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Showing posts with label robert mitchell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robert mitchell. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Why Taser is paying millions in secret 'suspect injury or death' settlements - when does 'less lethal' actually mean deadly?

December 13, 2013 - Matt Stroud, The Verge

On the day before Thanksgiving this year, international stun gun and cop-cam company Taser International, Inc. announced it had given up its fight in two major legal battles over "suspect injury or death." In a 275-word statement submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the company's chief financial officer said it would pay a total of $2.3 million in settlements to plaintiffs who had sued the company in product liability cases.

This was rare. Taser prides itself in fighting to the bitter end in any case alleging that its products do anything but save lives. Yet there it was in a financial disclosure — Taser backing down.

Taser brushed it off as a remnant of simpler times. According to the vaguely worded statement, enhanced "risk management procedures" and "revisions to product warnings" in 2009 corrected a legal vulnerability. The $2.3 million payouts would address the last lawsuits tied to that vulnerability; they would amount to housekeeping — cleaning up lingering messes that had remained on the company’s books since before 2009.


But what were these "risk management procedures"? What were these "revisions to product warnings"? What was the vulnerability? And what were these cases? Taser’s press liaison told The Verge that its SEC declaration "speaks for itself" — a clear indication that the company has no plans to say anything further about settlements unless it’s forced to.

But a little research helped to pin down procedural changes Taser made in September, 2009. And a public records search helped to narrow the possibilities down to four representative cases that may have been settled. Those cases have a few major factors in common: they involve a Taser shot at someone’s chest; they involve someone going into cardiac arrest; and they involve an accidental death.

For years, Taser has battled in court to show that its electronic control devices — its ECDs such as the X2 and the X26 — cannot kill. But if its recent settlements are any indication, the company may either be slowly backing away from that premise, or at least attempting to draw a line in time after which the company feels it's no longer liable for someone’s death.


As bars were closing at about 2AM on April 19, 2008, 24-year-old Kevin Piskura was at a music venue about a block away from the Miami University campus in Oxford, Ohio. As the bar closed its doors and patrons exited, a fight broke out. Oxford Police were called. According to a civil complaint filed in 2010 by Piskura’s parents, an officer ordered Piskura to "step back or back away" from the fight. It’s not clear whether he did or not, but the officer soon pulled out a Taser ECD and shot Piskura in the chest. Piskura went into cardiac arrest; his heart stopped beating. He was taken to a nearby emergency room and soon life-flighted to a Cincinnati hospital where he died five days later. This past March, Piskura’s parents settled with the City of Oxford and the Oxford Police Department for $750,000. In October, Piskura’s parents suggested they were considering a settlement with Taser.

The Piskuras did not return calls from The Verge, and an attorney representing their case declined to comment. But Kevin Piskura’s death fits a pattern consistent to ongoing product liability cases involving Taser-related incidents in which someone was killed prior to September, 2009. The $2.3 million payouts likely stem from similar cases; these incidents occurred before Taser made its switch from "non-lethal" to "less lethal."

Regarding that: letters to medical journals and plenty of anecdotal evidence have suggested at least since 2005 that even healthy people could suffer cardiac arrest if shot near the heart with Taser’s "non-lethal" ECDs. By September, 2009, Taser changed its product warnings accordingly. Today, Taser’s ECDs are branded as "less lethal" instead of "non lethal," and its training materials warn that "exposure in the chest area near the heart … could lead to cardiac arrest."

Another ongoing cardiac arrest case against Taser involves Ryan Rich. A 33-year-old physician in Las Vegas, Rich went into cardiac arrest and died in January, 2008 after he was shot five times with an ECD, including once in the chest. That case is headed to trial in January.

A third case comes out of the Detroit suburb of Warren, Michigan, and will head to trial in May, 2014. It involves the 2009 death of 16-year-old, 5-feet-2-inch Robert Mitchell, who died in an abandoned house after being shot in the chest by a Warren police officer with a Taser ECD.


