Tomorrow we are launching another weekly
Read Along program. (For the past two Read Along’s, see
here and
here.) The goal: group book study and discussion, one chapter at a time. This will be a Thursday feature,
starting tomorrow, August 7, 2014. So you have one day left to order your copy of
the book. (Or the
Kindle version.)
We'll be reading:
The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas: Paul's Mars Hill Experience for Our Pluralistic World by Paul Copan and Kenneth D. Litwak.
This book seeks to embolden the church’s witness in today’s society by showing how Paul's speech to the Athenians (found in Acts 17) provides a practical model for Christians today. The authors encourage Christians to "be more biblically informed, culturally astute, and creatively engaged to winsomely challenge the idols of our time and to point contemporary Athenians beyond ‘an unknown God’ to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Each week an audio intro for each chapter by
Paul Copan will be provided, along with a brief synopsis and study questions. You’ll also be able to connect with others readers here in the comments on Apologetics 315, or on the
Christian Apologetics Alliance Facebook page. And stay tuned for more upcoming features as we read along.
Today we get ready for the read-along with an introductory interview with co-author Paul Copan. In this interview, Paul introduces himself and his co-author Kenneth D. Litwak, talks about the goal of the book, and what readers can expect to gain from reading it.
Interview MP3 Audio here (8min 35sec)
Be sure to subscribe to the
Podcast Feed here, and also
on iTunes here.
Then join us tomorrow as we kick off chapter one.