Movies are an interesting part of today's culture. They address hot issues by connecting to people through the arts. They are the products of fallen people created in God's Image thus they will contain both good and bad elements, with imbalances on both sides. Many Christians do not think very deeply about these realities of this form of entertainment, so they often take extreme views of either over-indulgence or avoidance, and few see movies as open opportunities to discuss the Gospel with skeptics.
In his book The Message Behind the Movie: How to Engage With A Film Without Disengaging Your Faith Doug Beaumont attempts to address these issues. He divided the book into three "Acts" that deal with cinematic theory, evangelical application, and personal application. The book is subdivided into eleven chapters and is a mere 159 pages. This review is intended to be a chapter-by-chapter summary to give the potential reader a taste of the book's content.
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Ted Turnau Interview Transcript
The following transcript is from an Apologetics 315 interview with Ted Turnau. Original audio here. Transcript index here. If you enjoy transcripts, please consider supporting, which makes this possible.
BA: Hello, this is Brian Auten of Apologetics315. Today’s interview is with Ted Turnau. Ted is a college lecturer who teaches Cultural Studies and Religion in Prague, Czech Republic. His interest is in issues of popular culture, imagination, and how they relate to the Christian faith. He is also author of Popologetics: Popular Culture in Christian Perspective. I had the privilege of meeting Ted at the European Leadership Forum in Hungary, where he was teaching about apologetics and popular culture, and evaluating the worldviews of popular movies. The purpose of today’s interview is to explore the relationship between popular culture and the task of apologetics, and get Ted’s insights into how we can be better apologists. Well, thanks for joining me today, Ted.
TT: It’s great to be here, thanks Brian.
BA: Well, first off, can you tell our listeners a bit about your background, and how did you end up in the Czech Republic?
BA: Hello, this is Brian Auten of Apologetics315. Today’s interview is with Ted Turnau. Ted is a college lecturer who teaches Cultural Studies and Religion in Prague, Czech Republic. His interest is in issues of popular culture, imagination, and how they relate to the Christian faith. He is also author of Popologetics: Popular Culture in Christian Perspective. I had the privilege of meeting Ted at the European Leadership Forum in Hungary, where he was teaching about apologetics and popular culture, and evaluating the worldviews of popular movies. The purpose of today’s interview is to explore the relationship between popular culture and the task of apologetics, and get Ted’s insights into how we can be better apologists. Well, thanks for joining me today, Ted.
TT: It’s great to be here, thanks Brian.
BA: Well, first off, can you tell our listeners a bit about your background, and how did you end up in the Czech Republic?
Ted Turnau
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Book Review: Hollywood Worldviews by Brian Godawa
Brian Brian Godawa is a professional screen writer with successful movies like To End All Wars, The Visitation, and Change Your Life to his credits. He is also an evangelical Christian with a passion for teaching biblical discernment in regard to films. In Hollywood Worldviews, he writes that “God loves movies”[1] because seventy percent of the Bible is communicated through creative genres like narrative, stories and poems. It follows that God uses drama as a powerful means to teach truth. It also follows that the secular world uses them to promote a different agenda. Whether one is aware of it or not entertainment mediums are promoting a worldview. Accordingly, Christians should cultivate a sophisticated understanding of how those mediums are employed in our culture. Godawa states his goal succinctly, “to help the viewer discern those ideas that drive the story to its destination and see how they influence us to live our lives-to understand the story behind the story.”[2] He examines two equal but opposite errors: cultural desertion (anorexia) and cultural immersion (gluttony). The book is divided into three sections Act 1: Storytelling in Movies, Act 2: Worldviews in Movies, and Act 3: Spirituality in Movies. The paper will attempt to show that the book is valuable for developing a discerning eye.
Brian Godawa
Monday, July 11, 2011
Interview: Tony Watkins of CultureWatch
Tony's webpage is: See also Damaris and Tools for Talks.
Full Interview MP3 Audio here (64 min)
Check out books by Tony Watkins:
• Focus: The Art and Soul of Cinema
• Dark Matter: A Thinking Fan’s Guide to Philip Pullman
Apologist Interviews
Tony Watkins
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Movie Review: Collision - Christopher Hitchens vs Douglas Wilson
Collision is a documentary (website here) following the debate tour of Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson (blog). This series of public debates took place to promote their co-authored book: Is Christianity Good for the World?
Filmed in a choppy, artistic style, this 80-minute documentary dips into various aspects and topics on their debate tour. The non-linear approach to the documentary has the benefit of keeping it interesting and fast-paced. On one hand, the creative aspects add to a gritty, urban feel: shaky cameras, tight close-ups, grainy black and white interspersed with color. On the other hand, some of the choppy close-ups are overdone and become annoying at times. However distracting this may or may not be to the viewer, the content itself is absorbing.
The "story" is told through the meshing together of various debate excerpts and conversations, all centering around the overall topic of is Christianity good for the world? These range from morality and justice, to the coherence of worldviews. The opponents are equally presented, each getting their chance to make their most potent remarks; it's not a one-sided presentation. The goal, it seems, is to make the viewer aware of the questions in the debate and to show where the two worldviews clash. Hence, the title Collision.
For those familiar with Hitchens' style in public debates, this piece will provide an even more interesting look at the man, his personality, and views. Little vignettes and after-debate conversations are entertaining and fascinating. Douglas Wilson comes across as an intelligent, reasonable, and likable personality. He holds his own well enough with Hitchens and seems to earn his respect. The documentary captures a sense of two rivals who respect one another; at one moment clashing in debate, the next moment laughing over lunch about favorite authors.
