Showing posts with label Relativism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relativism. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Terminology Tuesday: Relativism

Relativism: The theory that denies that humans can possess any objective, universally meaningful knowledge, that there are any ultimate and unchanging metaphysical realities (God, persons, space, time, natural laws) or that there are any moral absolutes. Hence meaning and truth are relative to each culture and historical period or to each person, situation, relationship and outcome.1

1. Stanley J. Grenz, David Guretzki & Cherith Fee Nordling, Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999), p. 101.

Monday, November 09, 2015

The Top 7 Things You Can't Do as a Moral Relativist

Moral relativism is the theory that denies that humans can possess any objective, universally meaningful knowledge, that there are any ultimate and unchanging metaphysical realities or that there are any moral absolutes. Philosopher Peter Kreeft said that "No culture in history has ever embraced moral relativism and survived." If you don't think objective moral values exist, Kreeft can teach you about that. But what's the problem with moral relativism? Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason (who along with Francis Beckwith wrote the book on Relativism) wrote a great article in Salvo Magazine on that topic. Here are 7 Things You Can't Do as a Moral Relativist:
  1. Relativists Can’t Accuse Others of Wrong-Doing
  2. Relativists Can’t Complain About the Problem of Evil
  3. Relativists Can’t Place Blame or Accept Praise
  4. Relativists Can’t Claim Anything Is Unfair or Unjust
  5. Relativists Can’t Improve Their Morality
  6. Relativists Can’t Hold Meaningful Moral Discussions
  7. Relativists Can’t Promote the Obligation of Tolerance
Bonus #8: Stephen Meyer, in the TrueU video series (which is excellent for group study), lists a couple more. Edit: Meyer's number 8 is: Relativists can’t complain about the problem of evil. But his number 2 is: The relativist can't complain about being mistreated.

If you want to know the detailed reasons that Koukl gives for each, read the article in its entirety over at Salvomag.

Want more resources on relativism? Find out what Jesus would say to a relativist, hear Greg Koukl's talk on relativism, or Paul Copan's interview about relativism.

Would you add any more to the list?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Book Review: Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air

More and more it seems that society and culture are attempting to jettison objective morality in favor of their own moral autonomy. It is a challenge that takes place at both an individual level and a political level. The Christian worldview holds that certain actions and behaviors are right or wrong regardless of who believes or does not believe that they are. Christians need to be able to defend this position in their everyday discussions with friends, family, and coworkers; otherwise, they may cave to the "wisdom of the world." Greg Koukl and Francis Beckwith wrote Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air precisely with these everyday Christians in mind.

The book is divided into five parts (sixteen chapters) and 170 pages. This review will be a part-by-part review (rather than my usual chapter-by-chapter, due to the short length of some chapters) to provide the reader with a quick summary of what they can expect from the book. My thoughts will conclude the review. While both Koukl and Beckwith are in agreement with all the content in the book, they each were the primary authors of certain parts, so I will refer to them by name (even though both authors are represented). 

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Review: Why It Doesn't Matter What You Believe If It's Not True: Is There Absolute Truth? by Stephen McAndrew

This reviewer is always on the look out for books that take different apologetic issues and put them into bite-sized chunks that a complete beginner can understand and begin interacting with. That task is quite difficult because many authors take concepts and mutilate them in such a way that the beginner would actually be more confused than when they began.

The opportunity was given a while back to review a copy of Stephen McAndrew's new book Why It Doesn't Matter What YOU Believe If It’s Not True. The book is a short read of only 86 pages. The eleven chapters break up the short book into sections that are extremely manageable for those with only spurts of time to read or need time to digest. This format holds much promise to being a great introductory book. But does it come through?

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Peter Kreeft on Moral Relativism

"No culture in history has ever embraced moral relativism and survived. Our own culture, therefore, will either (1) be the first, and disprove history's clearest lesson, or (2) persist in its relativism and die, or (3) repent of its relativism and live. There is no other option."

- Peter Kreeft
The Philosophy of Jesus, pp. 118

Friday, December 10, 2010

7 Lectures from Isms Interactive

Cherry Hills Community Church recently did a lecture series on a number of different topics or "isms" - atheism, scientism, pluralism, relativism, secularism, skepticism, and mysticism. The series features some popular apologetics speakers on each topic. See below for details and to download the MP3 for each topic. You may also subscribe to the Isms Interactive series as a podcast in iTunes here.

Atheism with Randall Niles - MP3
Scientism with Lee Strobel - MP3
Pluralism with Ryan Dobson - MP3
Relativism with Blake LaMunyon - MP3
Secularism with Mark Mittelberg - MP3
Skepticism with Blake LaMunyon - MP3
Mysticism with Dr Doug Groothuis - MP3


Friday, August 13, 2010

What Would Jesus Say to a Relativist? MP3 Audio by Douglas Groothuis

In this lecture, philosopher Douglas Groothuis tackles the problem of relativism, answering it by pointing out its flaws and ultimate failure. Another good resource on relativism to add to the bunch. See also Groothuis' blog here, and recent interview here. Originally found here.

Full MP3 Audio here (45 min)


What was last year's post? See here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A Refutation of Moral Relativism MP3 Audio by Peter Kreeft

Philosopher Peter Kreeft presents a talk entitled: A refutation of moral relativism.

Note: audio quality is not optimal, but tolerable. A transcript can be found here.
Find Kreeft's book refuting moral relativism here.

Full MP3 Audio here.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

That's Just Your Interpretation MP3 Interview with Paul Copan

Philosopher Paul Copan discusses some of the issues in his book That's Just Your Interpretation. (book here) Original audio interview on Faith and Family.

Full MP3 Audio here.


Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Case For Objective Moral Values MP3 Audio by Peter Kreeft

Peter Kreeft presents an interesting Socratic dialogue entitled: The Case for Objective Moral Values. While you're at it, check out his Twenty Arguments for the Existence of God. More various audio by Peter Kreeft here.

Original Media from Veritas.

Full MP3 Audio here.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Relativism by Greg Koukl MP3 Audio

Moral relativism, says Koukl, is not an alternative way to think about morality, nor is it a refinement of how we are to think of morality—rather, it is an outright denial of morality. In this talk, Koukl addresses what he calls the "myth of moral neutrality," discusses the implications of moral relativity, and illuminates several fatal flaws inherent to the moral relativist position. Ultimately, he argues that moral relativism is untenable and that the best reason for the existence of morality is a moral Lawgiver.

Full MP3 audio here.
Original found at Veritas.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Relativism: Interview with Dr. Paul Copan MP3 Audio

In this interview, Dr. Paul Copan discusses the idea of relativism. Culture says: "it may be true for you but it's not true for me." Listen as arguments such as belief in God's existence are discussed. Dr. Copan is Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Palm Beach, Florida.

Download MP3 here.

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