrating and the doctors assure us that we are not in any danger of losing our hearing! At least, we will still be able to hear our kitties tell us its feeding time!

Our next batch of kitties are ready to go up!

First we have Finny! Finny believes a healthy diet of grass (and a good throwing up afterwards) is critical to keep those pipes in shape. And oh boy! Are those some pipes! Sign us up for that fabulous grass diet! Finny is letting loose like kitty-Pavarotti! This kitty is going to go far! Watch out Carnegie Hall! Here comes Finny!

Miles, Miles, Miles! How can one kitty be so talented! Not only can you kick a ball around like Beckham, but your voice would make Simon Cowell bow in respect! (Don't listen to those jealous people that say that Simon Cowell is ducking his head just to keep his ears from bleeding!) Is it all that that whipped cream, that's making your voice so smooth? Do tell! We promise it will be our secret!

Now we have our brave chaser-away-of-invaders - the extremely talented Magoo! Magoo's pipes not only causes the ear-drums of his proud owners to bleed, but they are also extremely effective in chasing away those darn intruders who just don't know how to respect a kitty's private space! Let 'em here the full force of that yowling Magoo! Just give us a minute first while we put in our ear plugs!

Let's check on what the others are doing and we will be back for the last batch!

Climbing Update

The field of Climbers certainly have their fans! Cheering has been loud as the clawing and climbing cats make their way upward!

Here we see Beau Beau looking up at Buddah ... Where are the others?! Are they below, or above?!

Stay tuned!

Tumbling Floor Routine!

Let's wiggle those hips and get tumbling! It is a truth universally acknowledged that only a kittycat has the natural grace, agility, inventiveness, and stamina to be a true master of the art of tumbling.

We have with us today, some of the finest tumblers in the world! Let's hear a round of applause (and shake those hips every one!) for Beau Beau, Cosmo, Lucky, Luna, Magoo, Miles, Patches, Petey, Punkin, Sammy, Smudge, Sanjee, Victor T. and the ever fabulous Zeus!

Tumbling to Victory!

We have some fine kitty gymnastics on display here! We are so happy that tumbling finally gets the recognition is deserves and is included as an Olympic sport! No longer do we have to rely on those backroom competitions! Let's get the show started!

Angelica (knows as Angie to her buddies) is putting on a fine display! Check out that fuzzy belly! The judges are going to have a tough time on this one! Ooh! Did you see that paw flip! I don't think it has been performed so perfectly! Ah! A classic double-sashay! She makes it all look so very easy!

Now we have our superstar! Bombay The Supremely Flexible Kitty! Unlike many gymnasts, Bombay does not believe in starving himself! He believes that it is all a matter of looking at it from the right perspective! Well, that little embonpoint he is sporting certainly is not hurting his chances. Oh! Nice landing Bombay! Yes, a little well-placed plushiness can certainly make a hard landing really soft!

Dolce is on next! She has consistenly surprised the judges with the creativeness of her routine! Indeed, her fans hail her as a thinking man's sporty kitty! There is not doubt that we have one smart kitty here! Look at that perfectly executed flip! Defies the laws of gravity if you ask me!

We must take a quick commercial break and then we will be back for more!

High Jump

We are filling in for Zeus on the High Jump.......we have never been commentators before so hang in there with us.

OK.....the competitors are:

Bangles, Buddah, Buddy, Derby, Dolce, Luna (USA), Mattingly, Maxwell Smartkitty, Nala, Ping, Princess Mia, Tyler

From all reports, we have some stiff competitors, no favorites.

Each cat steps up and each, in his own fashion, jumps, all unbelievably high. The crowd goes wild.

The winners are chosen......they will be announced later.

Soccer Madness!

Whooooooo!!!!! The players are in fine form today! The weather is excellent and you can just hear the crowd pulsing in excitement! GO TEAMS GO!!!

Beau Beau is in fine form today, thanks to those stretching exercises! His fans just go wild over his furry belly but don't think this kitty is all fur and no muscle! He knocks the ball around like it were a catnip mouse and look at the way he dribbles the ball! Now that is a star, my friends!

Oh watch out for Cosmo! He has been in the news a lot recently, though not for his soccer skills! The Daily Rag published photographs claiming that he had lost his head! But it seems that the news was greatly exaggerated because his head looks fine to us from here. Oooooooh! Look at that header! That almost beat the goal keeper! Hmm! Looks like that head is made of steel! Is it possible that the Rag actually got it right and we are looking at a replacement head? Well done Cosmo! Steel or not, you are our hero!