The Collision DVD will be of great interest to those familiar with apologetic arguments. In particular, this shows more of a presuppositional apologetics approach fleshed out in actual interaction. For those unfamiliar with the arguments, this documentary immerses them in the general issues of the debate while showing the worldviews behind the clash. Because the arguments are not completely developed and the debate is left unresolved, this may be just the kind of DVD to use as a conversation starter.
Filmed in a choppy, artistic style, this 80-minute documentary dips into various aspects and topics on their debate tour. The non-linear approach to the documentary has the benefit of keeping it interesting and fast-paced. On one hand, the creative aspects add to a gritty, urban feel: shaky cameras, tight close-ups, grainy black and white interspersed with color. On the other hand, some of the choppy close-ups are overdone and become annoying at times. However distracting this may or may not be to the viewer, the content itself is absorbing.
The "story" is told through the meshing together of various debate excerpts and conversations, all centering around the overall topic of is Christianity good for the world? These range from morality and justice, to the coherence of worldviews. The opponents are equally presented, each getting their chance to make their most potent remarks; it's not a one-sided presentation. The goal, it seems, is to make the viewer aware of the questions in the debate and to show where the two worldviews clash. Hence, the title Collision.
For those familiar with Hitchens' style in public debates, this piece will provide an even more interesting look at the man, his personality, and views. Little vignettes and after-debate conversations are entertaining and fascinating. Douglas Wilson comes across as an intelligent, reasonable, and likable personality. He holds his own well enough with Hitchens and seems to earn his respect. The documentary captures a sense of two rivals who respect one another; at one moment clashing in debate, the next moment laughing over lunch about favorite authors.
The Collision DVD will be of great interest to those familiar with apologetic arguments. In particular, this shows more of a presuppositional apologetics approach fleshed out in actual interaction. For those unfamiliar with the arguments, this documentary immerses them in the general issues of the debate while showing the worldviews behind the clash. Because the arguments are not completely developed and the debate is left unresolved, this may be just the kind of DVD to use as a conversation starter.
Book Reviews
Christopher Hitchens
Douglas Wilson
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Recommended Apologetics Book Directory
Many have asked for a list of recommended apologetics books. This list is an attempt to provide a quick and helpful reference for apologetics reading. Each category is listed in the order in which the books are recommended. An *asterisk indicates a high recommendation. Apologetics 315 reviews are also linked here.
Keep in mind this is by no means intended to be a comprehensive list. Comment with your own recommendations.
(These links are Amazon affiliate links and help Apologetics 315.)
Beginner Apologetics
Know Why You Believe - Paul Little (review)
*On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision - William Lane Craig
*The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel
*A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics - James Sire (review)
*5 Minute Apologist - Rick Cornish
No Other Gods - Phil Fernandes (review)
The Big Argument: Does God Exist (review)
The Reason Why Faith Makes Sense - Mark Mittelberg
Apologetic Foundations
*Love Your God With All Your Mind - J.P. Moreland
*Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
*Testing Christianity's Truth Claims - Gordon Lewis (review)
*Trilogy - Francis Schaeffer (review)
Contend Earnestly for the Faith - Phil Fernandes
The Kingdom Triangle - J.P. Moreland (review)
Choosing Your Faith … In a World of Spiritual Options - Mark Mittelberg
General Apologetics
*I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist - Geisler & Turek (review)
*Without a Doubt - Kenneth Samples
*Contending with Christianity's Critics - Copan & Craig
Hard Questions, Real Answers - William Lane Craig (review)
True For You But Not For Me - Paul Copan
Who Made God?: Answers to Over 100 Other Tough Questions of Faith - Zacharias & Geisler
When Skeptics Ask: A Handbook on Christian Evidences - Norman Geisler and R. Brook
The Case for Faith - Lee Strobel
The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism - Tim Keller
What's So Great About Christianity - Dinesh D'Souza
Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths - Alister McGrath
To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian Worldview - Moreland, Craig, & Beckwith
Why I Am a Christian - edited by Geisler & Hoffman
Reasons for Faith - edited by Geisler & Meister
That's Just Your Interpretation - Paul Copan
How Do You Know You're Not Wrong? - Paul Copan
Passionate Conviction - edited by Copan and Craig
Unshakable Foundations - Geisler & Bocchino
The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask (with answers) - Mark Mittelberg
*The Historical Jesus - Gary Habermas (review)
*The Case for the Real Jesus - Lee Strobel
Fabricating Jesus - Craig Evans
Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus - Wilkins & Moreland
Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ - Bowman and Komoszewski
What Have They Done with Jesus? - Ben Witherington III
Reinventing Jesus - Komoszewski, Sawyer, Wallace
Resurrection of Jesus
*The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus - Habermas & Licona (review)
Evidence for the Resurrection - Josh & Sean McDowell
*The Resurrection of the Son of God - N.T. Wright (review)
The Son Rises - William Lane Craig