Darryl Turner’s case is a fourth possibility. Turner was 17 years old in March 2008 when he got into an argument with his boss at the North Carolina Food Lion grocery where he worked as a cashier. According to a complaint later filed by Turner’s parents, the argument escalated to shouting and Turner’s boss eventually called 911. A police officer from the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department arrived and asked Turner to "calm down." When the teenager refused, the officer pointed his Taser ECD at Turner’s chest. Turner began to step toward the officer, so the officer "held down the Taser’s trigger, causing the device to continue emitting an electrical current, until Turner eventually collapsed 37 seconds after the device initially was activated." Paramedics soon arrived to find Turner handcuffed and unconscious. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

In an uncommon outcome, Turner’s family was awarded a massive payout in 2011. Taser appealed. In November of this year, an appeals court issued its opinion that Taser should remain liable for Turner’s death, but that the jury’s award needed to be reconsidered. "We have no doubt that Turner had significant value to his parents," the appeals court’s decision read. But the court couldn’t agree with a "reasonable level of certainty" that the boy’s life was worth $6.15 million. The parties are scheduled to head back to court in 2014 to haggle over that figure. Unless, that is, Taser has decided to cut its losses and settle out of court.

Taser International is very good about keeping records. In addition to its Axon Flex on-body police camera that allows officers to record interactions with suspects, the company also collects data every time a Taser ECD is fired. But it’s up to police departments — and up to Taser International — to decide how much of that information is revealed publicly.

The company takes a similar approach in the courtroom.

Taser typically insists on keeping its legal settlements — such as those referenced in its recent $2.3 million payout — secret. Rarely are the terms made public. But it happens occasionally. One Northern California case involved a drunk man off his psychiatric meds who was shot with a Taser ECD after refusing to get off a bus. He went into cardiac arrest. An emergency crew was able to resuscitate him on scene, but after going 18 minutes without a breath, the man suffered a crippling brain injury. He would require a caregiver from that point forward.

After a long legal battle, Taser agreed to settle that case. As per usual, it demanded that the settlement agreement be kept secret. The defendants in the case agreed. But eventually it was revealed that the company had settled for $2.85 million. The settlement figure was only made public after a probate court judge made the unusual decision to disclose the dollar amount in open court.


A report from the San Jose Mercury News later explained the judge’s reasoning. There was, the judge said, "therapeutic value" in making the information public.

Whether or not a judge makes similar decisions about Taser’s recent settlements, it’s clear that the company has decided to settle cardiac arrest cases as quietly as possible because it has maintained for years that its weapons are effective, non-deadly alternatives to firearms. If too much attention focuses on Taser-related deaths, there’s a risk that police departments might choose to sidestep the controversy altogether and opt against Taser's products.

There’s a lot at stake on both sides. For Taser, its NASDAQ-traded stock value is on the line. And for those engaged in open legal battles over Taser-related deaths involving cardiac arrest and factors such as "excited delirium" ("a euphemism for ‘death by Taser’") — as well as those who may literally find themselves facing down a Taser ECD in the future — the value of an open settlement may amount to more than mere therapy. It could amount to life or death.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Autopsy: Taser contributed to death of Detroit teen

June 17, 2009
Christine Ferretti / The Detroit News

Mount Clemens -- A heart condition most likely aggravated by the use of a Taser caused the death of a Detroit teen shortly after he was shocked by Warren police in April, according to a medical examiner.

The manner of death for 16-year-old Robert Mitchell is listed as "indeterminate" in a 10-page autopsy report signed May 28 by Macomb County Chief Medical Examiner Daniel Spitz. The report was obtained by The Detroit News this morning through the Freedom of Information Act.

But the autopsy, conducted by forensic pathologist Cheryl L. Loewe on April 11, cites a diagnosis of "arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia" or ARVD, a genetic disorder that causes an arrhythmia -- or irregular heartbeat -- in the right ventricle of the heart. The condition is a relatively uncommon cause of sudden cardiac death, but accounts for up to one-fifth of sudden cardiac deaths in people younger than 35, according to Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins University, which has an ARVD program.

"The heart condition is the immediate cause of death," Loewe told The Detroit News this morning. "Certainly, we cannot ignore the time relationship when Robert was Tasered and then found unresponsive and went into arrhythmia, coupled with the fact that Taser probes were applied over the chest.

