Showing posts with label New Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Age. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Marcia Montenegro Interview Transcript

The following transcript is from an Apologetics 315 interview with Marcia Montenegro. Original audio here. Transcript index here. If you enjoy transcripts, please consider supporting, which makes this possible.

BA: Hello. This is Brian Auten of Apologetics 315. Today I’m speaking with Marcia Montenegro. Marcia is a former professional astrologer for eight years, having formally studied astrology. She was also a member of various astrological societies, writing and speaking on the topic. She’s been involved in the New Age and occult and Eastern beliefs and practices, and these included participation in Tarot card reading, spirit contact, séances, astral travel and the like.

She has since become a Christian and renounced these practices. Now she has a unique perspective from which to reach out and minister to those caught up in the occult. She’s also author of Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids.

The purpose of our interview today is to hear a bit more about Marcia’s story, find out what’s behind some of these practices, and how Christians can communicate Christ to those seduced by the occult.

Well, thanks for joining me today, Marcia.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Apologist Interview: Ron Rhodes

Today's interview is with Ron Rhodes, president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries. He talks about his background and ministry, how he became a Christian, how to define the word "cult," the difference between cults an denominations, the growth of the cults and the new atheism, principles and ground rules for Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses, how to speak with friends who are part of a cult, mistakes to avoid, dealing with emotional and psychological barriers, advice for apologists, and more.

Full Interview MP3 audio here (48 min)

Over 60 books by Ron Rhodes here.
Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Book Review: Why Jesus? by Ravi Zacharias

A new spirituality has crept into our culture, and spiritual truth, specifically the truth about Christ is often its target. In today’s culture, young and old alike are bombarded from many directions by false teachings about spiritual matters. Many in the Western society are departing from traditional beliefs to embrace a New Spirituality rooted in Eastern mysticism as our culture seeks to be less “religious” and more “spiritual.”

In his latest book, Why Jesus?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality, Dr. Ravi Zacharias shows why Jesus alone is the Truth in a world of spiritual relativism. Having been born and raised in India, Ravi Zacharias provides a unique perspective as he defines what the New Spirituality is, how it came to have such an influence in Western society, and examines the teachings of its primary advocates.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Interview: Marcia Montenegro (former astrologer)

Today's interview is with Marcia Montenegro, founder of Christian Answers for the New Age (CANA). She talks about the difference between the New Age and the occult, how people tend to get into these areas, her journey into the occult and work as a professional astrologer, the nature of spiritual experiences and what's going on, spirit guides, astrology, her conversion to Christianity, and her advice to those interacting with those caught up in the New Age or occult.

Marcia is also the author of the book SpellBound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today's Kids. Find her website and resources online here.

Full Interview MP3 Audio here (1hr)

Subscribe to the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast here or in iTunes.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Christian Answers for the New Age

Today's featured resource is Christian Answers for the New Age. This is a ministry responding to alternative religions: New Age, occult, and Eastern belief systems. It addresses practices such as astrology, psychic powers, meditation, witchcraft/ Wicca, alternative healing, magick, etc. Marcia Montenegro is a former professional astrologer for 8 years and teacher of astrology; a former practitioner for many years of Eastern-type meditation and beliefs, and who engaged in various occult practices such as having a spirit guide and doing astral travel. Read her story here.

Check out Christians Answers for the New Age.
Article index here.


Monday, July 26, 2010

The Real Problem with Buddhism MP3 by Ellis Potter

Ex-Zen Buddhist Ellis Potter gives this talk evaluating Buddhism. (Hear an interview with him here, and another MP3 evaluating Eastern Religions here.) This talk explores the concepts of monism, dualism, trinitarianism, and the concept of unity and diversity. A number of other Ellis Potter lectures can be found here. Original audio hosted at Christian Heritage.

Full MP3 Audio here. (90 min)


Monday, February 02, 2009

Gnosticism: Past & Present MP3 Audio

Nick Needham gives a church history talk on the topic of Gnosticism: Past & Present, in which he discusses the roots of Gnosticism and what form it takes in our present day. Although the audio quality is not the best, it is a helpful listen. Original audio here, with some other church history lectures.

Download MP3 Audio here. Enjoy.

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