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Showing posts with label doug minkler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doug minkler. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Judge, Jury & Electrocutioner

Here is the latest art/law collaboration between former California public defender and well-known anti-taser activist Aram James and renowned political graphic artist Doug Minkler.

The message is LOUD and CLEAR.

To see a larger version, click on the image. If you would like to order a poster, please contact Doug Minkler at the e-mail address on his website.

Earlier this year, I received an extraordinary poster in the mail from my new friends in California, former deputy public defender Aram James and renowned political graphic artist Doug Minkler. This large silkscreen poster was a collaboration between Doug, the artist, and Aram, the wordsmith. I was very moved by the powerful way in which they portrayed the message: Tasers Save Lives - The Big Lie. They were kind enough to send more than one copy and I was over the moon about being able to share one with Cameron Ward on returning to Vancouver in May. Cameron's awe mirrored my own.

To see a larger version of the poster, click on the image shown.

I was thrilled to learn this weekend that Tasers Save Lives - The Big Lie was selected as one of only 137 posters, from over 2,200 submitted from 56 countries, to be given a full page display in a catalog published by the International Poster Competition. This competition, held from May 12 to June 24, 2007, is part of the International Poster and Graphic Arts Festival of Chaumont (France).

I am honoured to own one. If you would like to order a poster, please contact Doug Minkler at the e-mail address on his website. You can also download a small copy of the poster for free from the same place.