Showing posts with label appreciation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label appreciation. Show all posts

Monday 25 March 2013

Good Neighbours

I must say we are blessed with good neighbours both left and right and the one right opposite too.

I am closer to our neighbour on the left, though I am always out of the house during the day, we always find the chance to chit chat and catch up a little over the fence whenever we happen to meet each other. 

These are some of the gestures of our caring neighbour :
  1. They help us to switch on our garage light when the sun goes down so that our house is not in total darkness when we come back late in the evening.
  2. When we are away for vacations, they help us to feed our dog, Lucky, by giving him food over the fence (most of the time leftover roasted lamb and bones as they are specialised in roast lamb business).
  3. Occasionally they will pass a container of roasted lamb, fruits from the relative's farm for us.  They will hang it on the fence if they did not manage to meet us.
  4. They will help to watch over our house when we are away for a few days.
  5. They will bring back goodies and gifts for us whenever they travel abroad.  Not to mention Chinese New Year Celebration.
  6. They will invite us over when they hold a party at home.
These goodies are from their trip to China last week.    

Crystal is very happy to see this mochi.  Unfortunately she is still suffering from stomach upset, have not totally recovered yet.  She has tasted a very nice ice cream mochi in the Philippines and she has been asking for a similar mochi.  

Friday 22 March 2013

Token of Appreciation - A new bag

A sensible supplier of mine sent me a lovely bag as a token of appreciation for our first business dealing.  Of course, I am very pleased to receiving it.  It is simple yet practical.  The quality is better than most that I have seen.

I was actually looking for a bag, a smaller and handier bag than the one I have been using.  I did enquire on one of the bag that she is selling but I decided not to buy for reason I forgot what was it. 

The bright pink colour is really outstanding, I wouldn't buy it if I have a choice.  But after using it for a while, I started to like its sweet and bright pink colour instead.  It is light weight which is suitable for a person like me who tends to carry many other stuff in my bag just to make sure they are available when we need them, especially for our 2 girls.   I am glad that this bag is big enough for me to load in one or two sweaters for my girls and a scarf for me.

Friday 17 June 2011

A thank you note

Though we haven't organised any house warming party yet after moving in to our new home for more than a month now, we have already received a house warming gift from my SIL, Catherine whom did not manage to come to our family gathering organised by my brother at my house 2 weeks ago. My niece, Anneliese was down to chicken pox that time.

It is a very meaningful piece of gift for our home. Thank you so much!

I would also like to thank our family members who have helped us through in attaining a home of our own a reality, my special thanks go to my mum, my brother in law, Nicky and my sister in law, Rosalind.

Your assistance shall not be forgotten.

Monday 11 January 2010

A surprise for me

Crystal came home from school with a bunch of Taiwanese Pak Choy in a plastic bag. The Daddy was surprise and started to question her. She told her Daddy that she bought it from school to surprise me. Not that she likes to eat vegetable but she knows I always buy vegetable and must have a dish of vegetable in every meals if possible.

I heard with disbelief when Clet told me about it after fetching Crystal from school this afternoon. I was very touched with her act and the thoughtfulness that she possesses at her tender age. She spent her little pocket money to buy me vegetable from an elderly lady who is selling vegetable in her school. She said she is the only student patronising while the rests were all parents.

We cooked the vegetable that she bought for dinner but she only ate a bit. It is just meant for me, she said.

To avoid her from buying vegetable from school again which is not practical for her. I keep reminding her that mummy has got plenty of vegetable in the fridge so please do not buy for me. She just smiled.

Tuesday 10 June 2008


To all my dear blogger friends, just wanna drop a line here to inform that I have got my new Domain up and running. Please include my new domain in your blogrolls. Thanks.
My Special thanks goes Lesley for her help.

Saturday 29 March 2008


This strawberry flavoured bread roll was brought all the way from Manila by brother in law, Edward, who visited the Philippines for a few days. It was delivered to us moments after he arrived in KK. It looked like a swiss roll but taste more like bread than cake, that's why I called it bread roll. Well, it is something different from what we normally have here.

That's how it looked like after slicing it.

A pack of popular dried mango. Another pack already in our tummy. Is a must buy product whoever visited the Philippines. It's simply a delicious finger food but diabetic should not touch it.

I got a Superman T-shirt while Clet got an Orange T-shirt. We would like to thank Edward for his thoughtfulness. He looked pretty exhausted after hours flight from the Philippines.