Did the Resurrection Happen? - Gary Habermas & Antony Flew
The Risen Jesus and Future Hope - Gary Habermas
Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment?: A Debate Between Craig Ludemann
*Hume's Abject Failure - John Earman
*In Defense of Miracles - Habermas & Geivett
Miracles - C.S. Lewis
Miracles & the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles - Norman Geisler
Intermediate Apologetics
*Reasonable Faith - William Lane Craig (review)
*Christian Apologetics - Norman Geisler (review)
*Scaling the Secular City - J.P. Moreland (review)
The Rationality of Theism - Copan & Moser
Advanced Apologetics
*The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology - Craig & Moreland
Naturalism: A Critical Analysis - Craig & Moreland
Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz - William Lane Craig
The Kalam Cosmological Argument - William Lane Craig
Creation out of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration - Craig & Copan
Reliability of the Bible
*Can We Trust the Gospels? - Mark D. Roberts (review)
*The Historical Reliability of the Gospels - Craig Blomberg (review)
*The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? - F.F. Bruce (review)
The Canon of the New Testament - Bruce Metzger (review)
Is the New Testament Reliable? - Paul Barnett (review)
The Testimony of the Evangelists - Simon Greenleaf (review)
Inerrancy - Edited by Norman Geisler (review)
The Canon of Scripture - F.F. Bruce (review)
From God To Us - Geisler & Nix (review)
Jesus and the Eyewitnesses - Richard Baukham
Misquoting Truth - Timothy Paul Jones
The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable and Relevant? - Walter Kaiser
General Introduction to the Bible - Norman Geisler
Problem of Evil
*The Problem of Pain - C.S. Lewis
The End of Christianity: Finding a Good God in an Evil World - William Dembski
The Many Faces of Evil - John Feinberg
When God Weeps - Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Till We Have Faces - C.S. Lewis
Evil and the Evidence for God - Douglas Geivett
*Doubting: Growing Through the Uncertainties of Faith - Alister McGrath
Faith and Doubt - John Ortberg
In Search of a Confident Faith - Moreland and Issler
A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology - Alister McGrath
Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence? - Henry F. Schaefer III
The Creator and the Cosmos - Hugh Ross
Why The Universe Is The Way It Is - Hugh Ross
The Fingerprint of God - Hugh Ross
Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology - William Lane Craig & Quentin Smith
*Philosophy of Religion - C. Stephen Evans
**Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview - Craig & Moreland (review)
*Philosophy of Religion - Norman Geisler and Winfried Corduan (review)
Reason for the Hope Within - Murray (review)
Faith and Reason - Ronald Nash
Life's Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy - Ronald Nash
Loving Wisdom: Christian Philosophy of Religion - Paul Copan
Introduction to Philosophy - Geisler & Feinberg (review)
An Introduction to Christian Philosophy - Gordon H. Clark and John W. Robbins
Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult - Moreland and DeWeese
Longing To Know - Esther Meek
Thinking About God - Gregory Ganssle
Epistemology: Becoming Intellectually Virtuous - W. Jay Wood
Metaphysics: Constructing a Worldview - William Hasker (review)
Philosophy of Religion: A Reader and Guide - William Lane Craig
The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Religion - William Mann
In Defense of Natural Theology - James Sennett & Douglas Groothuis (review)
On Pascal - Douglas Groothuis (review)
Warranted Christian Belief - Alvin Plantinga
God, Freedom & Evil - Alvin Plantinga
Faith & Rationality - Alvin Plantinga
Warrant & Proper Function - Alvin Plantinga
The Nature of Necessity - Alvin Plantinga
The Elusive God: Reorienting Religious Epistemology by Paul Moser (review)
Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions - Arthur F. Holmes
Ethics: Options & Issues - Norman Geisler
The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics - Hauerwas and Wells
Moral Choices - Scott Rae
Ethix - Sean McDowell
The Case for Life - Scott Klusendorf
Pro-Life 101 - Scott Klusendorf
Defending Life - Francis Beckwith
Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments - Randy Alcorn
Why Pro-Life? - Randy Alcorn
Existence of God
*20 Compelling Evidences that God Exists - Ken Boa & Rob Bowman (review)
*The Case for a Creator - Lee Strobel
The God Who Sits Enthroned - Phil Fernandes (review)
The Existence of God - Richard Swinburne (review)
The Existence of God edited by John Hick (review)
Does God Exist: The Craig-Flew Debate
Does God Exist? - J.P. Moreland and Kai Nielsen
*A Rulebook for Arguments - Anthony Weston (review)
*Being Logical - D.Q. McInerny (review)
**Asking the Right Questions - Neil Browne & Stuart M. Keely (review)
*Nonsense: A Handbook of Logical Fallacies - Robert Gula (review)
Informal Logic - Douglas Walton (review)
Come Let Us Reason - Geisler & Brookes (review)
Introduction to Logic - Irving Copi (review)
Logic - Gordon Clark (review)
Biblical Logic - Joel McDurmon
Socratic Logic - Peter Kreeft
A Concise Introduction to Logic - Hurley
History of Apologetics
*A History of Apologetics - Avery Dulles (review)
*Classical Readings in Christian Apologetics - L. Rush Bush (review)
Christian Apologetics Past & Present: A Primary Source Reader - Edgar & Oliphint
Faith in the Age of Reason - Jonathan Hill (review)
Apologetics Reference Books
*Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion - C. Stephen Evans (review)
*Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics - Kreeft & Tacelli
*Handbook of Christian Apologetics - Kreeft & Tacelli
Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics - Doug Powell
Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics - Norman Geisler
