Showing posts with label church apologetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church apologetics. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2013

Apologist Interview: Carson Weitnauer

Today's interview is with Carson Weitnauer, co-editor of True Reason, author and speaker at, and the current president of the Christian Apologetics Alliance. He talks about his background and ministry, campus apologetics ministry, the Christian Apologetics Alliance, the need for mentors, friends and accountability, equipping churches to defend the faith, practical applications, advice for apologists, and more.

Links: Christian Apologetics Alliance: FB / Google+

Full Interview MP3 Audio here (37 min)

Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Petition: Churches for Apologetics

Are you passionate about seeing the Christian faith rationally defended? Do you wish believers were better equipped to understand and defend what they believe? Then why not add your voice to this petition and proclaim that you are committed to learning and equipping your church with apologetics?

Read more and sign the petition here.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Free Ebook: How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2

Our 20-part series of part 2 of How to Get Apologetics in Your Church is now complete. The index of all 20 posts can be found here. If you want to read/listen to the first series, you can find that index here. And now How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2 is available as a FREE  eBook. You can download it in various formats.

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2:
[PDF] [Mobi] [Kindle]

Spread the word and enjoy.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Challenge: Start a Church Apologetics Group

Challenge: Start a Church Apologetics Group
By Brian Auten

I want to write this blog post to challenge you. Don't continue reading if you prefer not to be challenged.

What You've Been Doing
If you're reading this post, I've got a suspicion about what you've been up to. So I'm writing this blog post for a specific audience in mind. Here's the audience:

First, you've been studying apologetics in some way. You're interested in defending the faith probably more than others because you've found your way here, willing to be challenged on a blog post about getting apologetics in your church.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: How Churches Can Respond to Doubt

How Churches Can Respond to Doubt
By Carson Weitnauer, director Telos Ministries

For many churches, it can seem rather counter-productive, if not outright foolish, to be deliberately setting up environments where people openly and boldly share their doubts about God and church. After all, what if the local atheists come more prepared - and are more persuasive - than the already busy and overworked church staff? Rather than growing the church, an ‘apologetics ministry’ could easily destabilize and threaten the very existence of the community. There are a variety of powerful motivations to not deal with doubt at your church. This article is written to directly address those concerns and recommend a wise course forward.

In particular, I want to convince you of two primary points:
  1. The church faces a very real problem in dealing with doubt – but it is a problem that must be boldly resolved for both pragmatic and Biblical reasons. 
  2. The Bible offers every church a solid guide for responding to doubt with love and wisdom – a strategy that leads people to faith, strengthens disciples, creates an enduring passion for evangelism, and honors God.
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    Thursday, August 23, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: An Effective Model for a Youth Apologetics Home Group

    An Effective Model for a Youth Apologetics Home Group
    By James Klopfenstein

    I am an Electrical Engineer (avionics systems) with Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I've been married to Sue for 30 years and we have 2 daughters (Amy 23 and Heidi 21). For the past 6 years, my wife and I have been leading a Sunday night home group in apologetics to help high school age youth prepare for secular college.

    I am proud to say that I have two daughters who majored in the sciences at secular state universities and both have kept their faith intact. I attribute this to 3 primary factors:
    1. The grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and the wooing of the Holy Spirit
    2. Both had a freewill bend to consider God and the truth of Christianity
    3. A family commitment to Christian apologetics training
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    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: So You Want to Organize an Apologetic Event?

    So You Want to Organize an Apologetic Event?
    by Matthew Burford of Tactical Faith

    Excuse me for a moment my dear apologetic friends and let me quote one of my favorite sayings on leadership; “A leader is best when people barely know he exists.” Now before you guys go googling and find that I quoted from a Taoist philosopher and send me hate mail, let the proverb sink in. For those of you who want to see apologetic training in your local church or community, you must either lead, or pray for leadership. If you desire to lead, remember that first and foremost you are not in this for your own glory. I will reiterate what I just stated with a biblical proverb (this time for emphasis), “The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.” (NIV). See, that carries a bit more weight doesn’t it?

