Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Here is a fun thing.

This past week I've been looking for interesting, fun and just plain old likeable.

I'm sick and tired of the murder, mayhem and misery that is the news these days.  As a matter of fact I had a hideous nightmare three days ago after seeing a particularly horrible thing on our evening news.  Haven't turned the tv on since.  Who needs it?  Not me.  Not this week anyway.  I'll golf, take photos and look at interesting and fun stuff thanks very much.

So, while googling something....I happened on this... looks like some great fun to be had here.  Let's hope a robot is safe in its travels across Canada.  It will rely on the kindness of strangers... in an attempt to hitchhike from Halifax to Victoria.... if it makes it... wow ! ... won't there be some great photos and stories that will come out of it all?

If you have an interest in fun, interesting things too ..check out hitchBOT's home page and journal ... the start of it all should be tomorrow ....