New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics - Evans, Campbell-Jack, McGrath
Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Josh McDowell
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties - Gleeson Archer
Big Book of Bible Difficulties - Geisler & Howe
Charts of Apologetics and Christian Evidences - House & Holden
The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics - Hindsun & Caner
Hard Sayings of the Bible - Kaiser, Davids, Bruce, Brauch
Apologetics Study Bibles
*The Apologetics Study Bible
Apologetics Study Bible for Students
Books on Methodology
*Faith Has Its Reasons - Ken Boa & Robert Bowman
*5 Views on Apologetics - Cowan, Gundry, Habermas, Craig
The Apologetics of Jesus - Geisler & Zukeran
Classical Apologetics - R.C. Sproul
Presuppositional Apologetics
*Apologetics to the Glory of God: An Introduction - John Frame
*Always Ready - Greg Bahnsen
*Presuppositional Apologetics Stated and Defended - Greg Bahnsen
The Portable Presuppositionalist - Jamin Hubner
Pushing the Antithesis: The Apologetic Methodology - Greg Bahnsen
Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis - Greg Bahnsen
The Defense of the Faith - Cornelius Van Til
Christian Apologetics - Cornelius Van Til
Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought - John Frame
Every Thought Captive: A Study Manual for the Defense of Christian Truth - Jr. Richard L. Pratt
*Kingdom of the Cults - Walter Martin
The Kingdom of the Occult - Walter Martin
Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons - Rhodes & Bodine
Reasoning from the Scriptures with Muslims - Ron Rhodes
Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses - Ron Rhodes
Reasoning from the Scriptures with Masons - Ron Rhodes
The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions - Ron Rhodes
Angels Among Us: Separating Fact from Fiction - Ron Rhodes
The New Mormon Challenge - Beckwith, Mosser, Owen
Unmasking the New Age - Douglas Groothuis
*God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? - John Lennox
* God is Great, God is Good - edited by William Lane Craig & Chad Meister (review)
*The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions - David Berlinski
If There is a God, Why Are There Atheists? - R.C. Sproul
A Sceptic's Guide to Atheism - Peter S. Williams
Atheism Remix - Albert Mohler
The Dawkins Delusion - Alister McGrath
The Dawkins Letters - David Robertson
The Real Face of Atheism - Ravi Zacharias
The End of Reason - Ravi Zacharias (review)
The Twilight of Atheism - Alister McGrath
The Future of Atheism - Alister McGrath & Daniel Dennett
Faith of the Fatherless - Paul Vitz
The Atheist Delusion - Phil Fernandes
Atheism & Theism - Smart & Haldane
There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind - Antony Flew (review)
The Truth Behind the New Atheism - David Marshall
Apologetics and Evangelism
**Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions - Greg Koukl (review)
*On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision - William Lane Craig
*Questioning Evangelism - Randy Newman
*The God Question: An Invitation to a Life of Meaning - J.P. Moreland
How to Argue Like Jesus - Carter & Coleman
Corner Conversations - Randy Newman
When God Goes to Starbucks: A Guide to Everyday Apologetics - Paul Copan
Why Good Arguments Often Fail - James Sire
Conversational Evangelism - David Geisler
The God Conversation - Moreland & Muehlhoff
Dialogical Apologetics: A Person-Centered Approach to Christian Defense - David Clark
Humble Apologetics - John Stackhouse
Reasons of the Heart: Recovering Christian Persuasion - Wiliam Edgar
Apologetics for a New Generation - Sean McDowell
Intelligent Design
*Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language - Dembski & McDowell
*The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design - Jonathan Wells
*The Edge of Evolution - Michael Behe
*The Design Inference - William Dembski
Icons of Evolution - Jonathan Wells
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis - Michael Denton
*Signature in the Cell - Stephen Meyer
Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology - Dembski & Behe
The Design Revolution - William Dembski
The Cell's Design - Fazale Rana
The Privileged Planet - Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards
Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe - Behe, Dembski, Meyer
Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design - Thomas Woodward
Billions of Missing Links: A Rational Look at the Mysteries Evolution Can't Explain - Geoffrey Simmons
Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe
Darwin on Trial - Phillip Johnson
The Design Matrix: A Consilience of Clues - Mike Gene
*World of Difference: Putting Christian Truth-Claims to the Worldview Test - Ken Samples
*Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept - James Sire
*Total Truth - Nancy Pearcy
Worldviews in Conflict - Ronald Nash
The Universe Next Door - James Sire
Postmodernism / Relativism
*Relativism - Koukl & Beckwith
Truth Decay - Douglas Groothuis
A Refutation of Moral Relativism - Peter Kreeft
Classics in Apologetics
The First Apology of Justin - Justin Martyr
Irenaeus Against Heresies - Irenaeus
The Apology - Turtullian
Against Celsus - Origen
*Confessions - Augustine
*The City of God - Augustine
Monologium & Proslogium - Anselm
Summa Contra Gentiles - Thomas Aquinas
*Summa Theologica - Thomas Aquinas
*Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin
The Analogy of Religion - Joseph Butler
*Natural Theology - William Paley (review)
A View of the Evidences of Christianity - William Paley
**Pensées - Blaise Pascal (review)
The Lee Strobel Film Collection
*Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
The Privileged Planet
Unlocking the Mystery of Life
Darwin's Dilemma (review)
Icons of Evolution
Collision (Wilson & Hitchens)
Keep in mind this is by no means intended to be a comprehensive list. Comment with your own recommendations.
