Showing posts with label cheese cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheese cake. Show all posts

Saturday 5 December 2015

My Birthday

This is a late post...but I still want to record down my birthday here as an annual affair and many more birthdays to come.
This year I remembered to make some red eggs on my birthday.  I am very thankful to have received many birthday wishes and messages in my FB and whatsapps.  

I ordered a small sponge cheese cake, we love cheese cake, we almost finished the whole cake in one setting.    
cheese in between the sponge cake layers, just nice for our taste buds. 
 It has been a while we have not dined in Japanese restaurant.  I chose to have Japanese food on my birthday.   
Besides having Duck fried rice & Ramen, my kids like to pick their favourite sushi from the conveyor belt.  
I had this set of salmon bento. 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

KFC Premium Dessert Tiramisu Cake

While my kids were having the usual KFC chicken and rice meal set, I tried something new in their menu which has been catching my eyes every time we dine at KFC restaurant.
 I have been wanting to try the KFC Tiramisu premium dessert since it was introduced in their menu.  The outer box packaging looks like this.
 chilled and tightly sealed in a cup
after the plastic seal was taken off 
the taste is nice but a bit try 
can't expect the texture to be as moist and as fresh as those home made and bakery sold Tiramisu, at least the taste did not let me down.  A cup of hot coffee would be well complemented with it.  If your feel like having a Tiramisu cake on the go, this could be the choice.

Friday 2 November 2012

Light Cheddar Cheesecake

Inspired by Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover, my hands have turned itchy and wanted to try on baking some Light Cheddar Cheesecake.  I finally did the baking on last Sunday night after about 2 years break from baking. I had a bit of a hard time to get my baking utensils organised because I had forgotten where I put them. Blamed it to a not so organised person, that's me "_".

I only managed to take some photos of the cheddar cheese creaming process, after that I was too busy getting the baking done before midnight as the next day was a schooling day.  Here's how it goes :
 Break 6 slices of cheddar cheese and mix together with the butter, double boiling to dissolve them (I used light cheddar cheese slices)
 the melted cheddar cheese and butter mixture
 the cake sit in the oven for 5 minutes with the oven door ajar
My Light Cheddar Cheese Cake look like this, not as fluffy and spongy as it's supposed to be, probably because I took too long on the egg yolk mixing process.  After adding all the cake flour, I realised that my egg yolk mixture is too thick hence I have to add more milk to it.

The whole piece of cake were polished off by 4 of us pretty instantly on the next day.  My girls could not wait to try this cake, they brought slices of them to school as snacks during recess.  We simply love this cake and I will definitely make it again.

I followed exactly the recipe HERE from Nasi Lemak Lover, except putting in additional milk to the egg yolks batter).  Try baking this cake, I am sure you are going to love it!!

Sunday 3 January 2010

A try of Cheesy fruit cake

Baking time for me during holidays!

We love cheese. Yes, we do. It's fattening but a bar of cheese can be shared with others if make into a cake. So here I am trying out to make a cheesy fruit filling cake for the first time. I did not realise that I ran out of cream, no dressing for my cake as a result.

Our girls are very unpredictable, they love cheese but making into a cake like this, they prefer to eat the sponge cake than the cheese, I am speechless... :I

I received good comment on this cake from my mum :D, she is not a cheese person but she like this one.I also helped my niece to make a dark chocolate birthday cake for her friend. My sister bought the chocolate cake premix from Consfood last minute. The texture of this premix is not up to our desire, too dry. I will choose to make it from scratch next time though a lot of work needed.