Showing posts with label GSV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GSV. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ban Pong House

Did this little knife painting for July's Virtual Paintout.

Ban Pong House
5" x 7", oil, palette knife

Thursday, April 26, 2012

City of David

This small one was very fun to do. Tried to catch the light and vary brushwork.

City of David
9" x 11.5", oil

Friday, March 30, 2012


Here's an industrial piece I did for April's Virtual Paintout.

16" x 20", oil

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Painted this small one for the Virtual Paintout for March.

5" x 7", oil, palette knife

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Breckenridge Lamp and Trees

Here's a small one I did for this month's Virtual Paintout.

Breckenridge Lamp and Trees
9" x 12", oil

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eureka! A Horse

Did this little 8" x 10" tonight for next months Virtual Paintout.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sardinian Landscape

Did this one for October's Virtual Paintout. It was a fun little, quick one. Mostly knife work. I'm including a detail shot of the trees.

Sardinian Landscape
9" x 12", oil

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jersey Houses

Another small knife painting.

5" x 7", oil, palette knife

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

802 Tremont Avenue - Lexington, KY

This is the second in the series.

802 Tremont Avenue - Lexington, KY
5" x 7", oil, palette knife, GSV

166 East 3rd Street - Lexington, KY

Here's the first of a short series I'm doing of street scenes in Lexington, Kentucky. I enjoy working small with the knife, so I thought I'd intermix these in with my usual plein air pieces, portraits and studio work.

166 East 3rd Street - Lexington, KY
5" x 7", oil, palette knife, GSV

Monday, June 6, 2011

Two small redo's from the State Series

Here are two small one's that I needed to paint again to make the State Series complete. The Series sold to a great client and his wife. I had just sold the original two from Minnesota and New Hampshire the day before the client contacted me about purchasing the entire series. Isn't that how it goes? These will dry and then be off to their new home.

Both were painted with a small painting knife in oils.

Colebrook, New Hampshire (2)
5" x 7", oil, palette knife

Two Harbors, Minnesota (2)
5" x 7", oil, palette knife

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunny House

Here's a small knife painting I did today. This one is for the June Virtual Paintout. I always forget how much I enjoy painting small with the knives. I'll be repainting a couple from the State Series to replace those that sold recently. Just shipped 49 of the Series out today to a wonderful client. When these last two dry they'll be going to the same destination. (Yes, I know the US has 50, but I threw DC in for good measure.)

Sunny House
5" x 7", oil, palette knife

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Beauty Beyond

Did this one for the Virtual Paintout this month.

Beauty Beyond
20" x 24", oil on linen

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Here's a small one I did for this month's Virtual Paintout (link to the VPO is the right sidebar ---->).

5" x 7", oil, palette knife

Monday, February 28, 2011


Here's a quick one for this coming month's Virtual Paintout. I know it looks like I haven't been doing much artwise lately, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm finishing up 15 charcoal portraits for a show at a gallery in Bowling Green, Ky that should happen on April 1st. But I can't show any of the drawings until the show happens. Can't let the cat out of the bag.

"Wash", 5" x 7", oil on canvas panel

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ode to Spring

Come on warm weather!

"Ode to Spring"
18" x 24", oil

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Washington & School

Here's one I did for next month's Virtual Paintout. I can't let anyone know the location until January 1, 2011, but the name of this one is a hint (for those willing to search).

"Washington & School"
9" x 12", oil

Monday, November 29, 2010

Spanish Point - County Clare

Here's one I finished up tonight.

24" x 36", oil on canvas, with detail shot


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Camino de Tierra

Camino de Tierra
7" x 5", oil on canvas panel, palette knife