(These links are Amazon affiliate links and help Apologetics 315.)
Beginner Apologetics
Know Why You Believe - Paul Little (review)
*On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision - William Lane Craig
*The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel
*A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics - James Sire (review)
*5 Minute Apologist - Rick Cornish
No Other Gods - Phil Fernandes (review)
The Big Argument: Does God Exist (review)
The Reason Why Faith Makes Sense - Mark Mittelberg
Apologetic Foundations
*Love Your God With All Your Mind - J.P. Moreland
*Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
*Testing Christianity's Truth Claims - Gordon Lewis (review)
*Trilogy - Francis Schaeffer (review)
Contend Earnestly for the Faith - Phil Fernandes
The Kingdom Triangle - J.P. Moreland (review)
Choosing Your Faith … In a World of Spiritual Options - Mark Mittelberg
General Apologetics
*I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist - Geisler & Turek (review)
*Without a Doubt - Kenneth Samples
*Contending with Christianity's Critics - Copan & Craig
Hard Questions, Real Answers - William Lane Craig (review)
True For You But Not For Me - Paul Copan
Who Made God?: Answers to Over 100 Other Tough Questions of Faith - Zacharias & Geisler
When Skeptics Ask: A Handbook on Christian Evidences - Norman Geisler and R. Brook
The Case for Faith - Lee Strobel
The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism - Tim Keller
What's So Great About Christianity - Dinesh D'Souza
Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths - Alister McGrath
To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian Worldview - Moreland, Craig, & Beckwith
Why I Am a Christian - edited by Geisler & Hoffman
Reasons for Faith - edited by Geisler & Meister
That's Just Your Interpretation - Paul Copan
How Do You Know You're Not Wrong? - Paul Copan
Passionate Conviction - edited by Copan and Craig
Unshakable Foundations - Geisler & Bocchino
The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask (with answers) - Mark Mittelberg
*The Historical Jesus - Gary Habermas (review)
*The Case for the Real Jesus - Lee Strobel
Fabricating Jesus - Craig Evans
Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus - Wilkins & Moreland
Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ - Bowman and Komoszewski
What Have They Done with Jesus? - Ben Witherington III
Reinventing Jesus - Komoszewski, Sawyer, Wallace
Resurrection of Jesus
*The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus - Habermas & Licona (review)
Evidence for the Resurrection - Josh & Sean McDowell
*The Resurrection of the Son of God - N.T. Wright (review)
The Son Rises - William Lane Craig
Did the Resurrection Happen? - Gary Habermas & Antony Flew
The Risen Jesus and Future Hope - Gary Habermas
Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment?: A Debate Between Craig Ludemann
*Hume's Abject Failure - John Earman
*In Defense of Miracles - Habermas & Geivett
Miracles - C.S. Lewis
Miracles & the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles - Norman Geisler
Intermediate Apologetics
*Reasonable Faith - William Lane Craig (review)
*Christian Apologetics - Norman Geisler (review)
*Scaling the Secular City - J.P. Moreland (review)
The Rationality of Theism - Copan & Moser
Advanced Apologetics
*The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology - Craig & Moreland
Naturalism: A Critical Analysis - Craig & Moreland
Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz - William Lane Craig
The Kalam Cosmological Argument - William Lane Craig
Creation out of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration - Craig & Copan
Reliability of the Bible
*Can We Trust the Gospels? - Mark D. Roberts (review)
*The Historical Reliability of the Gospels - Craig Blomberg (review)
*The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? - F.F. Bruce (review)
The Canon of the New Testament - Bruce Metzger (review)
Is the New Testament Reliable? - Paul Barnett (review)
The Testimony of the Evangelists - Simon Greenleaf (review)
Inerrancy - Edited by Norman Geisler (review)
The Canon of Scripture - F.F. Bruce (review)
From God To Us - Geisler & Nix (review)
Jesus and the Eyewitnesses - Richard Baukham
Misquoting Truth - Timothy Paul Jones
The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable and Relevant? - Walter Kaiser
General Introduction to the Bible - Norman Geisler
Problem of Evil
*The Problem of Pain - C.S. Lewis
The End of Christianity: Finding a Good God in an Evil World - William Dembski
The Many Faces of Evil - John Feinberg
When God Weeps - Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Till We Have Faces - C.S. Lewis
Evil and the Evidence for God - Douglas Geivett
*Doubting: Growing Through the Uncertainties of Faith - Alister McGrath
Faith and Doubt - John Ortberg
In Search of a Confident Faith - Moreland and Issler
A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology - Alister McGrath
Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence? - Henry F. Schaefer III
The Creator and the Cosmos - Hugh Ross
Why The Universe Is The Way It Is - Hugh Ross
The Fingerprint of God - Hugh Ross
Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology - William Lane Craig & Quentin Smith
*Philosophy of Religion - C. Stephen Evans
**Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview - Craig & Moreland (review)
*Philosophy of Religion - Norman Geisler and Winfried Corduan (review)
Reason for the Hope Within - Murray (review)
Faith and Reason - Ronald Nash
Life's Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy - Ronald Nash
Loving Wisdom: Christian Philosophy of Religion - Paul Copan
Introduction to Philosophy - Geisler & Feinberg (review)
An Introduction to Christian Philosophy - Gordon H. Clark and John W. Robbins
Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult - Moreland and DeWeese
Longing To Know - Esther Meek
Thinking About God - Gregory Ganssle
Epistemology: Becoming Intellectually Virtuous - W. Jay Wood
