Saturday, April 7, 2012

More Than Friends

Painted these oak trees today. Loving this gorgeous spring weather.

More Than Friends
18" x 24", oil, plein air

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Old Friend

Visited an old friend of a tree today. Can a tree be a friend? This is one I've painted 4 or 5 times now. I know some of my painting heroes, including Willard Metcalf and Emile Gruppe, went back many times to the same locations to create paintings. I have a few locations like that.

Old Friend
16" x 20", oil, plein air

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Misty Trail with Dogwood

Painted this one at the local State Park this morning. It was nice for the first half hour or so, then a light mist started falling. A very enjoyable time painting.

Misty Trail with Dogwood
18" x 24", oil, plein air

Friday, March 30, 2012


Here's an industrial piece I did for April's Virtual Paintout.

16" x 20", oil

Monday, March 26, 2012

Apple Blossoms

I can't believe everything has bloomed out so early this spring. I snatched this little branch off our apple tree in the backyard this morning and put it to good use being my model before work and on my lunch hour.

Apple Blossoms
12" x 9", oil on masonite, still life

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Evening Clouds at Dale Hollow Lake

Painted this really quick one on the deck of the lodge at Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park this evening. Talked to some really nice people while painting. That's always a plus.

Evening Clouds at Dale Hollow Lake
16" x 20", oil, plein air

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Golden Muscat Field

Today I had the opportunity to paint on the property of a small Kentucky vineyard, Up The Creek Winery, just outside of Burkesville, Kentucky. I'd like to thank Gary, the owner of the Winery, for allowing me to take up a few square feet of space in a field today. If only for about 3 hours.

The Golden Muscat field is in the background of the painting, with a small garden spot recently tilled in the mid-ground. I can't wait until the grapevines bulk up this spring and summer, and the blackberries bloom. It's a beautiful piece of land now, and I'm sure it will only get better as the weather warms up.

Golden Muscat Field
18" x 24", oil, plein air

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Creek in Evening Light

Here's a quick oil sketch I did this evening before the sun went behind the hills. Took about an hour, trying to get the colors down. Will probably use this one as a study for a larger piece.

Spring Creek in Evening Light
9" x 12", oil, plein air

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Morning

Painted this one outdoors before work this morning.

March Morning
16" x 20", oil, plein air

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Here's another still life. I love the bright yellow Forsythia that blooms this time of year.

12" x 9", oil, linen

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Here's one I've played with off and on for a couple of weeks. I always enjoy trying to capture the look and feel of the limestone bed creeks around here. I'm including some progress shots and a detail.

18" x 24", oil

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

When Nature Calls for the Outdoor Painter

This is a sensitive subject for plein air painters that I don’t think I’ve ever seen discussed before. And there is probably good reason why.  Against my common sense, I’ll see if I can tackle it in a way that doesn’t make you all tremble with fear or disgust.

Many folks choose to only paint outside with restroom facilities nearby. This information does not really pertain to them. Although I do think, my opinion only, that if you are making the effort to paint outdoors, going to the trouble of packing the gear, then get yourself out there, and don’t settle on whatever view is in front of you but find the one that grabs your attention. Walk more than just a few feet from your vehicle or the bathroom. Get off that deck and into the woods. Wade the stream and climb those hills. But make sure you are prepared for the unknown.

Every painter of the great outdoors has run into this problem at one time or another.

Sometimes it happens early in the excursion. You get to your ideal painting spot, set up your easel, get all your gear out and in its proper place, ready to tackle the scene before you, to create that next masterpiece that is sure to sell before it ever gets to a gallery wall. Then it hits. You get that first feeling of discomfort.

Sometimes this feeling grabs hold of you toward the end of your painting session. The critical part, when either you firmly believe that you can pull the painting out of the terrible mess it’s become, and save it from being wiped clean. Or it’s the time when you are in the zone and every brush stroke you place seems to be in the perfect place, the perfect shape, and the perfect value, only to realize that either you take a short, uncomfortable break, or stop altogether and finish the painting in the studio.