    We in the apologetic third column (as Greg Koukl likes to describe it) know what it is like to be disappointed when it comes to local church training. We desire to see and show brothers and sisters in Christ what we discovered for ourselves: Christian Apologetics is incredibly empowering both evangelistically and devotionally. It is frustrating when you know you have good evidence for the Christian worldview yet the evangelical church almost refuses to take notice. Of course, my friends, we all see it coming. We see the tide turning one church and community at a time. We have at our fingertips remarkable materials and speakers that when utilized correctly can equip believers and make them effective ambassadors for the faith. One of the ways we can add to the movement in our local communities and churches is through apologetic events. I have personally organized five or six events to this point and I have more coming in the near future. These events range from small to large churches and from local community settings to state-wide events. I am starting to understand where these apologetic events are useful in terms of our goal of equipping saints to defend the Christian faith. Yet, before I go further, I want you all to remember my earlier announcement: if you must lead something, do so with a humble spirit and do it all for HIS glory!.

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    Thursday, August 09, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: How to Organize an Apologetics Conference

    How to Organize an Apologetics Conference
    by Mikel Del Rosario

    How do you pull off a big apologetics event? That's a question I get asked a lot by people who are looking to get their churches exposed to apologetics on a larger scale. It's one thing to get invited to speak alongside big names like J.P. Moreland and Greg Koukl, but it's another thing to actually put the event together. I know, 'cause I've done both.

    In this guest post, I'll explain how I partnered with a large church, an apologetics organization and Biola University to bring the first-ever apologetics conference to Rocklin, California. I'll also share the results, what I learned, and the advice I'd give to anyone who's interested in doing something like this at their church.

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    Thursday, August 02, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Lessons Along the Way

    Lessons Along the Way
    by Daniel Hannon

    In the previous essay series “How to Get Apologetics in Your Church,” I talked about how there are many possibilities and paths to take to get an apologetics ministry started in your local congregation. There is no hard-and-fast formula or rule, but rather the process depends on a lot of factors, not the least of which are your own interests and how open and receptive your church is to the apologetic enterprise. My own experience began with formal training through Biola University’s MA in Christian Apologetics program, which helped prepare me for teaching opportunities in both a Sunday school class and small group setting in my local church. For this essay, I’d like to take a just a few moments to relate some lessons I have learned so far and to give some advice to those just starting out in their own endeavors.

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    Thursday, July 26, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: When Apologetics is Not Welcome in Your Church

    When Apologetics is Not Welcome in Your Church
    by Anthony Horvath

    I receive a handful of emails a year from people who are interested in apologetics, recognize its importance, but struggle to have it seen the same way in their local congregations. Many of these people find me through my ministry's online apologetics academy, which is specifically geared towards 'lay' apologists. It is very often the case that apologetics is a recent discovery of theirs that has profoundly helped them, and they are shocked that others do not have the same perspective. This is, of course, after they ponder why it took them this long to hear about apologetics in the first place.

    Most of the time, the obstacle is simply a lack of enthusiasm. Occasionally, it is outright hostility. Sometimes a lack of enthusiasm, especially among the staff and clergy, is a mask for deeper opposition. It would be wise to have some deliberate conversations to determine what the real hindrance to apologetics within the congregation really is.

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    Thursday, July 19, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Implementing Apologetics Ministry

    Implementing Apologetics Ministry 
    by Max L. E. Andrews

    Incorporating apologetics as a seminal role in the ministry of your church may not be the easiest task. I had a teaching pastor internship in the summer of 2008 with my hometown Independent Baptist church in Richmond, VA. I entered my internship during my junior year as an undergraduate with the support of the two pastors I was working with, the senior pastor and the youth pastor. I was given the task of starting a college ministry from scratch and doing what I could to ensure that the ministry would persevere when I left. Most of the students were coming out of the senior high youth group; so what better way to deepen and strengthen their faith than through apologetics?

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    Thursday, July 12, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Questions are a Good Thing

    Questions are a Good Thing by Luke McKinnon

    “Introducing a strong and aggressive apologetics program at our church was one of the single best decisions I have made in my ministry.”