Let's hear a shout for our superstar Miles! His play, like his eyes, is hypnotic! Oh! Nice pass Miles! WATCH OUT FOR THAT TABBY! Good lord, we have the referee digging in his pocket for cards! Looks like that tabby is in for a yellow card! But Miles seems to be all right and is lining up for the free kick! And it's a, just missed by an inch!

While we recover from the excitement, let's check on what other's are doing and we'll be back shortly with more action!

'Tis the time for Yowling!

OK! Let's polish up those ear drums and see our fine athletes in action.

Basil goes first with a ear splitting yodel! That is an excellent performance Basil! We hear that he believes that a healthy body is essential for a healthy voice! His daily exercise schedule is very rigorous and includes lots of chasing and stretching. Well done, Basil! It can safely be said that our ear drums will long remember your fine performance!

Now we have Angelo on the mat. O Angelo, you are sooo very, very fine! It is not surprising that you rule the universe! But unlike the super-evil (yet strangely sympathetic) Lord Vader, your voice is melodius and clear. Give us a moment, while our ears stop ringing from that A-class howling and we will expolode in applause!

It's Petey facing the audience! Those are some pipes, Petey! That is natural talent my friends, natural talent of the rarest kind! It is once in a century that a cat is born who can shatter glass with a single yowl! Unleash the power, Petey! Let the world hear it and tremble!

Now, if you will excuse us, we need to take a break and clean up all the shattered glass and flying object before we proceed.


Now here is an event that is not for the faint of heart - Climbing!!

Tonight's competitors in this event are Bella, Buddah, Buddy, Koko, Lucky, Maxwell Smartkitty, Nardo, Punkin, and Salem.

To what heights will these felines go to win the Gold?! Stay tuned and find out!

Small Spaces, Too!

Salem says "I'm the King of Small Boxes!"

Salem playing ostrichSalem works on getting into that small box

"I can do it, I can do it!!"

Fitting Into Small Spaces

18 lbs. of Timmy can be a tight squeeze!

"Gee...what have I gotten myself into?! I can't fit this big body into that little box!!!"

"Well, here's goes nothin!"

"Tada! I did it!"

"18 lb. cat in a size 8 box"

I'd like to thank my Momma who is my coach/encourager. She tells me all the time, "C'mon Timmy, you can do it!" And Grammie...I loves you.

Speed Racing!

Chatham here, and it's time to look at the competitors for the Speed Racing Event.

It's a good size field: Beau Beau, Bella, Buddy, Dolce, Derby, Finny, Kiara, Mistre, Nala, Oreo, Ping, Princess Mia, and Timmy. Fast cats, all. This should be an exciting race to watch!


Let's hear it for the kitties with the superfine voices!

The vocal chords competing for position of top-yowler are:

Angelo: I sing like an angel!
Basil: I am dignified even when I yowl!
Finny: Ain't I the cutest! Check out these tonsils!
Kiara: It is ladylike to yowl! It is too!
Lucky: I am the champ!
Magoo: I yowl, therefore I am!
Miles: Where is my haaaaaam!
Petey: A true yowler is born, not made!

Tub Soccer!

Move over Beckham! Go chase a ball Ronaldo! You guys just don't cut the mustard when it comes to the noble game of Tub Soccer (who wants the World Cup here?)

Let's meet the stars today:

Beau Beau, Cosmo, Lucky, Luna (Spanish), Magoo, Miles, Patches, Petey, Punkin, Sammy, Smudge, Sanjee, Victor T, Zeus

Let the games begin!

Princess Mia Races!

Princess Mia shows an amazing burst of speed!

One Hour To Games!

This is the warning hour until the official start.

Last Minute Notes

Many of the cats have retired to their cubicles for a nap. Some chose to pile up under the buffet table. There will be a warning bell sound an hour before the games start, to wake them.
Half an hour before the games start, tie your number on and go to where the event it being held. You will need to check in there and get your placement.

A few cats forgot their ID tags. They MUST be worn, it is a security issue.

Odds and Ends.....

Some of the cats are having a contest outside called "whose tail is the longest." We think we know who will win that.
A supply of brushes and combs are by the entry door to the hotel.
Vets are on hand for any medical emergency.