Whether at the beginning, at the end, or at any other time during your painting session, you know that a decision will need to be made. And it’s not an easy one.

For those of us that have camped and hiked in the wilderness this situation doesn’t bother us as much as it does some of the more novice outdoor people. Men have it much easier than women in this department. Especially when it comes to the number one aspect of the circumstances. Women, on the other hand, have to be more discrete. Now that is not to say that men can do what they want when they want, but it’s just not as obvious.

Hopefully common sense and courtesy will prevail for anyone that is faced with this dilemma. There are certain things you can do to be prepared, so that if a problem interjects itself into your plans you’ll be ready to handle it in different ways.

For the number one plan you must never, ever use a stream, creek or river as a substitute for indoor plumbing. Just because it’s water doesn’t make it the same. Find a safe, and tactfully positioned area, far away from anyone else you might be painting with that day. Keep in mind that other people will most likely be walking on that exact spot at some point in the future, so be courteous.

The other, more disconcerting, and embarrassing situation leaves us with difficult choices to be made. Either stop and leave. Stay and hope the feeling passes; be careful with this one, it could come back to haunt you. Or take matters into your own hands so to speak, probably not the best choice of words, and do what has to be done.

In my opinion the most important task that needs to be accomplished if you find yourself in this predicament is the ability to dig a hole. That is imperative. A deal breaker. Dig it or don’t do it.

The main thing that a exasperated painter needs is paper. No, sanded pastel paper will not work. However, paper towels will certainly suffice. So most of us painters will have ample supply in our kits or backpacks.

My daughter went painting with me once. We walked up a creek for a few hundred yards. Saw a snake along the way. I got set up in the middle of the creek and as soon as I started to paint, she informed me that she needed to use the bathroom. Number one? I asked. Yes, she said. I told her to take some paper towels and go off behind some bushes, but after spotting the snake down the creek there was no way she was going to do it. I packed up and we left.

So, you never know what the circumstances might be. It could be a very difficult situation which requires you to pack up and leave. Or it could be an easy thing taken care of in a couple of minutes. My advice is to be careful, courteous, discreet, smart and prepared. With all that gear you pack for the trip, make sure you think about what you will do if the moment comes and a decision needs to be made. And of course, watch what you eat and drink beforehand, it could make all the difference in the world.

If you find yourself with a group of painters in a very rural area and nature calls, just smile, do what has to be done, then pretend it never happened and whatever you do... don’t make eye contact.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Magnolia and Fruit

Here's a quick still life I did this afternoon.

Magnolia and Fruit
9" x 12", oil, still life

Saturday, March 3, 2012

In the Creek

Stood in another creek today (imagine that) and painted this one. This creek runs through the golf course at Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park. I walked upstream a short bit to my painting spot, but there is an area downstream that drops sharply and has a few small waterfalls. I'm going to have to find a way down to a good painting spot without falling.

In the Creek
16" x 20", oil, plein air

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Painted this small one for the Virtual Paintout for March.

5" x 7", oil, palette knife

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bottle and Jar

Here's a quick little still life I did last night.

Bottle and Jar
8" x 8", oil on masonite

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cumberland River

Painted this one today. An autumn view of the Cumberland River looking north from the natural bridge called the Rockhouse.

Cumberland River
22" x 28", oil

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Stood in a small creek and painted this old fallen tree today. Boots kept my feet dry, and mild weather made it very enjoyable.

16" x 20", oil, plein air

Friday, February 17, 2012

New Studio Space

Moved into a new studio space recently. Still getting things in their place, but have lots more supplies, canvases, easels, etc. to move. There's also a bathroom to one side that's not shown. Here are a few pictures.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Auction ~ Kentucky Farmhouse

Here's this week's painting at auction here on my blog. To bid, just click the heading above that says "Current Auction", and place your bid with a comment.

This painting measures 16" x 21" and is oil on stretched canvas.

Kentucky Farmhouse
16" x 21", oil