    That is a pretty strong statement for a pastor to make about any ministry or program his church has implemented, but I made the statement and I wholeheartedly stand by it. By creating an “atmosphere of apologetics,” we have challenged people within the church to dig deep into their faith and to question if what they believe is really true or not. One of the mottos that has become a mainstay in our church is “Questions are a good thing.” What we have found is there are many people that feel churches and/or pastors really do not like people to question the things they are teaching. We have created a culture in which people are comfortable knowing that questions can be asked and our faith will stand firm against any question.

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    Thursday, July 05, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Evangelism, Apologetics, and Cultural Impact

    Evangelism, Apologetics, and Cultural Impact by Adrian Urias

    There is a difficulty in implementing apologetics into our churches. This difficulty arises from the notion that apologetics has no real practical value; that apologetics is employed only by scholars in their ivory towers—who think themselves wise—which is warned against multiple times in the Bible (e.g., Proverbs 26:12). This attitude is a serious problem and it must be dealt with. The best way to debunk this myth is for Christians to get out (literally) and show that this is not true. Some may argue from the Bible the necessity of apologetics in our church, but as James says, “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do” (James 2:18b). Therefore, we must go out to the frontlines of this spiritual war and show that the proof is in the pudding.

    I started an apologetics discussion group on my college campus to extinguish this problem. This was a weekly event where I took my group to evangelize for an hour or so, and then had everyone rendezvous, with visitors, at a specific place where I would give a brief ten to fifteen-minute lesson where we would get into the Word and talk about an issue such as the existence of an afterlife, the existence of God, the problem of evil, religious pluralism, a difficult passage in the Old Testament, and a variety of apologetically themed topics.

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    Thursday, June 28, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Kicking Off The Truth Project

    Kicking Off The Truth Project by Patrick Collins

    The following is a summary of how I started an apologetics ministry at West Huntsville Baptist Church. Instead of including advice and lessons learned at the end, I included them as they fit in the story. I’ve also included extra details to show that things don’t always go as planned and the need to be flexible.

    I approached my pastor in the fall of 2010 about offering “The Truth Project” to small groups at the church. The Truth Project (TTP) is a systematic study of the Christian Worldview that shows the Bible applies to all areas of life. It helps Christians know why they believe what they believe, both for basic doctrine (who is God, inerrancy of Scripture, sin, the trinity, etc) and practical worldview (role of government, family structure, ethics, employer-employee relations, etc). It was developed by Focus on the Family and is a 13-week, DVD-based, small group curriculum.

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    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: A Call to Action

    A Call to ACTION by Chad A. Gross

    I recently had the opportunity to meet with an atheist relative and share with him some of the reasons that I had decided to become a follower of Christ 10 years ago. [1] The conversation was enjoyable and thought-provoking. Upon reflection, one particularly interesting part of the conversation was when I shared my conviction that the Bible encourages and models critical thinking and defending one’s beliefs with reason and argument. I shared the biblical directive for the Christian to “…always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you…” [1 Peter 3:15]. Moreover, the Bible models the Christian “destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God” [2 Cor. 10:5] and instructs us to “…examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good” [1 Thess. 5:21]. Further, throughout the Old and New Testament, we see apologetics used and modeled by various figures; most notably Jesus and His apostles. You the reader may not be surprised by these facts; however, my atheist friend surely was! He seemed to marvel at the idea that the Bible actually taught some of the things I mentioned. He seemed to have been under the false, but widely believed, impression that "faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." [2] He said at one point, “Most of my friends who are Christians haven’t even looked into what they believe as much as I have.” He is not alone.

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    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Five Tips for Starting an Apologetics Group

    Five Tips for Starting an Apologetics Group
    by Ron Pantalena

    Our apologetics ministry has been in existence for 11 years. I was a seminary students studying for an MA in Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary and felt that there needed to be application in the local church. So I approached the person who oversaw the ministries in our church with the idea of starting an apologetics ministry. After several meetings where other like-minded people were identified, we wrote an interim mission statement.

