Saturday, December 27, 2008

Don't Talk Of Worlds That Never Were

Well just fuck me running.

TWO, read that, TWO playlist just played Wish You Were Here with no warning. I shit you not. I spilled coffee on myself on the first one. First song it played. It was not my list and from what I could see on the player it was not something to expect. Went to my iTunes to escape from it. And WHAT do I get? Yes indeed, Wish You Were Here.

Can't a girl catch a break? All I wanted was to read my fan fiction smut in peace. New Chapter arrived in my inbox and I was all squeeing like a girl and excited to start reading. Then boom.

I hate New Years. I hate that whole let's look back and be melancholy and Auld Lang Syne crap. I'm a fucking Goth, I do melancholy like oxygen, mmk? And mine does not require stupid party hats and drunks with noise makers. Time to set aside the Virgil and haul out the Byron.

So the cosmos wants me to wallow. Fine then. Going to get Kidlet later. We are seeing a movie and having dinner. Coming home to Watch Queen of The Damned and then I am gonna load up The Crow. Ya want black, Karma Man? I can do black.

Edit to add for no other reason than the first line. Plus Richard Cheese is win.


Mimi Lenox said...

I've never heard "People Equal Shit" sung with such gusto. Actually, I've never heard it sung before at all....ha!...but it kinda captures my mood today in an odd sort of melancholy blow-your-head-off (?)way. What a switch. I just came from Songbird's. She is singing Joy To The World this morning in church blogland. And now I hear "People Equal Shit" ..ya gotta laugh.
You do the black very well, my friend.

It was a catchy tune indeed.
(I think I'll listen again. When I'm in a dark mood, I'll sing it as my mantra. Thanks!)
It isn't like I wanna sift through the decay...profound!

Cinnamon Girl said...

ROFL! Ok Mimi that comment totally rocked my mood! Richard Cheese is all sorts of awesome. He does these totally horrifying jazz covers of popular songs. I first heard him in the shop as I was getting my first tattoo. Ran right out and got Lounge Against The Machine. Aperitif for Destruction is pretty damn good too!

Check your email I sent you a present =)

Cinnamon Girl said...

GO ME! I am corrupting The Queen of the Pencil Skirt =)

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the unexpected melancholy....this happens to me from time to time, too.

How I do love Richard Cheese, though!

What movie will you all be seeing? I was thinking of heading out to one myself, but am still stuck in homebody mode. Besides, I have to get out to do some shopping later, and I'm sure I won't want to back out yet AGAIN after that.

I'm trying to decide what to watch once I get home, too. I haven't been able to sit still for a movie in so long, though. I just hop from one thing to another, and feel even more lost when nothing 'takes' and holds my attention. I blame the holidays, and all the disruption from routine.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Plan changes. My parents are picking up kidlet and bringing her to my house. Dad is taking my chains off and then we are going to get dinner. After that I am not sure what movie. Probably Twilight ;)

Oh and Belle, that fan fic is seriously addicting. I was up until 2 freakin am.

Bud Fisher said...

Great post! Love the tune. You corrupted a queen. We all get the black thing. And Chicago with the Beach Boys doesn't work for you. I think that sums it up. Well done!

Sparky Duck said...

It is a good song to wallow in. I say, throw it all away and try porn

Dianne said...


you can never ever over use the word motherfucker as far as I'm concerned

I'm bookmarking this for New Year's Eve.

I hate motherfucking New Year's Eve and I may need a human sacrifice

Anonymous said...

Have fun! I *almost* talked my son into a movie so I could go see it again, but no go. He has a new Xbox 360, and movies just aren't as much fun now. Of course, I could still go, but we were already out. I don't really want to get out again.

So it sounds like there's a LOT of this fanfic for me to get caught up on....

Southern (in)Sanity said...

"People Equal Shit" ... you truly are a music aficionado.

I am with you on New Year's, though. Who the hell needs to sit back and think about the last 364 days?

Bar L. said...

Wish you were here twice on two seperate play list would throw me into a funk too. I also hate New Years and hate being alone on New Year's Eve with no one to kiss at the stroke of midnight except one of my pets.

Travis Cody said...

We don't sing that dumb new year's song. And we don't do melancholy or resolutions.

The way I figure it...if your life needs changing, then you can start the process at 9:37am on the 12th of July. Or at any other time. Realize you need a change? Then change.

It doesn't need to wait for a Monday or the first of a month or the first of a new year.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Exactly Travis!

Yeah Barb it is one song that just gets me every time. And back to back like that was a big old FU to me.

Cinnamon Girl said...

I try, RWA, I try ;)