"In a healthy adult, it's unlikely an arrhythmia may have been precipitated by a Taser. This is a unique case because of the underlying heart disease."

Loewe said she performed the autopsy and then went over her findings with Spitz, who signed off on them. Spitz said he was unable to comment when contacted by the News this morning.

Warren Police Commissioner William Dwyer said he cannot comment on the autopsy findings because of a pending lawsuit filed by Mitchell's family against the city. But he stands behind his officer's actions, he said.

"We do support the officer that used the Taser. It was justified, there had been an internal investigation conducted," Dwyer said. "The (Macomb County) prosecutor's office also ruled he's exonerated. The prosecutor agrees with us -- it was justified."

Mitchell's mother, Cora Renea Mitchell, who also picked up the report this morning at the Macomb County Medical Examiner's office, said she's hoping the information will bring answers and closure to her family.

"Today is a new day," she said. "I want to go over it and really see what I find," she said, adding officials have been "giving her the runaround" in obtaining the report: "This is ridiculous."

The Detroit Kettering High School sophomore died April 10 in an abandoned home on Pelkey in Detroit following a half-block foot chase that stemmed from a traffic stop near Eight Mile and Schoenherr.

Police said for unknown reasons, Mitchell bailed out of the Dodge Stratus he was riding in during a traffic stop for an expired license plate. He was stunned one time with a Taser for resisting when officers attempted to pat him down, police said. Shortly afterward, he became unresponsive and died.

The autopsy said Mitchell suffered two Taser probe-related injuries -- above and below the nipple -- on the left side of his chest.

A chemical analysis revealed the presence of marijuana in his system at the time of death, but Loewe said the drugs did not contribute to the teen's death. It could have contributed to his behavior, though, she said.

"To this day, nobody really knows why Robert fled," Loewe said,adding in lab testing it's difficult to determine when someone is actually under the influence: The drug can be detected for days or even weeks after use.

Loewe also said the autopsy didn't reveal any other signs of injury to Mitchell's body.

"There was no additional trauma to his body. There was no type of physical compression on his body or on his chest," she said. "He was never in a choke hold, never hog-tied and basically the only thing we saw were the application of the Taser marks."

Since his death, Mitchell's family members and Detroit-based anti-brutality groups have showed up at Warren City Council meetings, held a peaceful march along the bordering cities and filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the City of Warren.

"We know the Taser contributed to his demise. We want justice," Mitchell's grandmother, Charlotte McGlory, said this morning. "We want them (police) charged with first-degree murder and prosecuted."

Relatives and their supporters are also urging the city to ban Tasers and rethink its use of force policy. They say they want Mitchell to be a catalyst for change.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Protest calls for end to use of Tasers

May 22, 2009

More than 100 protesters marched at the 8 Mile border of Detroit and Warren on Thursday, calling for the end of Tasers by police in the wake of the death of a 16-year-old Detroit boy in April.

The protesters, organized by the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, also called for the termination of Warren police officers who chased Robert Mitchell into an abandoned house in Detroit on April 10 after he fled police during a traffic stop.

Police said Mitchell was shot with a stun gun after he refused to stop. He died a short time later. The cause of death has yet to be determined by the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office.

"This isn't just about Robert. We need to save all the children," Mitchell's mother, Cora Mitchell, told those gathered before the marchers moved out.

Robert Mitchell's family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Warren in U.S. District Court in Detroit.

"This is about human beings getting together to stop the killing. We have to stop this madness," said protester Sandra Hines, 55, of Detroit.

Warren Police Commissioner William Dwyer defended his officers, saying they followed procedure. "The Taser is an acceptable tool throughout this country and has probably saved thousands of lives," Dwyer said Thursday.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tased teen had marijuana in his system, tests show

May 11, 2009
Christine Ferretti / The Detroit News

Warren -- Toxicology testing conducted on a Detroit teen who died shortly after being shocked with a Taser by Warren police showed marijuana in his system at the time of his death, police said today.

