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Showing posts with label canadian civil rights movement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canadian civil rights movement. Show all posts

Friday, May 06, 2011




Issued by Zofia Cisowski, Mother of Robert Dziekanski:

I am pleased that the Special Prosecutor has announced criminal charges against RCMP officers involved in the death of my son, Robert Dziekanski, at Vancouver Airport in October 2007.

It has been a long and painful ordeal over the last 3 ½ years of delay and misinformation by the RCMP. The RCMP should not be investigating itself. I and thousands of others, especially through CCRM Petition had urged the appointment of a Special Independent Prosecutor to review the evidence and recommend charges. The Special Prosecutor has acted against the testimony of the RCMP Officers. Police officers are not above the law and I will await the verdict of the Courts. I hope that justice will finally be achieved in the death of my son Robert Dziekanski.

I am very grateful to Sima Ashrafinia and especially Paul Pritchard and his determination in seeking release of the video that showed what really happened to my son. I would also like to express my appreciation to Justice Braidwood and his Inquiry. His Report resulted in the government finally appointing a Special Prosecutor. I met with the Honourable Barry Penner, Attorney General of British Columbia, on April 21, 2011 and urged him to implement ALL of Justice Braidwood’s recommendations. This is vitally necessary so that no other mother should have to needlessly lose and mourn a child in the manner I have and so that the public can trust and have confidence in the police and operation of justice in British Columbia. I will continue to watch whether our lawmakers fully implement meaningful and proper changes as recommended by Justice Braidwood.

For further contact with me, please call Zygmunt Riddle (604) 868-7070 and for further information please call B. William Sundhu (lawyer) at 250-574-2124.

Zygmunt Riddle

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dziekanski's mother to attend another Taser death inquiry

November 22, 2010
NEWS 1130

EDMONTON (NEWS1130) - The mother of Robert Dziekanski is becoming an advocate for other mothers who've also lost their sons in police Tasering incidents.

Zofia Cisowski is in Edmonton to show her support for Bev Grimolfson, whose son died two years ago. An inquiry into the death of her son Trevor begins in Alberta Provincial Court tomorrow. Grimolfson was Tasered at an Edmonton pawn shop, then went into medical distress and died shortly afterward.

Unlike Cisowski, Bev will have to question witnesses herself, because she can't afford a lawyer.

Zygmunt Riddle with the Canadian Civil Rights Movement says the prospects of getting to the bottom of what happened to her son are bleak. "On one hand you have government lawyers, you have Taser company lawyers, and on another you have just motherly grief without lawyers. So I don't think we'll learn much about the truth [of] what happened."

He says it was important for Cisowski to be at Grimolfson's side. "That is what Zofia was always promising that after her case is closed one way or another, she would support other mothers."

Riddle adds Cisowski vowed to support other mothers of Tasering victims after her own inquiry was concluded earlier this year.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Justice MUST BE SEEN TO BE DONE, to be done

October 20, 2010


Edmonton (Alberta) Fatal Inquiry into Death of Trevor Grimolfson, who died in a confrontation with Edmonton police officers October 29, 2008.

The Canadian Civil Rights Movement (CCRM) has significant concerns about the legitimacy of an Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of Trevor Grimolfson who died in confrontation with Edmonton police officers on October 29, 2008.

The matter was investigated by the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) which determined the police officers “actions were justified, when considering all of the circumstances.” No criminal charges were recommended against the police officers involved.

A Fatal Inquiry, under the Alberta Fatal Inquiries Act is scheduled for November 22-26, 2010, in the Provincial Court of Alberta. The police officers statements indicated the officers fired tasors three times, twice in the chest and a third time in the back of the neck, when the two officers involved were allegedly behind Mr. Grimolfson, and attempting to restrain him and had his left hand in handcuffs. Mr. Grimolfson went into medical distress and died shortly thereafter. Subsequent testing on the tasors (X-26 model) indciated they may have been fired five times. One of the tasor applications appears to have been cycled for as long as fifteen seconds.

Government lawyers acting for the Inquiry are relying on the investigation by ASIRT and opinion evidence of the Chief Medical Examiner (CME) for Alberta and a toxicoligist that the cause of death was “Excited Delirium” and multiple drug toxicity. This includes the conclusion of the CME that “there was no evidence to suggest that the conductive energy weapon was the cause of death.” The conclusions relied upon do not accord with the findings and recommendations of the Braidwood Commission into the death of Robert Dziekanski at YVR. Commissioner Braidwood concluded that tasors do pose fatal risks and can cause death. He made numerous recommendations restricting the manner and circumstances in which they ought to be deployed. Commissioner Braidwood also determined that “Excited Delirium” was not scientifically supportable and a “convenient label.” The Braidwood Inquiry Report(s) have been drawn to the attention of government legal counsel for the Inquiry.

The CCRM is concerned that there has been a consistent theme of blaming the victim and that the Inquiry will be a whitewash. The government has appointed counsel at the Inquiry, the Edmonton Police Services has retained legal counsel and so has Taser International. No provision is made for legal funding to assist the family of the deceased and no member of his family has been invited to testify. Mr. Grimolfson is survived by three children (ages 19, 16 & 13) and one grandchild. His children are being cared for by his mother, Bev Broadhead, of Dauphin, Manitoba. Ms. Broadhead is a single grand-parent. Mr. Grimolfson and his family are Metis. The family has sought the legal assistance of William Sundhu, a lawyer in Kamloops, British Columbia ... who was involved in assisting Zofia Cisowski, the mother of Robert Dziekanski. Mr. Grimolfson’s family is unable to afford legal counsel and Mr. Sundhu has been assisting them pro-bono. An application is pending before the Judge assigned to the Inquiry seeking a judicial recommendation that the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for Alberta make reasonable funding for the legal representation of the family to properly participate in the Inquiry. Previous government decisions indicate an unwillingness to provide funding to assist the families of deceased victims. The judge may only make a recommendation and it is then up to government to decide if it will honour the judicial recommendation or not.

