Showing posts with label Bowling Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bowling Green. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blue Hole #1

I had such an enjoyable day with my 10 year old daughter today. We drove about an hour and a half and picked up about 20 paintings that had been in a library exhibit. Then stopped by Lost River Cave in Bowling Green, Kentucky. We walked the trails, checked out the butterfly house, and then settled in on this place to paint and draw. She sat and drew in a pad while I painted the painting you see here. This "blue hole" (although more green today because of rain) is part of an underground river that surfaces through the hole in the caves ceiling. This hole is over 400 feet deep. Pretty cool.

We then ate lunch at one of our favorite restaurants and came home. Tired but happy.

Blue Hole #1
20" x 16", oil, plein air

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fairview Cemetery

Little 9" x 12" plein air piece done while my wife was running a couple of errands.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Center Street

Here's a small one to add to the Bowling Green, Kentucky Street View Series.

"Center Street"
5" x 7", oil on canvas panel, palette knife

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Bistro, Bowling Green, Kentucky

I know it's been a couple of weeks since I posted anything, please forgive me. Lots of things going on these days.

This small one is the start of a Bowling Green, Kentucky series I'm planning that will encompass my palette knife work along with the bright underpainting, using Google Street View as reference. If you haven't seen or read anything about my use of Street View HERE is a link to my website, specifically the Press section. You can also peruse the website to see all the Street View paintings I done so far. I really do love painting these small ones with the knife.

I don't plan on doing any certain types of businesses or houses in Bowling Green. Just whatever catches my eye. These will be available for purchase at the time of posting here on this blog. They will eventually make it to the website, but that may take a few days as the series progresses. If you are interested in purchasing just let me know. They are 5" x 7", oil on canvas panel, palette knife, unframed, and are $200 each.

If you'd like a similar style of painting of a view you've found on Street View, perhaps your home, or a past home or business location, just let me know. I'm sure we can do business together. It usually takes about a week for the painting to dry enough to be safely shipped.

"The Bistro"
Bowling Green, Kentucky
5" x 7", oil on canvas panel, palette knife, GSV