Metaphysics: Constructing a Worldview - William Hasker (review)
Philosophy of Religion: A Reader and Guide - William Lane Craig
The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Religion - William Mann
In Defense of Natural Theology - James Sennett & Douglas Groothuis (review)
On Pascal - Douglas Groothuis (review)
Warranted Christian Belief - Alvin Plantinga
God, Freedom & Evil - Alvin Plantinga
Faith & Rationality - Alvin Plantinga
Warrant & Proper Function - Alvin Plantinga
The Nature of Necessity - Alvin Plantinga
The Elusive God: Reorienting Religious Epistemology by Paul Moser (review)
Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions - Arthur F. Holmes
Ethics: Options & Issues - Norman Geisler
The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics - Hauerwas and Wells
Moral Choices - Scott Rae
Ethix - Sean McDowell
The Case for Life - Scott Klusendorf
Pro-Life 101 - Scott Klusendorf
Defending Life - Francis Beckwith
Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments - Randy Alcorn
Why Pro-Life? - Randy Alcorn
Existence of God
*20 Compelling Evidences that God Exists - Ken Boa & Rob Bowman (review)
*The Case for a Creator - Lee Strobel
The God Who Sits Enthroned - Phil Fernandes (review)
The Existence of God - Richard Swinburne (review)
The Existence of God edited by John Hick (review)
Does God Exist: The Craig-Flew Debate
Does God Exist? - J.P. Moreland and Kai Nielsen
*A Rulebook for Arguments - Anthony Weston (review)
*Being Logical - D.Q. McInerny (review)
**Asking the Right Questions - Neil Browne & Stuart M. Keely (review)
*Nonsense: A Handbook of Logical Fallacies - Robert Gula (review)
Informal Logic - Douglas Walton (review)
Come Let Us Reason - Geisler & Brookes (review)
Introduction to Logic - Irving Copi (review)
Logic - Gordon Clark (review)
Biblical Logic - Joel McDurmon
Socratic Logic - Peter Kreeft
A Concise Introduction to Logic - Hurley
History of Apologetics
*A History of Apologetics - Avery Dulles (review)
*Classical Readings in Christian Apologetics - L. Rush Bush (review)
Christian Apologetics Past & Present: A Primary Source Reader - Edgar & Oliphint
Faith in the Age of Reason - Jonathan Hill (review)
Apologetics Reference Books
*Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion - C. Stephen Evans (review)
*Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics - Kreeft & Tacelli
*Handbook of Christian Apologetics - Kreeft & Tacelli
Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics - Doug Powell
Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics - Norman Geisler
New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics - Evans, Campbell-Jack, McGrath
Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Josh McDowell
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties - Gleeson Archer
Big Book of Bible Difficulties - Geisler & Howe
Charts of Apologetics and Christian Evidences - House & Holden
The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics - Hindsun & Caner
Hard Sayings of the Bible - Kaiser, Davids, Bruce, Brauch
Apologetics Study Bibles
*The Apologetics Study Bible
Apologetics Study Bible for Students
Books on Methodology
*Faith Has Its Reasons - Ken Boa & Robert Bowman
*5 Views on Apologetics - Cowan, Gundry, Habermas, Craig
The Apologetics of Jesus - Geisler & Zukeran
Classical Apologetics - R.C. Sproul
Presuppositional Apologetics
*Apologetics to the Glory of God: An Introduction - John Frame
*Always Ready - Greg Bahnsen
*Presuppositional Apologetics Stated and Defended - Greg Bahnsen
The Portable Presuppositionalist - Jamin Hubner
Pushing the Antithesis: The Apologetic Methodology - Greg Bahnsen
Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis - Greg Bahnsen
The Defense of the Faith - Cornelius Van Til
Christian Apologetics - Cornelius Van Til
Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought - John Frame
Every Thought Captive: A Study Manual for the Defense of Christian Truth - Jr. Richard L. Pratt
*Kingdom of the Cults - Walter Martin
The Kingdom of the Occult - Walter Martin
Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons - Rhodes & Bodine
Reasoning from the Scriptures with Muslims - Ron Rhodes
Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses - Ron Rhodes
Reasoning from the Scriptures with Masons - Ron Rhodes
The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions - Ron Rhodes
Angels Among Us: Separating Fact from Fiction - Ron Rhodes
The New Mormon Challenge - Beckwith, Mosser, Owen
Unmasking the New Age - Douglas Groothuis
*God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? - John Lennox
* God is Great, God is Good - edited by William Lane Craig & Chad Meister (review)
*The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions - David Berlinski
If There is a God, Why Are There Atheists? - R.C. Sproul
A Sceptic's Guide to Atheism - Peter S. Williams
Atheism Remix - Albert Mohler
The Dawkins Delusion - Alister McGrath
The Dawkins Letters - David Robertson
The Real Face of Atheism - Ravi Zacharias
The End of Reason - Ravi Zacharias (review)
The Twilight of Atheism - Alister McGrath
The Future of Atheism - Alister McGrath & Daniel Dennett
Faith of the Fatherless - Paul Vitz
The Atheist Delusion - Phil Fernandes
Atheism & Theism - Smart & Haldane
There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind - Antony Flew (review)
The Truth Behind the New Atheism - David Marshall
Apologetics and Evangelism
**Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions - Greg Koukl (review)
*On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision - William Lane Craig
*Questioning Evangelism - Randy Newman
*The God Question: An Invitation to a Life of Meaning - J.P. Moreland
How to Argue Like Jesus - Carter & Coleman
Corner Conversations - Randy Newman
When God Goes to Starbucks: A Guide to Everyday Apologetics - Paul Copan
Why Good Arguments Often Fail - James Sire
Conversational Evangelism - David Geisler
The God Conversation - Moreland & Muehlhoff