The games are now being handed over to the judges and commentators. We will be back for closing ceremonies

....take it away.....

A Catolympic View

For those of you unable to attend, here is a view from our perspective of the games.

This morning, early, as it was just getting light, cats were milling around, using litter boxes, scratching posts and bathing. A few headed out to the dining room to watch as the food was set up, hoping for their favorite meal. Whispers were heard as the cats tried to be quiet, but had trouble keeping their excitement under control.

As the breakfast bell sounded, cats came charging out of their cubicles. This gave the cleaners time to scoop boxes, change the water, add new cat grass, and change bedding, if needed. The dining room had been put back together and it didn't take long for each cat to grab plates of food and sit down to eat.

A rain storm passed through early, but the skies are clearing and the weather people are saying in the 70's, perfect for competition. The stands are drying out and ESPN is setting up again. (They were told no when they wanted to film inside the hotel this morning.)

After breakfast and more bathing, the kittens went into the kitten room and climbed the curtains, wrestled, ran around and practiced being cats and the cats took the opportunity to check things out in the Big Piney Woods. They walked around, checked out the geese, who stayed their distance. Mistrie put on a little exhibition on log jumping without getting wet. Many tried and a few fell in, names withheld to avoid embarrasement. Games of stalk and pounce and hide and seek were played. A lot of the time has been spent in visting, getting to know new faces, exercising and doing stretches, playing and few practicing their event; (one was seen practicing the hair ball toss.) The climbing tree has been designated as the signing tree also. All cats should go over there sometime today before the games and claw their name into the bark.

Food will be available all day and a huge feast will be put on tonight. On the menu is ham, pork roast, baron of beef, ribs, cold cuts, tuna, turkey, misc. seafood, (this meat is fresh) blocks of cheese, tubs of whipped cream, butter cubes, 6 varieties of stinky goodness, many varieties of crunchies. After supper the tables will be removed or pushed to the wall, a small buffet table will remain with treats.

Good Morning Gang!!!

Good Morning! Hope you all had a good night. Breakfast buffet in the dining room. There is ham, cheese, tuna with juice, eggs, bacon, sausage and a variety of crunchies. Milk for the kittens.

Have a great breakfast and then you are free to do whatever you want. There are plenty of places to get exercise, you can check out the track, the climbing tree, go inside and check out the balance beam, screen door, etc. or just visit. Make sure you are ready for your event and in place half an hour early.

The games get started at the following times:
2-4 pm (HST)
3-5 pm (AKST)
4-6 pm (PST)

5-7 pm (MST)
6-8 pm (CST)
7-9 pm (EST)

Today is the day you have been working so hard for. Here is the sheduled participants:

Sumo Wrestling Matches
Merlin vs. Fat Eric
Bangles vs. Autumn Savannah
Bombay vs. Punkin
Bonnie Underfoot vs. Jagger
Luna (Petey's sis/America) vs. Sammy
Tucker vs. Timmy
Cheese vs. Max
Magoo vs. Shaggy
Petey vs. Lucky
Luna (Spanish) vs Mattingly


BALANCE BEAM-Abby, Bangles, Buddy, Dolce, Edsel, Gemini, HGL, Luna (USA), Mouse, Patches, Piper, Princess Mia, Shadow, Victor T

CLIMBING-Bella, Buddah, Buddy, Koko, Lucky, Maxwell Smartkitty, Nardo, Punkin, Salem

CURLING-Abby, Boo, Buddy, Bumpers, Cheese, Hee Seop, Luna (USA), Luna (Spanish), Mattingly, Mittens, Moose, Mouse, Petey, Princess Mia, Victor T.

FIT IN SMALL BOXES-Angelica, Badness, Bonnie U., Fat Eric, HGL, Luna, (Spanish), Luna (USA), Salem, Sanjee, Timmy

HAIRBALL HURLING-Bonnie U., Finny, Frisky, Georgia, Magoo, Mittens, Petey, Punkin, Smudge

HIGH JUMP-Bangles, Buddah, Buddy, Derby, Dolce, Luna (USA), Mattingly, Maxwell Smartkitty, Nala, Ping, Princess Mia, Tyler

LITTER THROW-Abby, Boni, Edsel, Egypt, Finny, Luna (USA), Mattingly, Sammy, Scout, Tuxie

