Showing posts with label church apologetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church apologetics. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: The Road to the Group

The Road to the Group
by Allen Lathrop

 “How can I use my passion for apologetics within my own church?” It was a question I had regularly asked myself with growing concern. I had read and studied apologetics material on my own for years. I had experienced the effect apologetics could have, not just in my life, but also in the lives of those who did not yet know Christ. Yet, my deep desire was for those within my own congregation to experience the same effect and together have a greater impact on this world for the glory of God. Of course, all of that sounds wonderful in theory. Putting it into practice is another thing entirely. While it took a good deal of time, patience, and prayer, God has blessed me with an amazing apologetics group in my own church. I'd like to share that journey with you, and offer you some thoughts on starting your own group.

From the outset, I knew an apologetics group wasn't going to develop itself and just conveniently fall into my lap. Understandably, a little legwork on my part was going to be needed. At the time, my family and I were regularly attending our church, but we weren't plugged in to any of the groups or ministries. Since it was my goal to begin a group within our church, it seemed reasonable to get connected with an already established group and see how it operated. So, my wife and I began regularly attending a weekly Sunday School class designed for couples in our age group. After a couple of months, the group leader informed us that she would need a volunteer to teach the class for a short period while she and her family were on vacation. I happily made myself available and was able to gain my first taste of leading a small group.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: A Pastor's Perspective

Apologetics in the Church—A Pastor's Perspective
by Stephen J. Bedard

You have just read an inspiring book on apologetics. You have just returned from an exciting apologetics conference with some brilliant and engaging scholars. You just had a productive conversation with a skeptic and saw some real movement in their faith journey. You know that apologetics is vital for the local church. You make an appointment with your pastor to propose an apologetics ministry for the church, confident that the pastor will share your excitement for apologetics. You share your passion, you bare your soul to your pastor, pleading that he both approve the ministry and allow church resources to support it. Your pastor looks at you like you just suggested they start a Star Trek fan club at the church. What happened?

Many people have caught a vision for apologetics, have seen the potential impact on an unbelieving world, and have been deeply disappointed when their pastor and leadership have either rejected the notion or have given only half-hearted permission for you do something on your own. Why is this? Are pastors unspiritual? Unintellectual? Unevangelistic?

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: How I Got Apologetics Started in My Church

How I Got Apologetics Started In My Church
by William Coe

I heard Greg Koukl once say, “bloom where you're planted.” What good advice that is. Getting apologetics into your church is all about getting started. It's not about jumping on the band wagon of some larger ministry, but about doing what you can, right where you are now.

This short essay is about how I got started in getting apologetics into my church. I had been interested in apologetics for many years but didn’t find many opportunities to learn more about it in the local church so, I started listening to podcasts and reading books. I listened to the Apologetics 315 series, “How to Get Apologetics In Your Church” and got some great ideas.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church 2: Why Apologetics Matters to Every Believer and Every Church

Why Apologetics Matters to Every Believer and Every Church
by Lenny Esposito

“Apologetics? What are you apologizing for?”
“Is that a class that husbands are supposed to take?”
“What is that?”

These are questions I hear frequently whenever I mention the study of apologetics. It probably comes as no surprise the word “apologetics” is foreign to most people, even who are a part of the Christian church. Evangelicals, who define themselves by their passion to follow Jesus’ command to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations”(Matt. 28:17) will usually look quizzically at me whenever I begin discussing the need for apologetics, even though apologetics is an essential part of making disciples. Why would this be?

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Monday, April 16, 2012

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Series 2

Back in 2010, Apologetics 315 created a 21-part series, ebook, and podcast devoted to all aspects of getting apologetics into your local church: How to Get Apologetics in Your Church. From small group studies and movie nights, to apologetic sermons and resources, this series became a useful catalyst for many looking for tips and tools for starting their own initiatives. But there's more...

Next week, part 2 of this series will launch, with even more essays from a variety of contributors. So why announce this now? Because you might have something to contribute. Do you run any type of apologetics group in your church? If you would like to contribute a short essay about your church-based apologetics group please contact info (at)

Until next week, check out series one of How to Get Apologetics in Your Church.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

7 Ways for Your Church to Engage

Looking to get apologetics into your church? (There's a podcast about that.) To get started sometimes all it takes is an idea and the vision to make something happen, even if it is small. In Jonathan Morrow's book Think Christianly (interview here) he lists 21 ways for your church to engage at the intersection of faith and culture. Are you ready to look at just seven of them and think about how you might be able to incorporate them into your own church?

