Showing posts with label fish ball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish ball. Show all posts

Monday 7 November 2016

中發白茶樓 Jong fa Pai Seafood fish soup noodles

Fish meehoon soup is my all time favourite.  There are many kopitiams serving good seafood and fish soup in Kota Kinabalu.  I am very particular in the seafood soup base, I would judge base on the first sip of the soup.

 I had a long weekend last week.  I took leave off on last Friday to help my better half on his property auction sale, before the auction session, we decided to revisit Tawau Jong Fa Pai kopitiam at their pavilion Bundusan branch.  We noticed that the prices have increased as compared to our last visit.  We know who to blame.
One would guess the owner(s) of this kopitiam must be mahjong kaki for them to name their shop as 中發白.  I will definitely bring my mum here next time for she is a veteran mahjong player not to play mahjong but enjoy the tasty fish soup.

This is my order, Fresh Fish Meehoon soup (without milk), my better half ordered the konlou mee.  They specialise in Fish Head Noodles both with and without milk as well as milk prawn ball. 
They have got 3 branches : Market Place 88, Pavilion Bundusan & Taipan Inanam.   It is one of the famous tourists eating kopitiams in KK. (

Monday 10 August 2015

Fish soup breakfast

After a brisk morning walk last weekend, it's time to go for something delicious for breakfast.  My better half suggested to have laksa which he knows is one of my favourite.  But I chose my other favourite, that's fish meehon soup.
Konlou meehoon for him
fish meehon soup for me
every time I see this, I could not resist to fill up the sauce dish. Very appetizing.  I could finish a bowl of rice with just this preserved green chilies. 

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Into the Fifth day of Detox and Rejuvenation Program

Just an update on how I am doing with my annual Detoxification and Rejuvenation Program (DRP).

I am now into my fifth day of Detoxification & Rejuvenation Program (DRP) today, I decided to do just 5 days this time, that means today is the last day of my Detox. One would ask whether I feel any difference after the fifth day of strict fruits & vegetable diet supplemented with vitamins in the package. I would say YES. I feel much lighter, not only slimmer, I also feel much relieve on the neck strain and headache problem that I have been suffering all this while, and I wake up more refreshing even with lesser hours of sleep.

I am more at ease in following this program as compare to last year (which I completed the course of 7 days). Probably I know what to do and what to expect in this time round.

Do I crave for food?? YES, definitely, but my will power is strong enough to resist those food placed in front of me while having dinners together with my family for the last 4 days. Craving for food is always the biggest challenge in carrying out the DRP.

If you have gone through a strict diet like what I do, I am sure you will crave for your favourite food. I can tell you that there is one food that I crave the most in these 5 days. I have told my hubby and he will bring me there after I am done with my DRP, hopefully tomorrow.

I am really craving for this Fish Soup with Rice Vermicelli that I used to have for breakfast at one of the famous eatery in town.

Let me show you what I really craving to have….

Is this mixed fish meat and fish balls soup with rice vermicelli, dip with the mixture of light soy sauce, chillie padi and calamansi juice. Yummy…I am droolling now!!!!

This is the coffee shop in Bandaran Berjaya, Kota Kinabalu, famous for its Mixed Fish Soup

Similar article here :

Friday 11 December 2009

My birthday

It's time to update on my birthday, gosh.. I'm already 41. First of all, I would like to count my blessings for which God has given me and my family, and also pray and hope that God will hear my prayers and grant us our wishes. Thank you Lord.

My birthday breakfast at Bandaran Berjaya.

A mango birthday cake, especially ordered by SIL, thank you.
Discovering what birthday present my girls have picked for me
A new oven, a present from Clet, thank you. The bottom heating element of my old junk oven has stopped working just a few days before my birthday, just in time to start a new one for Christmas as well.
We dropped by Wong's house to cut the cake after dinner. You may want to find out what we had for my birthday dinner here.

Saturday 5 January 2008


Mum gave me some fish balls, wantons and a simple instruction for me to cook a soup for my dinner yesterday (Mum knows very well that this daughter of hers is not good at cooking and that her grand daughters are not getting good meals most of the time.... :( Mum, don't worry, I am trying my best. :>). Within 15 minutes, the soup is done, it turned out to be delicious and nutritious too. Crystal ended up ate two bowls of rice with the soup of course. I thought it would be nice for me to share my home cooked soup with my fellow friends here.

Delicious Fish Ball, Wanton & Spinach soup

Ingredients: (serve 4)
a) 2 Tb spoons cooking oil
b) Some garlic & red onions (chopped)
c) 4 cups of water (or as desired)
d) Salt and chicken granule
e) 10 Fish Balls (halves)
f) 16 Wanton wrappers
g) Seasoned minced pork
h) Spinach

To make Wantons: Place 1 tea spoon of (g) onto (f); fold and gently twist the wanton wrapper, it will stick by itself. Repeat process till all wanton wrappers are wrapped up.

To cook the soup : Heat (a); fry (b) till fragrance, pour in (c) and add (d) to taste; Bring to boil and put in the ready made Wantons and (e); bring to boil and add in spinach, off fire when the soup is boiled. Serve with rice, mee or meehoon..