Dialogical Apologetics: A Person-Centered Approach to Christian Defense - David Clark
Humble Apologetics - John Stackhouse
Reasons of the Heart: Recovering Christian Persuasion - Wiliam Edgar
Apologetics for a New Generation - Sean McDowell
Intelligent Design
*Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language - Dembski & McDowell
*The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design - Jonathan Wells
*The Edge of Evolution - Michael Behe
*The Design Inference - William Dembski
Icons of Evolution - Jonathan Wells
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis - Michael Denton
*Signature in the Cell - Stephen Meyer
Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology - Dembski & Behe
The Design Revolution - William Dembski
The Cell's Design - Fazale Rana
The Privileged Planet - Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards
Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe - Behe, Dembski, Meyer
Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design - Thomas Woodward
Billions of Missing Links: A Rational Look at the Mysteries Evolution Can't Explain - Geoffrey Simmons
Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe
Darwin on Trial - Phillip Johnson
The Design Matrix: A Consilience of Clues - Mike Gene
*World of Difference: Putting Christian Truth-Claims to the Worldview Test - Ken Samples
*Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept - James Sire
*Total Truth - Nancy Pearcy
Worldviews in Conflict - Ronald Nash
The Universe Next Door - James Sire
Postmodernism / Relativism
*Relativism - Koukl & Beckwith
Truth Decay - Douglas Groothuis
A Refutation of Moral Relativism - Peter Kreeft
Classics in Apologetics
The First Apology of Justin - Justin Martyr
Irenaeus Against Heresies - Irenaeus
The Apology - Turtullian
Against Celsus - Origen
*Confessions - Augustine
*The City of God - Augustine
Monologium & Proslogium - Anselm
Summa Contra Gentiles - Thomas Aquinas
*Summa Theologica - Thomas Aquinas
*Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin
The Analogy of Religion - Joseph Butler
*Natural Theology - William Paley (review)
A View of the Evidences of Christianity - William Paley
**Pensées - Blaise Pascal (review)
The Lee Strobel Film Collection
*Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
The Privileged Planet
Unlocking the Mystery of Life
Darwin's Dilemma (review)
Icons of Evolution
Collision (Wilson & Hitchens)
Book Directory
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Darwin's Dilemma: DVD Review
Darwin's Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record is a documentary by Illustra Media exploring the Cambrian Explosion: the sudden appearance of major animal types in the fossil record. This review will provide an overview of the content.
As the Darwin's Dilemma website states:
In the next fifteen minutes the documentary explores the development of Darwin's theory. This describes what Darwin expected to find in the fossil record, including step-by-step transitional forms. He was puzzled by not finding these transitions in the fossil record. However, he assumed the fossils were out there and that more time was needed to discover the transitional forms.
The documentary explains that according to contemporary estimates, some 90% of earth's history took place before Cambrian era. The Precambrian body plans were very simple, yet the Cambrian body-plans were much more complex. An analogy is provided: If 24 hours represents the history of the earth, at the 21st hour the major animal forms emerge in the span of 2 minutes, and are still will us today.
Half way through the documentary, further Cambrian fossils are discussed: the Chinese Chengjiang fossils, which were remarkably well preserved and many of them soft-bodied. Yet, they differed very little from the fossils found in other places in the world. In addition, small soft embryos were discovered in the Precambrian strata. If these can be preserved, why are other more complex forms found in the Precambrian strata? According to evolutionary biologist Rudolf Raff, "All of the known body plans seem to have appeared in the Cambrian radiation."
Three quarters through the documentary, young Darwin takes his voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle and the documentary describes Darwin's evolutionary model. It is described as simple to complex; gradual change over a long period of time. This view is described as "bottom-up," simple to complex.
The documentary makes the case that most of the major phyla first appear in the Cambrian strata. In the fossil record, the body plans don't gradually increase in complexity over time. The fossil record shows a sort of "top-down" model, with the phyla being established early and variations of those phyla following. This suddenness in the fossil record of the Cambrian is troublesome to Darwin. Yet, 150 years after Darwin, the same basic problem is still unsolved. Richard Dawkins is quoted: "Without gradualness… we are back to a miracle."
At the fifty-minute mark, the documentary begins to explore the structure of DNA. Just how much change in complexity is needed to create the diversity of body plans? Impressive computer animations show DNA while describing the mechanisms of mutation and natural selection. Next, Dawkins' idea of "climbing Mount Improbable" is illustrated: the idea of building a Cambrian animal one step at a time, one beneficial mutation at a time gradually over the course of a long period of time.
The documentary examines what sorts of mutations are needed to accomplish these transitions. And of probabilities? The probability of generating just one protein by mutation is about 1 in 10(74). This is compared to a blind man looking for one marked atom in our galaxy. In addition, the case is made that DNA mutations alone cannot make the necessary changes to the body plans themselves. To this point, the documentary has focused on showing the inadequacy of Darwin's theory to account for the fossil evidence or the DNA changes needed to produce the body plans found in the Cambrian strata.