  1. Briefly mention current events relevant to faith and culture and include a reference to an article or blog for further exploration.

  2. Sponsor a debate on the existence of God. Consider partnering with another church to sponsor a live event, or you can show a recent one on a DVD. This will provide opportunities for conversations to occur.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Featured Ministry: Christian Thinkers Society

One of Apologetics315's goals is to help promote apologetics in the local church. Last month we featured Tactical Faith, which aims to get resources into churches -- but today's featured ministry is the Christian Thinkers Society, a great example of an apologetics-centered ministry within the local church. It is based on the concept of having a "Christian Thinkers Night" each week in order to "raise the spiritual aptitude of God’s people by taking deep, profound apologetic truth and explaining it in non-technical language so they will understand and be stimulated to communicate, spread and defend the Christian message." Jeremiah Johnson is leading this initiative at New Day Church Kansas City in Olathe, Kansas.

Christian Thinkers Nights also feature Skype interviews (vimeo videos can be found here) of some of today's leading Christian apologists. This is an excellent concept that could be adapted and customized for use in other churches. It's worth checking out and following.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Featured Ministry: Tactical Faith

How can we get apologetics into the local church? There are various ways. But if you want to get behind an organization whose whole purpose is to equip the local church with apologetics resources, events, and speakers, then consider supporting Tactical Faith. (Listen to an interview with Matthew Burford, the president and founder.) This organization is helping to seed future growth of apologetics in the local church.

Check out Tactical Faith here.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Resources for Getting Apologetics in Your Church

Looking to get an apologetics group started in your church? Then check out the free eBook and Podcast: "How to Get Apologetics in Your Church." First, you can look through the table of contents online. Or, download the eBook [Kindle format | PDF | Mobi | ePub]. Also, listen to the podcast via the RSS feed or through iTunes.

Once you decide to move forward, you might want to look for helpful resources. The resources below represent a sampling of what the series contributors have used, as well as other books, videos and resources that are suitable for small group use. See something missing? Leave your recommendations in the comments below.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Preaching to the Choir? Intentionally Apologetic Sermons

Preaching to the Choir? Intentionally Apologetic Sermons
by Tawa Anderson

Do you have the privilege and awe-full responsibility of preaching to the gathered people of God on Sunday mornings?  Whether you preach every Sunday, most weeks, or occasionally, the burden you carry is immense.  You are called to bring God’s Word to the people in the pew.  You are commissioned to exhort and encourage, convict and comfort, pressure and empower.  In many ways, the role of the preacher is to “afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.”

But let me ask you – who precisely are you preaching to on Sunday mornings?  [MP3 | RSS | iTunes | Table of Contents]

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: How to Start a Reasonable Faith Chapter

How to Start a Reasonable Faith Chapter
by Brian Auten

Have you ever asked yourself the question, "How can I get apologetics in my church?" Maybe you've found that apologetics has strengthened your faith, helped you in leading others to Christ, and has given rational answers to the secular challenges of our culture. Yet as you look around, you wonder why more churches aren't actively incorporating apologetics teaching within their ministry. Surely there is some way of getting apologetics into your church. If this has been your experience, then perhaps starting a Reasonable Faith Chapter is a good way for you to put your passion into practice.

This short essay will outline the typical steps involved in getting a Reasonable Faith Chapter up and running.  [MP3 | RSS | iTunes | Table of Contents]

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Apologetics in a Rural Setting

Apologetics in a Rural Setting
by Shelby Cade

The Christian worldview is under attack today and the need for Christian apologists to rise up in the Church is crucial. It seems that every year, those skeptical of Christianity are on the attack with a greater frequency. Unfortunately, many Christians are unprepared for those who would attack Christianity. According to Peter we are commanded to be ready to give a defense (1 Peter 3:15). This does not mean that individual Christians should know all the answers, but we need to prepare for the attacks leveled toward Christianity. A major part of apologetics revolves around study (2 Timothy 2:15) and staying relevant to the cultural issues that counter Christianity. If one is going to be prepared, then study and having knowledge of God’s word is of the utmost importance.
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Monday, October 04, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Apologetics in the House Church

Apologetics in the House Church
by Wes Widner

They have been called many things, small church, simple church, organic church, home church, but they all generally refer to the same thing. A small gathering of believers who decide to freely meet and share life together as fellow believers in Christ Jesus.
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Friday, October 01, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Apologetics Movie Night

