Wednesday, December 17, 2008

TT # 53 -Thrown In The Cold And Clean Blood Of Christ Mountain Stream

It's here people. The TT I use as an excuse to list out some of my favorite songs of the year. You will notice that some folks, ok a LOT of folks have 2 songs. I refuse to choose so just deal with the shit, mmk?

1. Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron and Wine. Quite simply my favorite song of the entire year. It is actually one of my favorite songs of all time. It is just so frickin beautiful it very nearly hurts. Scratch that, it frickin hurts. His lyrics paint vivid pictures and does tell a story even if it is not bloody obvious. Sorry for the snark but the idiot comments on IMDB regarding not "getting it" drive me batshit. Go read Hemingway you simplistic twits, you will LOVE him. The album came out in 07. But the song got national recognition via the Twilight soundtrack. So I am using it, kthx.

2. Smile For The Paparazzi/Damn You Look Good - Cobra Starship - THANK YOU KIDLET! The most fun I have had listening to music in ages. I could go on about the dancetastics of these tracks, how fab they are live, the Latin influences that I adored on this. The VIP Party Boys. But really, just go listen. This is Studio 54 on CD.

Smile for the Paparazzi

Damn You Look Good And I'm Drunk

3. Please Just Take These Photos From My Hand/Disaster Button - Snow Patrol - Another really great album from these guys. Take Back The City is a wonderful song, but these two really just do it for me. I like bouncy SP and I love Lightbody's voice. LOVE IT.

Disaster Button

Please Just Take These Photos From My Hand

4. I Ain't Over You - Carolina Liar - Damn this is an infectious song. And the best thing about the movie What Happens In Vegas. This is just fun rock and roll.

5. Mercy/Rockferry/Warwick Avenue - Duffy- Hands down one of the strongest debut albums I have ever heard. There is not a single bad track on it. None. Her voice is like butterscotch and the musical arrangements are amazing. Rockferry in particular, sonically, is awesome. It has so much space. It makes me feel like I am standing in the middle of a great big church. Mercy has been played frequently so I am giving you

Warwick Avenue


6. Troublemaker/Pork and Beans - Weezer - I have so freaking much love for Troublemaker it is not possible to fully show you on this website or I might get blocked for being Porn. Rivers is a mad man and I loves him to death. "Marrying a beyotch, having seven keeyods, growing up and growing old and hoping there's a God." Rant on, Rivers, rant on.

Pork and Beans


7. I Will Possess Your Heart - Deathcab For Cutie - Second year for these boys to make the list as well. After I Will Follow You Into The Dark (easily one of the best songs written) this is my favorite DFC song.

8. 15 Steps/House Of Cards - Radiohead - Here is the deal with Radiohead. I have to work very very hard to not hold their pretentious twat fans against them. Cause seriously there are Radiohead fans that make me like Chris Martin. Ya know how difficult that is? So let's shake them off and forgive Thom and the boys. 15 Steps is just win. Made of fucking win. I love the scratchiness of the intro segueing into the smoothness of the guitar and bass line. And Thom sounds amazing on this one. Ditto for House of Cards which is hypnotic without being boring in the least. Very swirly music. I loves it.

15 Steps

House of Cards

9. Spotlight - Mute Math - Two years in a row for this band. I am obviously so far ahead of the curve over the rest of the musical audience...oh shit. I am sounding like a Radiohead fan. MY BAD! Seriously these guys show an amazing level of musicianship. They sound really freaking BIG. And anthemic. I love anthemic music. We know this. It has a driving beat while still being highly melodic. And I ADORE the tambourine.

10. Full Moon - The Black Ghosts another from the Twilight soundtrack. Love this song tremendously. Electronic folk with a beat and an awesome bass line. Yeah this song is just amazing. I think I hear banjos. How frickin cool is that? And strings!

11. Right Hand On My Heart - The Whigs - They are twangy and totally American. Makes me wish for a summers day and a cold beer. Oh or a looooong drive at sunset in a convertible. Just an awesome song and I think this is a band to watch out for. The fact that they are from Athens Georgia bodes well for them. Talented place.

12. M.I.A -Paper Planes - What can we say. It was so perfect for Pineapple Express. And it is just so damn catchy! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

13. Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend - Kidlet is not wild about this song. I love the little vocal hiccup thing he does. They remind me of Spoon without being rip-offs. This is just a catchy, hooky little number. And I find my head bobbing around like I am some weird bird. Not surprisingly, I like that.