The CCRM is concerned about the ASIRT investigation and that the evidence the government intends to present to the Inquiry is flawed and biased. The purpose of the Inquiry is to look into the circumstances surrounding the death and to make recommendations to prevent future deaths. The CCRM does not have confidence that the judicial Inquiry will be able to make appropriate findings and recommendations without the family being represented by legal counsel acting on their behalf and asking important questions and presenting proper evidence.

The CCRM believes that the current direction of the Inquiry raises serious questions about fairness and balance.

Zygmunt Riddle
CCRM – Vancouver, B.C.
+1 (604) 868-7070

Saturday, June 19, 2010

MEDIA RELEASE: June 18, 2010

The Canadian Civil Rights Movement (CCRM) praises Justice Braidwood for his courageous and direct pursuit of the truth in the death of Robert Dziekanski at YVR. He has performed an honourable service to the public in exposing the shameful conduct and cover-up by RCMP officers and the incompetence of the British Columbia Criminal Justice Branch.

The Attorney General’s immediate announcement of the appointment of a Special Prosecutor reflects the damning findings made by Justice Braidwood, including the statement that the “public can draw its own conclusions about misconduct.” Justice Braidwood’s conclusion reflects the longstanding and widely held public sentiment and view that a Special Prosecutor ought to be appointed. This was illustrated by the CCRM which advocated and circulated a petition signed by thousands of members of the public, demanding such an appointment, and which was submitted to the Criminal Justice Branch (“CJM”) of the Attorney General’s Ministry.

Justice Braidwood has confirmed that, which was publicly known because of the Paul Pritchard video. The decision of the CJB was then and remains indefensible. It raises serious doubt about the impartiality and competence of the CJB decision to not recommend charges in 2008. Its decision was totally unjustified and incredible.

This all caused unacceptable delay and compounded the suffering to Zofia Cisowski. It also cost millions of dollars of taxpayers money – the Inquiry while it has performed an important public function – only confirms what we (the public) already knew. Therefore, we call on the B.C. Legislature to examine and review the conduct and operation of the Criminal Justice Branch in the Dziekanski case. Public confidence and accountability in the administration of justice requires this as well.

We would like also to praise Justice Braidwood for recommending the creation of an independent civilian oversight body to deal with police misconduct.

We believe Zofia Cisowski may have been unnecessarily pressured by the RCMP for out of court settlement of the civil lawsuit and urged to not publicly seek criminal charges, prior to the release of the Braidwood Report.

The RCMP resistance and interference in the matter of potential criminal charges has backfired in view of the final Inquiry Report and the imminent appointment of a Special Prosecutor. In addition, as we learned today, the Polish Ambassador to Canada confirmed the Polish Authorities continue to maintain an open file and interest in criminal proceedings in Poland. Zofia Cisowski is represented in Poland by lawyers, Piotr Banasik and B. William Sundhu. The CCRM will continue to monitor firsthand the developments in Poland and inform the public through media.

The Inquiry report is a powerful indictment of the shameful conduct of officers and which “shocked and repulsed people all over the world.” The RCMP engaged in a cover up – all of which has tarnished Canada’s international image. Regretfully, the only non-governmental organization which supported the RCMP and expressed its willingness to assist the RCMP in restoring its image in Canada and around the world was the Canadian Polish Congress. This shameful act took place in Ottawa on July 29, 2009 at a meeting between Władysław Lizoń, the President of the Canadian Polish Congress and RCMP Commissioner William Elliot.

The CCRM feels the position it has consistently taken and advocated has been vindicated by the findings of the Inquiry Report and the appointment of a special prosecutor.

Sadly, no passage of time can diminish the true nature of this tragedy.

Zygmunt Riddle, Tel. 604-868-7070, zriddle@shaw.ca
Bill Sundhu (Spokesperson for CCRM)
Tel: (O) 778-471-5777 (C) 250-574-2124
Email: bill@bwilliamsundhu.com
Web: http://bwilliamsundhu.com/index.html

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Media advisory from the Canadian Civil Rights Movement

Vancouver, November 4, 2009
Canadian Civil Rights Movement

The Canadian Civil Rights Movement suggests that the suit being brought by Cst. Kwesi Millington, against the CBC, is a desperate and cynical ploy similar to the legal action and current appeal challenging the authority of the Braidwood Commission. It is not uncommon for an individual attempting to escape responsibility for his actions and discredit the source of the evidence against him.

A democratic society demands that its law enforcement agencies be transparent and accountable. An unfettered media is the key to a well informed public. The suit against the national public broadcaster and a major media source is an attempt to send a message and threaten other media outlets and broadcasters. It is intended to intimidate and silence the media which has been pursuing the truth and reporting it to Canadians.

The public and the media should view this action also as nothing more than a heavy-handed attempt at avoiding accountability and transparency of an RCMP culture and a waste of resources and taxpayers money, at diversionary tactics.

Zygmunt Riddle