SPEED RACING-Beau Beau, Bella, Buddy, Dolce, Derby, Finny, Kiara, Mistre, Nala, Oreo, Ping, Princess Mia, TimmyBR>
SUMO WRESTLING-Autumn Savannah , Bangles, Bombay, Bonnie U., Cheese, Fat Eric, Jagger, Lucky, Luna (USA), Magoo, Max, Merlin, Petey, Punkin, Sammy, Shaggy, Timmy, Tucker

TUB SOCCER-Beau Beau, Cosmo, Lucky, Luna (Spanish), Magoo, Miles, Patches, Petey, Punkin, Sammy, Smudge, Sanjee, Victor T., Zeus

TUMBLING FLOOR ROUTINE-Angelica, Bella, Bombay; Buddy, Cheese, Dolce, HGL, Luna (USA), Meeko, Mouse, Sammy, Turtle

YOWLING-Angelo, Basil, Finny, Kiara, Lucky, Magoo, Miles, Petey

Friday, June 16, 2006

Post Comments HERE


This is a place reserved for comments and having fun. Remember, you have a busy day tomorrow, so get plenty of rest, but do have fun tonight too.

This is the dining area, but tables have been moved aside for dancing and socializing. A buffet table is set up. Cat grass is available. No nip until tomorrow night.

Welcome to Opening Ceremony-Catolympics 2006!

Can I have your attention.......

I would like to thank everyone for being a part of the first ever Catolympics! This started out as just a cute idea and quickly turned into a huge event. It so exciting to see so many of you here today! I hope this to be a time of good, clean fun and a chance for everyone to get to know each other better. I would also like to thank the following ICC members for all their help and support: to Smeagol, Strider and gang for planning the torch relay and helping in any way asked; to Timmy and his mom for creating the paws logo, this website and the store, and helping fill gaps; to the participants, torch carrierss and their families, judges and commentators for volunteering and giving their time and making this a success; and, to The Calico Girls family for hosting the Catolympics and nap-a-thon closing ceremony, daily updates, and for all their hard work. If I forgot someone I apologize. To everyone I thank you and I appreciate you very much. I will now turn the mike over to The Calico Girls. Good luck everyone!


Lighting Of The Cauldron

Hi.......My name is Patches, I think you all know me by now. We want to welcome all our furrends from around the world to the 1st International Cat Olympics.

Mistrie has just lit the cauldron that start the Catolympics Games of 2006.

Let us all take a minute, to remember all the cats who have gone to Rainbow Bridge this year, including those from Hurricane Katrina and all other natural disasters. Special thought goes to Grandpa Norton, Silas, Crystal, Fergus, Eppy, Pebbles and Edloe. Also Edsel's Mom is going through a real trying time right now. (She is home from the hospital!) Please, everyone, a moment of silence.........

More special thanks go to:
Beu's Mom, who set the whole thing up.
Our Judges: Mia, Ghost and Brendan
Our Announcers:
Petey--- balance beam, litter throw
Chatham--- Climbing, speed racing
Derby--- curling, hairball hurling
Zeus--- Sumo wrestling, fitting in small boxes, and high jump
GK--- tub soccer, tumbling floor routine, and yowling.

Also a very special thank you goes to all the cats who carried the torch proudly and wrote such interesting posts, with amazing pictures. Thanks to your Mom's and Dad's who helped you; you made the games a success.

Now on to our program. Please welcome two cuties who are going to put on an exhibition of Sumo wrestling. These two kittens also were torch bearers. Please, put your paws together for Harper and Ramona from Caturday!!! YEAH.......

Packets are ready to be picked up in the mess hall/hotel if you haven't already gotten yours. Inside you will find your number, which is tied so it shows on your back, your ID picture, which must go around your neck and worn at all times; Book of Rules, some samples from numerous manufacturers, a map showing where your event/events are located and the time they will take place. You will find a number that will correspond with your sleeping place. This number is also used for your table for dining and for seating in the stands. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, Mittens or Mistrie.

Thank you... Good Luck To All!!!!!

Let the Catolympic Games Begin.......

Below is a picture of some of the official runners for the games; posing around the cauldron.

Left to Right: Max, Beau, Smeagol, Mistrie, Timmy, Miles, Mattingly
Seated: Egypt and Mia

This Just In.........

Two cats, we think a part of the Tom Cat Seven who must have escaped from confinement in New York, have been apprenhended. They were harrassing the horses who are a part of the Color Guard; chasing them and trying to scare them. Security is tight here in the Catolympic woods. Rest assured; we are on top of things!!! Now, back to the festivities.....

