Thursday, December 11, 2008

Damn Cookies V.2

So I have a stellar Thursday Thirteen nearly in the can, right? But I had to make cookies for the Charity Auction Bake Sale tomorrow. So for my 700th post you get this little crapper of a statement :P


ETA just cause I am listening to this now. So I figured I would share!


Lars Shalom said...

Jeff B said...

Sometimes those milestones come as a whisper rather than a exclamation. Either way, congrats on 700 and please pass the cookies.

Jay said...

Happy 700th post!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Thanks Guys!

Cookies are for the children! 2 for 50 cents each. Homemade ginger snaps no less. They are pretty yummy. Although I went to bed smelling like cookie dough and I had freakin bizarro Wonka type dreams.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

HAPPY 700 Ms. Starr...

I have loved everyone I have read.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Thanks Vinny =)

Next Thursday I am doing my year end recap of my 13 favorite songs of the year. I need that artificial limit to keep me in check cause I could go on and on and on.

I am, in fact, listening to #1 right now!

Bud Fisher said...

Woooo Hooooo!!!! Happy 700! I'd sing, but you'd hate it...

Southern (in)Sanity said...

700, huh?

Very well done.

Travis Cody said...

The milestones always seem to catch up to me. Happy 700!