Apologetics Movie Night
by Nathan Harmony

Apologetics was the means by which God solidified my faith in Christ. I grew up in a Christian home, and in my early twenties I started having questions that caused me to doubt my faith in Christianity. My school teachers and my friends presented me with numerous reasons not to believe in Christianity, but never once had I been exposed to a solid case in favor of it. I eventually gave up on the hope that good answers were out there.  Yet, I did not like the thought of giving up on Christianity all together.  I didn’t know very much at the time, but I understood that letting go of my faith in God involved letting go of my ultimate foundation for meaning, purpose, values, duty, and hope in this life. Yet, at the same time, I wanted to be intellectually honest with myself and be willing to follow the evidence.  Neither my parents nor my church had very satisfying answers for me, and so I struggled with these questions for years. [MP3 | RSS | iTunes | Table of Contents]

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Leading Apologetics in Small Groups

Leading Apologetics in Small Groups
by Mark Tabladillo

In my contribution today, I aim to talk about making apologetics come to life in your local area through small group leadership.  Apologetics 315 reaches a worldwide audience, and though my story focuses on the southeastern United States, I will draw lessons for all my sisters and brothers around the world.  I start with my story, and move to the main apologetics question of this series.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Forming a Local Church Apologetics Society

Forming a Local Church Apologetics Society
by Adrian Urias

As an evangelical college student, I’ve seen a demand for an education in apologetics, not merely for me and my Christian comrades, but for the sake of the lost that we evangelize to as well. Unfortunately, this demand can often be underrated, pushed back at the end of the minister’s “to-do” list, and the prejudice of it being a “heady” thing while the church deals with “hearty” things can do some damage. Yet when the validity of this realization comes too late, someone may have already walked away from God and the church. But, we can take heart, since materials, lessons, and aid of all sorts is readily available, and most of them even for free, and meeting the demand can be done with minimal effort.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: What I Learned While Teaching Apologetics in Church

What I Learned While Teaching Apologetics in Church
by Daniel A. Ashworth

I am very fond of Christian apologetics because it plays such a major role in my personal testimony.  Since apologetic arguments and evidences were helpful in leading me to Christ, I immediately began to devour as much of it as possible.  I also began to see a need for apologetic teaching in church, to help fellow believers to be secure in their faith with Christ and to equip them to have answers for their evangelism.  I have taught apologetics at two very different churches and through it all, believe I have learned much through my experiences.  I want to chronicle my journey and my education, in the hopes that others can learn from my experiences. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Accessible Apologetics Training in the Church

Accessible Apologetics Training in the Church
by Mikel Del Rosario

“How do I get apologetics training into my church?” If you’re reading this, you’re at least interested in considering your role in making this happen. Let me commend you. Christians who ask this question understand the importance of knowing what we believe and why we believe it. Maybe you’re someone who’s devoured incredible apologetics books like William Lane Craig’s Reasonable Faith and J.P. Moreland’s Love your God with All Your Mind. You’re dying to share everything you learned. But how? You can’t just hand people a stack of books and say, “Here. Read these!” Let’s face it, most Christians don’t know what the word “apologetics” even means. Making apologetics accessible to people who are totally new to this whole thing can seem tough. Where do you begin?
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Friday, September 24, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Getting Apologetics in the Local Church

Getting Apologetics in the Local Church
by Ron Pantalena

This essay briefly covers three main areas: How our apologetics ministry came about, some of things we have done, and some suggestions for starting an apologetics ministry in your church.

I have been blessed to be leading the apologetics ministry in our church since its inception in 2001. I was taking courses from Southern Evangelical Seminary and realized that the things I was learning needed an outlet in the church. I approached the person who oversaw the ministries at our church with the idea of starting an apologetics ministry. He gave me the names of others who may be interested and we all met to discuss the idea and what our ministry would be about.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: How We Got Apologetics in Our Church

How We Got Apologetics in Our Church by Marcus McElhaney

The key to getting apologetics in a church is to capture the imagination of the congregation and to make it fun. Apologetics is tied inextricably to evangelism. If you can remind your congregation that Jesus commands us to evangelize the world, you can explain that we can use apologetics as a tool to doing just that. We can encourage people to talk to those of other faiths and worldviews but in order to do that you have to be able to articulate what you believe and why you believe it.
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