Two Areas Of Interest

A play/visiting area has been set up off to the left of the dining hall. There are cat trees and scratching posts and a special kitten play area, complete with curtains and lots of assorted toys.

A nature trail winds through the big Piney Woods for anyone interested in a leisurly stroll. Please, do not use the woods for a litter box.......thanks.


All participants:

Stinky Goodness is now being served in the dining area.


The Sandpoint High School Band has just arrived, as have the Color Guard. The American flag has been placed in the center of the arena and all other participating countries' flags are placed on either side....then the state flags on the far left and right. ESPN news has been here for about an hour now, taping.

Food is available in the hotel dining area at all times. Stinky Goodness will be served in an hour. A litter box (scooped hourly) and fresh water, along with the bedding you requested, is in your cubicle. Your name is above the door along with the state/country you are from and the events you are going to be in. Every effort has been made to keep family members together (unless otherwise requested.) We are sorry we couldn't always put you right where you requested, but made every effort to get as close as possible. It seems the cubicles closest to the dining area were in great demand and went first.

The lighted torch is burning brightly where Mistrie placed it yesterday, in it's holder, next to the cauldron. Mistrie is standing there, her leg of the journey, to light the torch.

The excitement is unbelievable. Every once in a while a wild cheer goes up and you hear CATOLYMPICS 2006!!!! Cats are milling around, getting to know each other, happy to see old friends......shaking paws and running around like their butts are on fire!! Yes, the day has arrived!!!

Afternoon Highlight Report

Weather at the Catolympic Site: Partly Cloudy, Temp 70 degrees

The stands are filling up as more and more participants and their families arrive. Packets are available for pickup now, or later. To beat the rush, it might be best to pick them up now. Don't forget to wear your picture ID around your neck AT ALL TIMES! The hotel is open, go ahead and check out your accommodations. If you need anything, don't hesitate to get in touch with a Catolympic Official. They are wearing white t-shirts with the catolympic emblem, compliments of Timmy. There is a booth set up in the hotel, if you want to purchase Catolympic memorabilia.

Torch Run, Day Twenty

Max brought the torch to the Big Piney Woods and delivered it to Mistrie yesterday afternoon. Mistrie took it from him and put it in a special holder until she will light the cauldron tonight, at the start of the First Catolympics. The stands are already filling up, and we are many hours away from the lighting ceremony. This has been a momentous event.

Those of you attending and competing should teleport here no later than 4:00 PST.

Remember say five times (for the 5 rings) transport me to the 2006 Catolympics.

Time for the lighting ceremony:

6:00 PST
7:00 MST
8:00 CST
9:00 EST

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Torch Arrives!!

This just in....
Max arrives at the Catolympic site in the Big Piney Woods and passes the torch to Mistrie. Full Story HERE.

Torch Run, Day Nineteen

Max left early from his home, waving to his Mom, Buddah, and a mob of people who turned out for the final leg of the torch run. Sometime this afternoon it will arrive in the Big Piney Woods where he will hand it to Mistrie. Reports from the Catolympic site tell us that it has been raining on and off and the temp is around 70.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Torch Run, Day Eighteen

The Diva Kitty Gang, from the San Francisco Bay area in Catifornia, will be running the torch to Max, also from the same area, today. Max was quoted as saying, "Buddah and I are in Vacaville, CA...if the People spit real hard, they can hit Diva Kitty's house from here. Unless it's windy, and then the spit would backtrack on them and hit them in the face. And that would just be funny." Sounds like an easy run for the Diva Kitty Gang.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mattingly Arrives at Diva Kitty's

Diva Kitty is experiencing technical difficulties but sent this message:

DKM broke the laptop and my blackberry won't let me post a coment to blogger. Mattingly made t safe. DKM just feed him some fresh crab and he's taking a well deserved rest.

We are glad to know Mattingly made it and is doing well. Another successful leg! Good luck DK and gang on your run!

Torch Run, Day Seventeen

The Catolympic torch is heading back to the west coast for the final time, before it arrives at the Big Piney Woods for the games. Mattingly, from New York is taking it all the way to the San Franciso Bay Area of California, to the Diva Kitty Gang. The streets were packed with onlookers, as Mattingly sped along on his route. Waving and cheering fans crowded around to get a better look. There were bands and many of the onlookers were dressed in costumes.