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    Thursday, June 07, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Four Lessons for the Apologetics Small Group

    Four Lessons for the Apologetics Small Group
    by Randall Chase

    When I speak on the topic of Apologetics and designing an apologetics program I always try to implement a few key foundations that the student can take away with them. The four keys that I have seen to be most successful are:

    1. Relationship building
    2. Don’t speak beyond your knowledge base
    3. Always be willing to learn
    4. Listen first, respond second

    Point One: Remember true relationship building is going to have the greatest lasting impact. This means that it's not about how well you argue a point if the person that you're speaking to doesn't respect you as an individual enough to receive what you're saying. While you may get the point across, chances are he will not develop a lasting, life-altering outcome. The old saying “they don't care how much you know until they know how much you care” holds true even in the world of apologetics. This is the case too in the event of large debates, where two speakers are standing in front of an audience. The two speakers must have enough respect for one another to remain calm and collected, otherwise it simply becomes an argument. Not much is usually gained through simple argument..

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    Thursday, May 31, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: The ‘Reasonable Faith?’ Course at Highfield Church, Southampton

    The ‘Reasonable Faith?’ Course at Highfield Church, Southampton
    by Peter S. Williams, Philosopher in Residence, Damaris Trust UK

    For five years now Highfield Church Southampton has run a yearly ‘Reasonable Faith?’ apologetics course.  We have a presence on our church website (cf., including a recording archive of talks going back to 2010.

    We try to pitch our material to be useful both to Christians looking for a more grounded faith and for the non-Christians who come along. However abstract some of the discussions might get, we always try to tie our subjects back to the gospel and the choice facing everyone as to how they respond to Jesus.

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    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Podcast and eBook - Table of Contents

    Two years ago, Apologetics 315 addressed the question: "How do I get apologetics in my church?" with an essay series, ebook, and podcast. The goal of this project was simple: to share stories, experiences, and advice that will help Christians to start their own local apologetics initiatives.

    Now there's a part 2 to the series. This is the index for How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2. Listen to the podcast via the RSS feed or through iTunes.

    Here is the table of contents:
    00 - Introduction
    01 - Why Apologetics Matters to Every Believer and Every Church
    02 - How I Got Apologetics Started in My Church
    03 - A Pastor's Perspective
    04 - The Road to the Group
    05 - How to Start a Church Apologetics Ministry
    06 - The ‘Reasonable Faith?’ Course
    07 - Four Lessons for the Apologetics Small Group
    08 - Five Tips for Starting an Apologetics Group
    09 - A Call to ACTION
    10 - Kicking Off The Truth Project
    11 - Evangelism, Apologetics, and Cultural Impact
    12 - Questions are a Good Thing
    13 - Implementing Apologetics Ministry
    14 - When Apologetics is Not Welcome in Your Church
    15 - Lessons Along the Way
    16 - How to Organize an Apologetics Conference
    17 - So You Want to Organize an Apologetic Event?
    18 - An Effective Model for a Youth Apologetics Home Group
    19 - How Churches Can Respond to Doubt
    20 - Challenge: Start a Church Apologetics Group


    How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: How to Start a Church Apologetics Ministry

    How to Start a Church Apologetics Ministry
    by Steve Schrader, Mt. Airy Bible Church

    While a student at Southern Evangelical Seminary in 2001 I had a dream that one day there would be an apologetics conference in the Washington DC area. A couple years later I had a dream that one day a well-known apologist would speak at my home church, Mt. Airy Bible Church (MABC). Today I can report that God has shown me how small my dreams were. As of February 2012, Mt. Airy Bible Church, in the small town of Mt. Airy, MD (pop. 9,000) has hosted the following world class apologists (some multiple times): Norman Geisler (6X); Craig Hazen (3X); Greg Koukl (3X); Frank Turek (2X); Brett Kunkle; Ergun Caner; Gary Habermas; Greg Ganssle; John Mark Reynolds; Joseph Holden; J. P. Moreland; Nabeel Qureshi; Ron Rhodes; Scott Klusendorf and Sean McDowell.

    It all began during a couple difficult witnessing encounters in 1997. While working as a vice-president in a telecommunications business I learned the hard way that apologetics and evangelism go hand-inhand. I had simultaneously run into a hard-core, angry, irrational atheist and a very polite, very rational agnostic and learned quickly that I either needed to get some answers or stop sharing my faith. I chose to get some answers.

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