The final autopsy report for 16-year-old Robert Mitchell is still pending with the Macomb County Medical Examiner's office.

Warren Police Commissioner William Dwyer said at this point, it is unknown if the drugs found in the teen's system played a role in his death.

Police allege that on April 10, the Detroit Kettering High School sophomore bailed out of the Dodge Stratus he was riding in during a traffic stop for an expired license plate on Eight Mile near Schoenherr. Police say he discarded his jacket before leading officers on a half-block chase to a home on Pelkey.

He was stunned one time for resisting when officers attempted to pat him down.

Mitchell's family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city of Warren April 20.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Crowd attends funeral today for teen killed by Taser

April 18, 2009
Santiago Esparza / The Detroit News

Detroit -- A large crowd filled Second Ebenezer Church Saturday to bid farewell to a 16-year-old boy who died after police zapped him with a Taser.

Warren police used the Taser, an electronic stun gun, April 10 while chasing Robert Mitchell, who dashed from a car in a traffic stop. Officers said Robert resisted arrest. He died shortly after he was zapped.

Robert, of Detroit, was a Detroit Kettering High School sophomore, who took medication for attention deficit disorder, his family said.

Police said Mitchell bailed out of the Dodge Stratus he was riding in on Eight Mile near Schoenherr after the stop for an expired license plate. Officers say he led them on a foot chase that ended inside an abandoned home in Detroit.

Police and family said it is unclear why the teen ran.

Mitchell is the second Michigan teen to die after being hit with a Taser in less than a month; a 15-year-old Bay City resident died March 22.

Autopsy results are pending.

Monday, April 13, 2009

2 Warren cops reinstated in death of teen hit by Taser

April 13, 2009

Two Warren Police officers were reinstated today following the death Friday of a teenager who was Tasered by officers.

Warren Police Commissioner William Dwyer said investigators determined the unnamed officers used appropriate force when one of them Tasered 15-year-old Robert Mitchell.

Dwyer said Mitchell endangered officers when he physically confronted them after fleeing during a traffic stop.

“When you are confronted with a situation of resisting arrest, the officers are trained in using the Taser,” Dwyer said. “The officers acted appropriately.

Dwyer added: “It’s an unfortunate incident.”

It’s still unclear why Mitchell fled police after they pulled over a car in which he was a passenger. He has no outstanding warrants, police said.

“There must have been a reason for him to run,” Dwyer said.

The Macomb County Medical Examiner’s Office is conducting an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death. Officials said Mitchell had asthma and was on prescription medicine.

Medical Examiner Daniel Spitz didn’t return a call for comment this afternoon.

Friday, April 10, 2009

15-year-old dies after being Tasered by police

Robert Mitchell, 15, unarmed

April 10, 2009

A 15-year-old male who ran from police died after an officer used an electronic stun gun on him during a confrontation, Warren police said today.

The teen, whose name isn't being released because he is a minor, died about an hour after officers tried to pull over the vehicle he was riding in because of an expired license plate, said Deputy Commissioner Jere Green.

"For some unknown reason, he ran. He bolted across 8 Mile" into Detroit's east side, Green said.
Officers chased the teen south on Pelkey into an abandoned home, Green said. The teen resisted and got into a physical altercation with the officers, he said.

"He was Tasered once by one of our officers," Green said. "After that, he became unresponsive."
Officers administered CPR and the teen was rushed to Henry Ford Macomb Hospital's Warren campus, where he died at 10:17 a.m.

"It just turned bad, fast," Green said. "It's a sad situation."

Green said of the four officers at the scene, two have been placed on administrative leave because they are emotionally shaken by the incident.

Family members told police that the teen had some medical issues. An autopsy is being conducted by the Macomb County Medical Examiner's Office this weekend to determine the exact cause of death.

Green said the teen had no outstanding warrants or other issues that explained why he ran when pulled over. Two other people -- a 19-year-old man and 37-year-old woman -- also were in the car. Both cooperated with officers; they, too, said they didn't know why the teen ran, Green said.

Detroit Police spokesman James Tate earlier today said his department would handle the death investigation. Green said that investigation instead will be handled by Macomb officials.