At the one-hour point in the documentary, a case for intelligent design is more directly presented by looking at the information-rich qualities of the DNA instruction code for life. This case consists of a few main keys:
In sum, the documentary is indeed a fascinating case for intelligent design. The production quality of the documentary is well on par with the first two DVDs in the Illustra Media series: The Privileged Planet and Unlocking the Mystery of Life, both of which are highly recommended. Get the DVD here. Learn more about the documentary here.
As the Darwin's Dilemma website states:
Darwin’s Dilemma recreates the prehistoric world of the Cambrian era with state-of-the-art computer animation, and the film features interviews with numerous scientists, including leading evolutionary paleontologists Simon Conway Morris of Cambridge University and James Valentine of the University of California at Berkeley, marine biologist Paul Chien of the University of San Francisco, and evolutionary biologist Richard Sternberg, a Research Collaborator at the National Museum of Natural History.The first quarter of the 72-minute DVD provides the historical background of the Burgess shale and describes the Cambrian Explosion as a mystery Darwin could not resolve. As Stephen Jay Gould put it: "Nothing distressed Darwin more than the Cambrian explosion." Paleobiologist Simon Conway Morris provides much of the narrative on the Cambrian, detailing the enormous diversification of fossils in the strata. This introduction provides an appropriate historical explanation of how this fossil layer was discovered and explored. Computer animations bring the fossilized animals to life, showing the full body plans and complexity of the most notable animals found in the Cambrian.
In the next fifteen minutes the documentary explores the development of Darwin's theory. This describes what Darwin expected to find in the fossil record, including step-by-step transitional forms. He was puzzled by not finding these transitions in the fossil record. However, he assumed the fossils were out there and that more time was needed to discover the transitional forms.
The documentary explains that according to contemporary estimates, some 90% of earth's history took place before Cambrian era. The Precambrian body plans were very simple, yet the Cambrian body-plans were much more complex. An analogy is provided: If 24 hours represents the history of the earth, at the 21st hour the major animal forms emerge in the span of 2 minutes, and are still will us today.
Half way through the documentary, further Cambrian fossils are discussed: the Chinese Chengjiang fossils, which were remarkably well preserved and many of them soft-bodied. Yet, they differed very little from the fossils found in other places in the world. In addition, small soft embryos were discovered in the Precambrian strata. If these can be preserved, why are other more complex forms found in the Precambrian strata? According to evolutionary biologist Rudolf Raff, "All of the known body plans seem to have appeared in the Cambrian radiation."
Three quarters through the documentary, young Darwin takes his voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle and the documentary describes Darwin's evolutionary model. It is described as simple to complex; gradual change over a long period of time. This view is described as "bottom-up," simple to complex.
The documentary makes the case that most of the major phyla first appear in the Cambrian strata. In the fossil record, the body plans don't gradually increase in complexity over time. The fossil record shows a sort of "top-down" model, with the phyla being established early and variations of those phyla following. This suddenness in the fossil record of the Cambrian is troublesome to Darwin. Yet, 150 years after Darwin, the same basic problem is still unsolved. Richard Dawkins is quoted: "Without gradualness… we are back to a miracle."
The documentary examines what sorts of mutations are needed to accomplish these transitions. And of probabilities? The probability of generating just one protein by mutation is about 1 in 10(74). This is compared to a blind man looking for one marked atom in our galaxy. In addition, the case is made that DNA mutations alone cannot make the necessary changes to the body plans themselves. To this point, the documentary has focused on showing the inadequacy of Darwin's theory to account for the fossil evidence or the DNA changes needed to produce the body plans found in the Cambrian strata.
At the one-hour point in the documentary, a case for intelligent design is more directly presented by looking at the information-rich qualities of the DNA instruction code for life. This case consists of a few main keys:
• Top-down pattern of appearance of the phylaEach of these points is more fully developed in the last fifteen or so minutes of the documentary. It is not possible (nor the intention) of this review to lay out or defend the full case that is made in the DVD. Accordingly, the potential critic would be advised to view the DVD for himself.
• Hierarchical arrangement of parts
• Absence of transitional fossils
• Information comes from intelligence
In sum, the documentary is indeed a fascinating case for intelligent design. The production quality of the documentary is well on par with the first two DVDs in the Illustra Media series: The Privileged Planet and Unlocking the Mystery of Life, both of which are highly recommended. Get the DVD here. Learn more about the documentary here.
Intelligent Design
Monday, October 13, 2008
Religulous Movie Reviews MP3 Audio
Craig Hazen reviews the Bill Maher "movie" Religulous on Issues, Etc. You can download the episode audio here. Be sure to subscribe to the Issues, Etc. podcast. You can also read Craig Hazen's review here. also did a podcast reviewing Religulous, called, "Why We're Laughing at Bill Maher"
Review away... also did a podcast reviewing Religulous, called, "Why We're Laughing at Bill Maher"
Review away...
Bill Maher
Craig Hazen
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
See the Movie Fireproof
From the creators of Facing the Giants comes Fireproof, starring Kirk Cameron. This movie has a strong Gospel message. Opens in theaters on September 26th, 2008.
Go and see it.
Go and see it.