Rhonda L. Jones said...

Oooh! I wish I had time to listen to these! I'll have to come back. Any recommendations from a "vintage goth" are definitely worth a listen. Heh. I'll bet I'm more vintage than you, though. ::snicker:: ;)

Stop by my blog if you like to read. I am an author and I've got a new book out today...

Bud Fisher said...

It's a great list. In the day WTIT did year end countdowns tape radio shows of our favorite albums. In the 80's we switched to the top songs of the decade. So, I'm a year away now. Will I need help! Since I have 12,000 songs on th iPod, I don't listen to the radio much. But I've got my son James wjho sends me albums to download and you have gotten me into a lot of current bands as well. So, I will ask your help nexy year, kay?

Mimi Lenox said...

Strings? Did you say strings?
I definitely want to come back and listen to these when I have more time. I appreciate your infinite wisdom and knowledge in this many great songs, so little time.
Well done!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Rhonda -I will stop by for sure tonight! I'll be 40 in Feb so we can compare vintages. Looks like you are my kinda girl!

Bud - I would be totally honored to help out next year. Jesus...the whole decade? How many do we get?! Why am I feeling stressed already?! Is there a plan? Is there Vodka? Cause I have to confess I will take coming up with that list very seriously!

Mimi - Yup Black Ghosts has strings. And I think wood as well. But be sure to check out the first song by Iron and Wine. It's a beautiful waltz =)

Jay said...

I only had time to listen to #1 right now.

Cool song.

But, I'll be back to listen to the rest of them later today. Well, the ones I haven't heard before anyway.

Janet said...

This confirms it...I'm out of touch. I don't know a one of these songs LOL!

Eve said...

I've never heard of any of these songs or artists. I think that indicates that I'm no longer young. :D

Thanks for visiting my 13!

Chelle Y. said...

I seriously have never heard of any of these songs! :)

Cinnamon Girl said...

Well I am no spring chicken, I'll be 40 in February. Thanks for stopping by ladies!

Jay, if you could only listen to 1 that would be my choice! I am so in love with that song. I can stick it on repeat and just let it ride =) Let me know what you think of the other new ones!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I don't know any of these songs... My taste in music is getting obsolete.

Southern (in)Sanity said...

I have not heard the first song on the list, but I will be heading over to iTunes to check out more.

And Duffy? Absolutey 100 percent on the mark with her.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Yuppers RWA, Duffy is truly awesome. As for Iron and Wine I just ordered the album song #1 is on. Another one that I like that is on an earlier album is Naked As We Came. It is beautiful too.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Yoo - Music is pretty much what keeps me sane so I stay involved a lot more than most people.

Gattina said...

Wow, that's a lot of songs !

Anonymous said...

Oh! I adore Snow Patrol's new album (and the last 2). My favorite song is Golden Floor.

I'll have to be sure and come back to listen to these when I'm not at work. (My Firefox keeps crashing here.)

The Bumbles said...

So you totally cracked me up with your Chris Martin comments during your Radiohead thoughts. I have just discovered Snow Patrol and like them - although that I Will Possess You song kind of gives me the creeps. We posted some of the same stuff on our recent post for the Top 5 on Friday...

Anonymous said...

LLLOOOOOOOOVVVEEE Weezer! Lovelovelove!

Paper Planes rocked my world, too. I usually don't like that kind of music.

Travis Cody said...

I really liked the first one. It's waltz worthy, ya know?

I liked Duffy also. Her voice has a bit of that smokiness I really like. She reminds me a bit of Dusty Springfield...just a bit.

Tell me why it is that you don't write a music column for somebody?

Cinnamon Girl said...

Yup Trav I think Sam wrote it as a waltz. It's just beautiful. I just got the album it is on and I am going to listen to it at work. Storm of the Century can kiss my ass. I dropped off Kidlet to her dad and I am here until tonight.

Love Duffy. That album is SO strong. There is not a single bad track on the entire disc.

As for why I don't write for someone I don't know! I'd love to actually. It would be my dream job. Hell I would do it for free.

John Holland said...

I saw the Whigs a few years ago, when they opened for Will Hoge at the Howling Wolf. They put on a great show and their drummer is amazing. I'm not one that normally notices the drumming any more than normal but he was amazing.
